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Well, here we are.  Suddenly, it's August, and I'm launching the webcomic this month.  This webcomic I've been working on fairly nonstop for a year now.  A comic that, until next Wednesday, can't even really be properly called a "webcomic" because it hasn't really even involved the "web" at all.

My hopes for this comic remain fairly moderate.  I don't want a lot of fanfare, I don't want a lot of attention.  I'm not planning on advertising it much.  All I really want is a quiet place to share my art and tell my stories.  The art will improve over time.  The stories will, hopefully be as interesting to someone else as they are to me.  I think mostly I hope that Patreon allows me to build a little community of like-minded creators and avid webcomic consumers that will share their own art and stories as well.  We'll see.  If nothing else... this comic is an excuse to keep drawing, to keep writing and improving my own skills.

One thing I still haven't decided is if my Patron-only posts should focus more on the behind-the-scenes of the kinds of struggles I face actually creating a webcomic, or if I should focus more on the lore and worlds that I've built for the comic's story.  I suppose that's something you guys will have to help me decide, once there's a few more of you.  :P


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