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For today's Archives post, we go back in time to 2020 to hang out with Tailtiu from Fire Emblem 4 on a nice comfy couch!

This drawing was made from before the age of Jackary lewds so I'm afraid you'll have to settle with this SFW version, but in all fairness, she's looking pretty good in that tanktop and dolphin shorts!


Somehow, I've drawn a character as obscure as Tailtiu from Genealogy of the Holy War three different times, and as you can probably guess, all three were commissions, including this one. That's not a bad thing though, because Tailtiu is hella cute!

That being said, despite being a 2020 drawing, this was most definitely early 2020, where my stylistic confusion of 2019 was in full effect. Specifically, I was having trouble adapting anime faces to my increasingly realistic rendering style. I don't think this piece is an example of one of my "bad" faces, but you can definitely see I was still experimenting with my aesthetic here.

I think for the most part, it's a nice drawing. No complaints with the anatomy or pose, it straddles a pretty fine line between cute and sexy. I also like how I focused on brighter pastel colors. But when I drew this, I was not prepared for how unequipped I was to draw her on a normal-ass couch. I had so much trouble drawing a "regular" couch that I instead decided to use abstract pastels to match her tone. I think the final result looks fine enough, but definitely smells of "artist created a weird workaround for something he didn't know how to draw well."

Such is the fun of art though!




Nice color scheme


And somehow, I commissioned you once and it wasnt any of the Tailtius! Maybe that should change someday, I do love her and your takes on her.