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God Slayers is launching next month!


We've been travelling a lot, and that's put quite a damper on my ability to maintain a consistent drawing schedule.  If this thing ever becomes more than the thing I think it will be, I will probably have to look into solutions so I can keep drawing even when I'm away from my desk at home.  In the meantime, I'm still committed to the comic, and I'm also committed to this Patreon, so if I have to work my ass off to play catch-up, that'll be on me.

I have a good sized backlog now that it'll take me 3 months to chew through, and that's if I stop drawing altogether.  There's a few problems with doing it this way though.  First and foremost is if my backlog gets big enough, I start to relax and feel like it's okay to slack off a bit.  Bad.  Bad, Trick.

Last week I was struck with some inspiration and probably just about doubled the length of my story.  I also made myself really sad by finally settling on how the story is going to end.  I've left myself some flexibility, of course, because it's no fun for me if I am just coloring inside the lines, but by having a strong outline to follow, I think it'll lead to a more cohesive and more interesting story overall.  It's weird when I think about just how long it might take to GET to the ending of Kiva's story.  Chapter 1 is looking to be about 20 weeks.  Chapter 2 will probably be another 20.  Then there's Chapters 3 and 4... 5 and 6.  Which takes us to about 2021.  And that's just all the stuff I have roughed out already.  Tack on some interesting side-plots I have planned, the major reveal of several plot elements and the conclusion of the main adventure... I had to ask myself... am I really ready to commit what might be the next ten years of my life to this comic?  I think I am.


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