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Heya!  This weekend Kevin made me a page on the main site at godslayerscomic.com for displaying all of my weekly doodles!  So in case you wanted to view ALL of them, instead of trying to hunt the various websites I've posted them on, you can find them all there at  https://www.godslayerscomic.com/sketches

The new ones will be uploaded there as well, and they will be full-sized, high-res, HD images (IE impractically large) instead of scaled down to meet the restrictions on sites like FA and DA.  (Full disclosure: scaling an image down hides a LOT of my small mistakes, so the full-size, high-res, HD images are usually worse.)

In other news!  November is fast approaching!  The comic will reboot at the start of November as originally planned, (whether I'm ready or not.)

Some of this will just be reminders/clarification, but the new publish model is as follows:

Patrons will be charged monthly, beginning in November.  I'm actually not sure if that means you will be billed on the first of the month, or at the end of the month, but in any case, you'll be getting bills from me again.  Hurray!  I know you are all excited.

ONLY PATRONS will get to view each new finished colored comic page as I'm ready to publish it.  This is going to be a more flexible post schedule that gives me a little more time between pages to give them whatever love and care I want to.  I am hoping to post roughly 2 full-color pages a month, and that will probably vary between 1 and 3 depending on exactly how detailed the pages are and how much we are travelling.

Each wednesday, I'll still be posting a little doodle or sketch for everyone to see.  For now, patrons can make suggestions about what they want me to draw for these.  If that ever becomes untenable, I'll figure out something else.

When a chapter is finished (roughly 15-20 pages each), I will be publishing the entire chapter to the public for free.  Sort of like the Netflix model of content publishing.  I'm doing it this way because I think for webcomics especially, they become more interesting when there's more content to read in one sitting.  Patrons are going to be treated like my hardcore readers, who are eager to consume each new page as soon it comes out, but I think my casual readers would rather have a big chunk of the story all at once, instead of little breadcrumbs that drop each week.

I dunno, this is what we're doing for now, but I'm open to reevaluating this, especially if I get any feedback on it, so let me know what you think!


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