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Today's Archives post is a relatively recent drawing from 2023, and I'm afraid I don't have a lewd version to share today, but I hope seeing this Zero-Suit clad girlie on your feed will brighten your day a little bit.

I haven't reposted this one in a while so maybe it will be new to some people here! Either way, it's now a permanent addition to the Archives. Hope you enjoy it! This is one of my favorite Zero Suits I've drawn.

And question for chat - who's the best Aegis girl? Pyra, Mythra, or Pneuma?




And here I thought I'd seen everything and I missed something so recent? Well now it's my favorite Zero Suit art I've seen in a while. As for the Important Question... I gotta go with Pyra.


Pyra is the best and I don’t want anyone to tell me otherwise