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Hey everyone, I am once again apologizing for the slow month -- I've slipped on Archives posts and haven't been very active. It's been a hell of a week; we had our baby shower and a bunch of family flew in. So the Patreon has been pretty dry lately, but now that everything is going back to normal, I will actively be posting again.

Anyway... I hope this post makes up a little bit of my inactivity, because Reisalin Stout is finally here, and she has a whopping 366 ALTS, probably more than any other drawing I've ever made! There are fully-clothed versions, underwear versions, nude versions, and everything in-between.

There are far too many variants to post here, so what you see on this post is just a small selection of them! To view ALL Ryza variants, please refer to this Google Drive folder.

One final note: There is a -lot- of complexity in turning on all the right layers to create each combination of these alts, and I've almost certainly made little mistakes here and there. If certain elements look "off" in certain alts, that is why. Feel free to let me know in the comments if you find any such errors.



There are three base versions of Ryza, which make up the three folders in the Google Drive. "Hatless with bow" is the MAIN version that has ALL possible alt combinations (192). This was too much to do for each base version, so I had the commissioner pick his favorites out of those, which form the selection of alts for the other two bases.

  • Hatless with bow ("main" version - 192 alts)

  • Hatless without bow (101 alts)

  • Hat (101 alts)

Each of these folders includes a variety of alts which are made up of countless combinations of the following layers:

  • Nude

  • Jacket

  • Blouse

  • Shorts

  • Bra

  • Panties

  • Boots/Gloves

  • Accessories (belt[s], necklace)


You can stop reading here if that's good enough for you! But if you want some more details on how the contents are sorted, here's a guide that I hope isn't too confusing:

I followed a certain process when I saved all of these, which provides some logic in navigating them. I would choose one top variant (out of 16) and match it with one bottom variant (out of 3). That results in 4 alts per combination of top/alt variant. With 16 top variants and 3 bottom variants, that's 48 top/bottom combinations total, with 4 alts each, resulting in 192 possible alts.

1. Top Variant + Bottom Variant + Accessories + Boots/Gloves

2. Top Variant + Bottom Variant + Boots/Gloves

3. Top Variant + Bottom Variant + Accessories

4. Top Variant + Bottom Variant


  • Blouse (visible bra)

  • Blouse (visible bra) + Vest

  • Blouse (visible bra) + Jacket

  • Blouse (visible bra) + Vest + Jacket

  • Blouse (no bra, nipples visible)

  • Blouse (no bra, nipples visible) + Vest

  • Blouse (no bra, nipples visible) + Jacket

  • Blouse (no bra, nipples visible) + Vest + Jacket

  • Bra

  • Bra + Vest

  • Bra + Jacket

  • Bra + Vest + Jacket

  • Topless

  • Topless + Vest

  • Topless + Jacket

  • Topless + Vest + Jacket


  • Shorts

  • Bottomless

  • Panties

Sheesh! That was a lot to type for one post, but I hope you enjoy the alts! As usual, please let me know if you have any favorites!




366 variants O_O - the just vest, and chaps versions are such a vibe though


She's so good!!