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The sun was setting. Despite the school day being long over with, Mina and Tsuyu were just finishing their extracurricular training and finally got to hit the showers. 

"Man, Miss Midnight totally whipped our ass today," Tsuyu grumbled, peeling off her PE clothes over her head. 

"Hey, I'd bet a lot of people would pay good money for that!" Mina joked, similarly undressing. Tsu didn't acknowledge the joke. Instead, she bent over to strip out of her tracksuit bottoms, presenting Mina with her fat round ass. 

"Damn," Mina commented, unable to resist giving it a soft smack, which made it jiggle nicely. Tsuyu stood up, startled so much by the sudden slap that she let out an involuntary ribbit.

"Hey! You're almost as bad as the boys..."

"Oh come on!" Mina defended herself. "A playful ass-smack isn't half as bad as what Mineta puts us through. And besides, there's no way anyone can resist an ass like yours!"

Tsuyu rolled her eyes. "Come on. Let's just shower and get back to the dorms. I'm exhausted and I know you are too."

With that, the two headed to the shower side of the locker room. They each turned on their respective showers and let the mixture of soap and water rinse the sweat and grime away from their overworked bodies. The two continued until their entire bodies were soaped up and slippery.

Suddenly, a voice behind them called out. "Nice show, ladies!" 

Startled, the two girls instinctually turn to see Monoma from Class B standing behind them with a smug grin on his face. Mina shrieks and Tsuyu turns red, but both immediately try to cover themselves with their hands.

"What are you doing in here, you creep!?" Mina barks at him. His smug expression doesn't budge.

"Me? I should be the one asking YOU that question!" He folded his arms confidently. "This is the BOYS' showers, can't you read? Though given Class A's academic standards, I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't!"

They both groaned at him. What was this guy's problem?

"Still, you see two naked girls in here and you can't respect their privacy?" Tsuyu interrogated.

"Relax! It's nothing I don't see regularly! With my huge, magnificent Class B cock, I get more girls than I know what to do with!" Monoma's smugness knew no bounds. 

"Yeah right." Mina quipped, rolling her eyes. "I know your loud, overconfident type. Always overcompensating for something. There's no way you're packing much of anything.

"O-oh it's impressive alright!" He stammered slightly, Mina finally having put a dent in his facade. A dent that Tsuyu definitely noticed.

"Well then. Let's see it." 

Monoma looked to the side, his confidence shaken for the first time either of the girls had ever seen.

"W-well, it wouldn't be proper for me to just go around waving my private parts at my fellow students! That's the kind of thing the delinquents in Class A might get up to but us Class B students have to be upstanding future heroes!" 

"Oh, yeah right, you're the one spying on girls in the shower!" Mina rolls her eyes at his sad attempt to dodge the issue. "Either back down or show us your dick."

Monoma's eyes darted, looking for some way to escape the situation, stammering along the way, desperate for a way out. Eventually, Mina grew impatient. 

"This is taking too long." With her still-wet, soapy hands, she quickly yanked his trousers down to his knees. He scrambled to cover himself, but it was too late; the girls had seen his Class B cock and it was far from as "impressive" as he'd claimed.

This, of course, means the two of them erupted into shrill laughter. This kind of display of emotion was expected of Mina, but to see Tsuyu Asui laugh was almost unheard of.  

"Tiny!" was the only word Mina could get out through her giggles.

"I think even Mineta is smaller than that." Tsuyu pondered, a finger on her lips.

Monoma turned bright red. "I-I..." He struggled to offer any kind of defense of himself. "You've never seen it in action!" is what he finally settled on. "Hah! Haven't you ever heard of 'motion of the ocean?' I'm so skilled at sex I can make a girl scream even if all I have is three inches!" His faux-confidence was suddenly back.

"Yeah, scream with laughter, maybe." Tsuyu quipped. Mina, however, had a glint in her eyes.

"If you're such a stud in bed with only three inches, why don't you prove it!?" she beamed at him.

"P-prove it?" Monoma raised a skeptical eyebrow. Mina turned around and bent over slightly, sticking her big, round, pink ass in his face. 

"Betcha can't even make it past my cheeks!" she teased with another laugh. 

"Yeah, go and try it if you think your Class B Cock is so great." Sure enough, Tsuyu did the same as her friend had, and presented the poor emasculated rival with a pair of cheeks that was somehow even fatter than Mina's! The sight of these two humongous booties had caused what little meat Monoma had to offer to expand to maximum size. 

"V-very well!" He once again tried to feign confidence. Nothing left to lose, he planted his cocktail weenie in between Tsuyu's fat cheeks and desperately humped as deep as he could. But despite all the effort, he could muster, he couldn't reach anything past her two fleshy mounds. Tsuyu gave a blank expression at his failure to perform, somehow even blanker than usual. This, of course, unleashed another torrent of giggles from Mina.

"Hey, Monoma!" She waved her pinky as he continued his desperate, shallow humps. "Why don't you copy someone whose quirk is having a real man's dick? You might actually get to feel coochie for once!" 

Monoma, completely red-faced but refusing to admit his defeat, simply pulled out of Tsuyu's cheeks and began to walk away amid a howling storm of laughter.


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