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Hey everyone! New year, new leaf, and starting now, I definitely want to make my Patreon a great experience for everyone generous enough to support me. So even if I don't have new content to post, I'd like to start sharing more old works you may have missed. So why not start now, with Pyra and Mythra? 

This isn't a new piece -- I posted it when I hit 100k, but I only left it up publicly for a week and since then there hasn't been a way to access it! So I'm posting it here and leaving it up for all current and future Patreon subs. Thanks for the support everyone! Especially during this last week where things were pretty tough for me. Love you guys.




Oh wow, I had no idea you had that many followers on social media. Thanks for taking the time to interact with everyone you're able to.


I just got here, so I hope you don't mind me taking a *few* moments to touch on a few matters. First and foremost, I'm once again deeply sorry for the recent loss in your family, Jackery. I've now read the detailed story of your brother-in-law's tragic death, and I can't imagine the depths of sorrow your family must still be feeling, especially your younger sister. I'll continue to keep you all in my thoughts. Secondly, it's good to finally be here. I've been looking forward to joining your Patreon membership since you were still just considering it aloud on Twitter. It looks like it's been a big success so far, and it's a pleasure to now play a small part in it. My current financial situation is still shaky, so my stay will likely only be for this month unless it improves. *fingers crossed* That said, since I no longer have a Twitter account and don't use Instagram, this seemed like my best and maybe only way of staying connected to you and your work, so it's a small investment I was willing to make to start the New Year. Eventually, I'd love to join one of the print tiers, though, so I hope I'm able to return soon enough. Lastly, the piece I'm now commenting on... The good thing about being on this platform is now having the opportunity to comment on your work in greater detail. For some reason, this nude Pyra/Mythra piece leaves a different impression on me than it did when you first posted it. Most significantly, I find the curvature of the torsos to be quite appealing, particularly with the lower abs and hips of both characters. It's always been a fact that when you do something well with a drawing, it's done extraordinarily well! The lineart's also crisp, and the 3-dimensionality of the core crystals are a very nice touch! Aaaanyways, I've taken up enough time here. I'll end this comment by saying I look forward to seeing what treats the Cheesecake Boutique's secret shop has in store and, as always, wish you the best!

Zach H

Hey man, thank you so much for joining here! It's totally okay if you can only afford one month, but if you ever decide to hop back on, I'll be happy to have you! Thank you so much for your kind words, both about recent events and the art. You are most welcome here <3