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I hope everyone has had a good new year so far! Now it's time to vote for the next Side Story Girl!
The Vote is here https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0A0JKmyo and it will close on the 31st of January!

Edit: Apologies for the update email, but I looked at the vote quick and it seems someone voted for "Flannery" so I figured I might want to establish the rules for the Side Story vote.

Team Bliss Side Stories is to vote for girls from off shoots of the official pokemon games. (Such as the Anime, or side games like Colosseum or Legends.) Girls from the main games will be gone to when we go to the region unless there is a special vote like for the Jasmine chapter. In that case, it will be an official chapter rather than the side story.

To make the girl count, please vote for the girl you want and please specify from what game. I'll try to find the correct girl, but if there's multiple Pokegirls with that name, I might not get the right one. Main Game girls will have the vote thrown out at the end. ALSO, for cases like characters appearing in remakes that aren't in the original and vice versa, they'll both be part of the region chapters when it gets there. (Such as Kris and Lyra will both be in Johto.)


Team Bliss Side Stories Vote (February 2024) - Online Poll - StrawPoll

What's your opinion? Vote now!


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