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Progress has been slow lately, but now that the holidays are over, I'm finding myself with a lot more time to work and I was finally able to finish Goth Hilda and Zelda! I had finished the nude versions a couple months ago, but now you can see them in their full clothed glory... with plenty of alternate variants with layers turned on and off!

Hope you enjoy them, I really like how this piece turned out. :)

ALL Goth Zelda + Hilda images shown here will be included in January's Patreon Rewards.




Zelda, Hilda, goth hosiery? Life is good.


I'm floored at how elaborate your outfit designs have become, and you went to town with the two princesses, especially Hilda. It's almost like you salivated at the idea of creating these outfits and then seeing just how many Zelda-related Easter eggs you could reasonably throw at them. Again, your enthusiasm for the series is made quite evident whenever you decide to do fan art with it. Also, I'll go ahead and admit that between your work and that of Haysey-Draws, I've recently gained a newfound appreciation for the goth aesthetic, so kudos for that. 😛 Speaking of appreciation, I think the variations in skin tones and body shapes are also quite interesting and work well here. Granted, Hilda's official art appears to have a slightly darker hue than Zelda's, and Zelda's more petite appearance here may be due partially to the angle of her torso, but it still all works out regardless. Alongside the outfits, it's the contrast in the two characters' appearance, style, and attitude that makes this piece appealing and distinctive. Nicely done!