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Searching for some ancient tech?  Good luck, *snerk* You might make a living skimming the surface for scrap, barely, but the real treasure is gonna be found only when you go deep.  Really deep.  Deep into the most uncharted and untouched parts of the ruined city.  Down to the depths of the darkest buried catacombs, snooping around the edges of the Citadel, or climbing up to the peaks of the tallest and most unstable skyscrapers.  Exploring the deep ruins isn't for everyone.  It requires some good gear, a reliable lamp, a strong constitution and maybe a few friends to help keep you alive.  None of you will probably ever be heard from again, but hey, there's always the chance of chickening out and making it back alive with a few dozen watts worth of good scrap.  You never know... maybe you'll be the one to find a machine that prints food.  If such a thing exists. Seriously, thank you so much for your support. It's hard for me to express in words how much I appreciate it. By donating anything at all, you are showing me that my work means something to you, and there is no value I can put on what THAT means to me. Please join us on Discord! I'll admit, the comic is still young and there's not much of a community there yet, but we have a few really cool people already and we'd love to have you join us! Have a seat, ask some questions, or just come to chat about games or whatever! https://discord.gg/HKZmH3U Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with me by reaching out to me on Patreon FA, DeviantArt or Discord at any time! I'm happy to discuss lore, writing, art, gaming and the comic-making process in general!

Added: 2024-06
Searching for some ancient tech?  Good luck, *snerk*

You might make a living skimming the surface for scrap, barely, but the real treasure is gonna be found only when you go deep.  Really deep.  Deep into the most uncharted and untouched parts of the ruined city.  Down to the depths of the darkest buried catacombs, snooping around the edges of the Citadel, or climbing up to the peaks of the tallest and most unstable skyscrapers.  Exploring the deep ruins isn't for everyone.  It requires some good gear, a reliable lamp, a strong constitution and maybe a few friends to help keep you alive.  None of you will probably ever be heard from again, but hey, there's always the chance of chickening out and making it back alive with a few dozen watts worth of good scrap.  You never know... maybe you'll be the one to find a machine that prints food.  If such a thing exists.

Seriously, thank you so much for your support. It's hard for me to express in words how much I appreciate it. By donating anything at all, you are showing me that my work means something to you, and there is no value I can put on what THAT means to me.

Please join us on Discord! I'll admit, the comic is still young and there's not much of a community there yet, but we have a few really cool people already and we'd love to have you join us! Have a seat, ask some questions, or just come to chat about games or whatever!

Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with me by reaching out to me on Patreon FA, DeviantArt or Discord at any time! I'm happy to discuss lore, writing, art, gaming and the comic-making process in general!

Finally, while it's still very much a work-in-progress, and many details are missing or outdated, I've started posting some lore details on World Anvil, so feel free to check it out! https://www.worldanvil.com/w/god-slayers-trickfoxx
Added: 2024-05
Welcome to Kuserra, friend!

It might not be much of a city, but it sure beats dying in the Deadlands!  So come, grab yourself a bottle of booze, scrounge you up a delicious rat carcass, find a cozy patch of mud to lay in, and hope that no one comes by to shake you down for whatever watts you might be carrying before you starve to death!

Seriously, thank you so much for your support.  It's hard for me to express in words how much I appreciate it.  By donating anything at all, you are showing me that my work means something to you, and there is no value I can put on what THAT means to me.

Please join us on Discord!  I'll admit, the comic is still young and there's not much of a community there yet, but we have a few really cool people already and we'd love to have you join us!  Have a seat, ask some questions, or just come to chat about games or whatever!

Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with me by reaching out to me on Patreon FA, DeviantArt or Discord at any time!  I'm happy to discuss lore, writing, art, gaming and the comic-making process in general!

Finally, while it's still very much a work-in-progress, and many details are missing or outdated, I've started posting some lore details on World Anvil, so feel free to check it out!  https://www.worldanvil.com/w/god-slayers-trickfoxx
Added: 2023-11