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"Hey shrimp! Where do you think you're going?!" 

Your blood runs cold as you stop dead in your tracks hearing that voice behind you. You thought that by waiting until everyone else had left the school building, you could have avoided your usual bullies. But like a predator stalking prey, they were both ruthless and relentless.

Jessica, the blonde head cheerleader, grabbed your shoulder and forcefully spun you around. Even though the two of you were the same age, she stood a full head taller than you at least. Meaning that both fortunately and unfortunately, you were right at eye level with her immense, sweet-sixteen-present fake tits, the bottom half of which were hanging out of her too-small cheerleading top. Their size and roundness were literal perfections, after all, they were the best jugs money could buy. 

Of course, she notices that your eyes magnetize right to her rack, and can't wait to lay into you for it.

"What you staring at, dweeb?" She scoffed, her blue eyes piercing you with a glare. "Ain't you ever seen tits before?"

"You know he hasn't, Jess!" said another voice from behind her. Jessica's ginger BFF and partner-in-crime, Sarah, materialized behind her. "What chick would show their tits to this fucking dork?" 

Sarah confidently stepped closer, her wide hips swaying enticingly as she did. Whereas Jessica was the top-heavy member of the cheer squad, Sarah's center of gravity was lower. Her hips were wider than her shoulders, and her ass jutted out at a perfect angle. While her jugs didn't rival Jessica's in size, they were far from small, and they had the nice benefit of being all-natural.

"Of course he has!" Jessica grinned. "Just not in real life! There are all kinds of tits in those Japanese cartoons he's always jerking off to!" 

The pair of them laughed as Jessica imitated a jerkoff gesture in front of herself. 

"Is that it, nerd? You stare at real tits all day cause you're so obsessed with fake ones?"

"...I mean, yours are hardly real..." You mutter under your breath.

Jessica grimaced, pressing your shoulders back, pinning you to the wall. "Say that again. I dare you." 

You froze, realizing you'd made a horrible mistake. Sarah watched with cruel enjoyment, sadistically 

smiling away. 

"Everything alright here, girls?" 

Jessica and Sarah's heads both whipped around to see the bio teacher, Miss Winters, angrily approaching. Seeing her coming, your bullies stand at attention, Jessica releasing you from her pin and trying to pretend like nothing ever happened. You let out a breath of relief, believing you were finally saved from these two queen bees.

"I mean honestly, I expect so much better of our esteemed students!" Miss Winters stands beside you, pushing her half-frame glasses up her nose. She was a beautiful woman, with long dark hair in a ponytail and a white blouse and pencil skirt, which transitioned into long, silky, pantyhose-covered legs. 

"When assessing an inferior male, the first proper step is to check for signs of sexual inadequacy." 


The look of concern returned to your face as her words sunk in, and once again, the mischievous grins returned to Sarah and Jessica's. 

"And the most effective way to do that," Miss Winters continued, "...is to check for micropenis." 

Before you had time to even move, Miss Winters had tucked a hand into your waistband and pulled your trousers to your knees. Everything you had to offer was laid bare before your tormentors, and unfortunately for you, it wasn't much. 

The two immature teen girls tormenting you did what immature teen girls did, and burst out into a cackling fit, pointing and laughing at your shameful secret. You covered yourself with your hands and cowered into yourself, but it was too late; they had seen everything.

"Oh my god, that's the saddest thing I've ever fucking seen." Sarah covered her mouth with both hands.

"No wonder you're a jerkoff addict, that thing's one hundred percent coochie repellent!" Jessica threw her head back in rapturous laughter. 

Miss Winters, on the other hand simply gave a smug smile. "This, girls, is an example of 'micropenis.' It's an awful debilitating condition. But, it has the upside of being an obvious indicator to us girls which boys are beta males and aren't worthy of our precious time." She explained. For once, the girls rapturously paid attention to a school lesson.

"He's incapable of providing a woman with sexual satisfaction, and thus, is a genetically inferior partner and thus doesn't get to pass on his genes. Darwinism at work!" The smug teacher apparently had no regard for the fact that you could hear everything going on.

"But aren't there other ways to tell he's a beta?" Jessica asked. Probably the first time the bimbo had wanted to learn more. 

"There certainly are!" 

Miss Winters eagerly, forcefully pried your hands away, once again freeing your woefully undersized genitalia, much to her students' delight.

"Jessica, dear, would you do me a favor and show the poor boy your breasts?" 

The cheerleader balked. "But… he's a loser!" She protested. "He doesn't deserve to see them!" 

"I know dear," Miss Winters reassured her. "But just trust me. It will be worth your while." 

Jessica rolled her eyes. "Fine." She lifted her barely-there top, and her two immense, perfect silicon globes plopped out with an enticing bounce. Suddenly and involuntarily, your naked penis stiffened to the maximum as you stared at the glorious bosom. 

"Oooh! He's getting a little stiffy!" Sarah interjected, pointing at it."But wait, any guy would get hard for big jugs. How does that make him a beta?" She asked, cocking her head curiously.

"Wait for it..." Miss Winters mused. 

You could feel the pressure building up in your balls, as if on cue. The sight of Jessica's perfect rack was too much. The pressure released, and a sad little dribble of cum leaked from your throbbing mini-erection. 

Once again, a howl of laughter escaped the girls. 

"The combination of micropenis and premature ejaculation is the surest sign of an inferior mate." Miss Winters explained as she finally released you. Frantically, you pull up your pants and begin to flee. 

"I hope you learned your lesson, girls." You could hear Miss Winters chortle as you escaped. "But if not, I'd be happy to have more… private tutoring with our little friend here if you can chase him down again!"


Broken Unicorn

Excellent story. The stuff with the cheerleaders was a great touch.