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It's still Monday, shhh.  >.>  No, it isn't -- don't let me lie to you.

Siiigh, everything extra I do takes away from drawing time, be it travelling, hanging with friends, working out, doing chores, playing video games...  It's honestly sort of stressful, seeing as how if I'm not drawing, no drawing is getting done.  Working for yourself naturally leads to a form of workaholism, partly because I enjoy the work I do, partly because I'm the only one who can do it.

But in order to have a healthy and proper work-life balance, I need to temper my drawing with all of that extra stuff.  It's important.  That's why my goal remains posting ~40 pages a year, and not 52.  Setting aside time for play and time for socializing and time for anything that's not work is crucial to not being a huge ball of stress all the time.

Comic This Week:  And yet, the plan for now is to work my ass off today and tomorrow and post it possibly late tomorrow... But there's still a lot of work to do and a lot of extra stuff that still needs to be done as well.  If it doesn't seem like I'm going to get it done, I'll post a sketch on Wednesday instead.  Twitter is likely the best place to catch announcements of this nature.

Character Page: The code wolf is still very busy... but you could always hop on our discord server and help me nag him!  Be nice, though.  :3

Max Poster: Still coming!

Drawing: Page 110 is going to probably take me every free hour to complete if I want it done this week, and Page 111 is also pretty involved.

Playing: If I manage to catch up or if I reach a point where I simply cannot draw any more, I will be killing any exta time I manage to scrounge up in Rimworld.


We just got some stats from the ad campaign!

In one week of having the ad up on FurAffinity, we've gotten about 500,000 impressions (IE. people who the ad gets shown to) which translates to about 50 clicks a day for a total of roughly 300 new visitors to the site.

It's, again, very difficult to track the activity of any single user, so it's very difficult for us to tell exactly how many of these new people are reading/enjoying the comic, but, generally speaking, around one third to one half of the new users we get on the site seem to translate roughly to returning users, which is... at least from my perspective, a truly impressive ratio!

Anyhoo, gonna cut this ramble short and get to drawing.  Got a loooot of work to do still.



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