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Oof, Jackary Archives took a real hit this month. I hit the ground running in June, but as it often happens, a slew of IRL stuff scrambled all at once to be as disruptive as possible and before I knew it, I had run out of scheduled posts and kept meaning to get them back on track, until I blinked and the month once again passed by -_-

But they're back once again, and I apologize to all Patrons who joined this month expecting to see these, and then didn't!

To keep things interesting, I will now be adding Artist's Commentary to each drawing I upload to the Archives. I've sort of already been doing this, but there are a lot of posts where I don't. I think this would add something unique to these Archives posts, given that a decent amount of them are things that have either been posted to Patreon in the past, or publicly on socials.


Anyway, today's post is Anna from Fire Emblem, this time completely nude! This post finally completes the Anna (2021) collection on Jackary Archives, with her Virgin Killer Sweater and Underwear versions being posted on other days in the past.

Artist's Notes:

This is a 2021 piece where I was coming hot off of one of my most popular pieces ever (Gerudo Zelda) and I had -- thank the gods -- finally settled into a style of faces that I liked. It wasn't until around late 2020 where I developed a "style" and started consistently drawing faces that were really appealing. This piece follows the "Disney face" philosophy I used for Gerudo Zelda, and I think it turned out quite cute!

I often fall out of love with a lot of my drawings in the years after I've posted them, but I think this Anna still holds up. I think she's very cute. So squishy! I only wish she had an alternate outfit aside from the Virgin Killer Sweater. I don't dislike Virgin Killers, but I've also never been crazy for them, and she's in such a lovely pose here I think she'd look quite nice wearing something a little more on-brand!




I’d bet anything this is a cheeky tactic from her in order to make money. That said…it’s working, cause I’ve paid money to see it 🙃


Best merchant 😍 I'd spend way to much at her shop lol