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Goth Zelda in the Archives? Again?! Yep, it's true, and this time, she brought her extremely skimpy Triforce underwear.

So, yeah, Goth Zelda is another one of those drawings that has gotten a billion variations. She has already appeared in the Archives four different times, so this may be one of the last times you see her. But given that she is objectively my most popular drawing ever made, I feel like most of you won't mind seeing her again... especially this version.


I talked in yesterday's post how Bunny Samus was the moment where things really "clicked" and I felt like I had found my style. Funny enough, that was in late 2020, whereas Goth Zelda here was drawn in summer 2020. It was my most popular drawing (and has, sadly, still never been surpassed in reach), and one would assume that this was the moment where everything came together for me.

But, goth Zelda was more of a happy accident rather than a deliberate success. This was just a random commission I got, and I was still in the era of "draw anime faces but render them with hyper detail." Normally, this tactic produced less-then-stellar faces, which is what pushed me to eventually pursue more Disney-like faces, which compliment my natural strengths a lot more. Goth Zelda was simply a drawing where I got lucky, and happened to get things right, creating a face that was very appealing without being stylistically compromising.

As for this version specifically, the thing that all these alts have in common are the Triforce panties down there. I love this design and I feel like some mad genius for having thought of it, but maaan is it skimpy, and that's why I relabeled these variants as "underwear" instead of "swimsuit" which is what these panties were originally classified as when I drew this.

It's a cute design for sure, but it's impractical as hell and 100% something any reasonable girl would only wear for show, which makes it a lot more fitting when you think of it as sexy underwear. Not something Zelda would likely ever wear... but goth Zelda? Yeah, she's into it.

This images in this post are defined by the Triforce panties and all other variants are simply all of her other top variants combined with them. Enjoy!




I see fishnets, I click like! Hear me out: same outfits, same goth Zelda, different poses. When you have time and the inclination.



Zach H

it would be really fun to revisit this incarnation of Zelda as a new drawing! maybe that's a theme I could consider as a poll idea haha