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The Epilogue of Alola! And we're heading to Penny's home region all!
I wonder where she's from in Galar that she knows of a city that could really use some funding and resources to improving it's condition. Or who she knows already in Galar.

As for those final few panels, it's a slight thing that will be worked on and brought up every couple chapters. (I've just got to design the right kind of costume for the girl first.)

Anyway, I'll just throw this in here. A vote for the two girls suggested in the Extra's by Patrons for the first girl recruited in Galar. Gloria or Klara. Ends on Thursday, and Patrons/FANS get the first votes. The public gets 24 hours to vote then.

Vote: https://strawpoll.com/40ZmqJkMKZa

As a side note, the Cyan Hero Collection Chapter might be late or pushed back again. While I have the rough skeleton of the script done and a few pictures, I'm not entirely sure how to proceed. I might end up putting it on Hiatus for awhile so that I can focus on other work like the one offs or Team Bliss. After all, if I only have to focus on writing Team Bliss Scripts it will give me more time to focus on making extras for all the one off pictures.



Jeremy Williams

You know, thinking about it, I don't think there's any trainer in the entire series who has the kind of sheer firepower Selene has at her disposal if you go purely off what they're gifted or HAVE to encounter. If they ever ABSOLUTELY NEED someone pounded into the ground, they have one of the heaviest hitters in the world now.


True... but she did just return back from a world wide championship. And Ren isn't about to drag her away from spending time with Lillie.

Jeremy Williams

I was thinking for later like if they need help vs. Cynthia or Dawn (If we're going with Dawn is actually Akari)