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Hello, thank you so much for subscribing to my Patreon in May! I really can't overstate how much your support means to me. Here is a link to your Patreon rewards this month:


Unfortunately, I have to apologize for not delivering on Zelda Month like I hoped I would. Some things got in the way and derailed my month, and I understand that it would be frustrating if you subscribed based on the promise of daily posts and didn't get them.

In this month's pack, I've included a bunch of Zelda-related artwork that I've drawn in the past, both SFW and NSFW versions. It's possible you've seen these already, but if you haven't, I hope it helps make up for the promise I wasn't able to keep!

Thank you so much for your May subscription, and if you'll be around for June, I appreciate your support!!

All the best,
Published: 2023-06
Hello everybody! Your Patreon Bundle has arrived! Click the following link to access the contents:


I had a bit of a slow month last month, so there aren't any real surprises here, unfortunately. For an explanation why, and what to expect for July, you can check out my post here: 


That being said, I felt bad about having so little to offer this month, so as an added bonus to this month's rewards, I threw in my entire folder of short timelapses. For anyone who's interested in that kind of thing, there are nearly 1 minute timelapses for various drawings of mine. Please note that many of them are partial timelapses instead of full ones -- due either to the timelapse function becoming available after I had started the respective drawing, or me forgetting to turn it on until partway through.

Thank you for your support in June! I appreciate you guys so much!
Published: 2023-07
Hello July Patrons! Thank you so much for your support this month! Here are your Patreon rewards:


The goal of July was to finish up the remaining art obligations that I owed to people, so it was primarily focused on finishing up alternate variations for existing drawings. On top of that, my wife and I took our first "real" vacation in years as a way to unwind from a very stressful June -- so that also majorly diminished the amount of time I worked this month! That means there's not a whole lot of "new" content here outside of the outfit variations. To anyone who continues to be a Patron in August, I'm very grateful of your ongoing support!

Fortunately, as I stated in the beginning of the month, July was always going to be a slower month but I'm feeling really good about August. There are no more disrupting events on the horizon, so I'm excited to finish up the last of the obligations I owe people and to start producing more new and original content on a much more consistent basis. :) 
Published: 2023-08