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Thomas gave the kickstand on his bike a hearty shove with his foot. A satisfying clunk locked it into place as the metal bar sunk into the loose gravel just outside his friend’s house. He gave the yard a considerable scan. It was well-kept, bright flowers blooming away in a bed against the front walls beneath the windows shaded with lengths of cotton maroon from the inside. The air graced his nose with a hint of freshly cut grass. The same ornamental gnome, one that had given his knee a nasty scrape many years ago, greeted his stride as made his way up to the front door. Thomas stretched out his back before opening the screen and giving the door three distinct taps.

Thomas stared back at his reflection in the screen door. He adjusted his hair, wind-blown from the bike ride, and lengthened out his shorts. The midday warmth baked across the open lawn. Thomas breathed in a scent of his own musk, rising beneath the fog of Axe he had applied before rushing out the door. He had thrown on a pair of sneakers and his favorite Lakers tee shirt, still wanting to look somewhat presentable for his friend while not appearing to try too hard, as he would recoil in his accusations to impress. He ran his hand across his dark brown hair, bleached into a sandy tone by the untampered sun, and waited for the door to open.

Within seconds, Thomas could hear giggling from the other side. The knob turned as the door opened, pulling back to the eager snickering of his two friends, Laura and Emily. Thomas smiled and gave the girls a puzzled glance.

“Finally,” Laura said. “I texted you, like, half an hour ago.”

“Sorry, I… I didn’t get it until, like, ten minutes before I left.” Thomas had spent the time cleaning himself up to look good, but he remained reluctant to divulge such information. He looked over to see Emily smiling next to Laura. “I didn’t realize Em would be here.” The odd giggling subsided, their stares lingering with an odd, mysterious purpose.

“Em’s always here, you ought to know that by now,” Laura said.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” Emily taunted. Thomas laughed.

“It’s cool, just… didn’t know.,” Thomas said. Laura, after having answered the door, turned away and headed off into the nearby kitchen. Thomas entered, entrusted to shut and lock the door behind him. The girls leered close by with smiles and residual giggles, turning to each other often as Thomas popped his shoes off by the front door, a pair of clean, white socks boasted slight bunching around the ankles. He turned back to face their oddly peering silence, their eyes wide as they waited for their mutual friend. Thomas grinned and responded with a chuckle. “So, what’chu guys been up to?”

“Oh, just hanging, you know how we do,” Emily said.

“Our moms are out for a spa day, so we figured that Em would just stay over here for a while,” said Laura.

“Yeah?” Thomas asked. “You didn’t want to go?”

“Nah,” Laura said. “We had… something else in mind.”

“Like what?” Thomas asked. The girls giggled.

“We have something to show you,” said Emily, taking Thomas’s arm. Cherry red hair hung down in short strands, accented with darkened tips. She smacked a piece of gum, her pale, slender jaw shifting consistently. She was shorter than Laura, about a full head shorter than most of Thomas’s friends, and almost always wore an ensemble that was as black as it was summerly revealing. Up close, Thomas could smell an impish wash of perfume blooming off of both girls closing in on him.

“Yeah, and you made us wait,” Laura added with a playfully sour tone, holding onto Thomas’s slim shoulders from behind. Laura’s frame was taller and athletic. She was confident in her conventional beauty, a crown of gold almost always pinned back in a ponytail. The pair had developed a close friendship, both with Thomas and each other. All having lived within manageable distances and gone to the same schools, they naturally sank into the bond that formed over video games, music, and local events. The three had been largely inseparable since elementary school, long before notions of more complex feelings began to surface. “Come on.”

The pair of girls wasted little time in pushing and pulling Thomas toward the stairs leading up to Laura’s bedroom. As Emily led with Thomas in the middle, the boy played along, watching Emily’s socked feet tread up the carpeted staircase. The sight was one he had stolen many times out of the corner of his eye, a compulsion nearly impossible to ignore. The light purple hue to her socks danced upon each stair with every step. His eyes caught the faint glimpses of darkening around her soles, suggesting consistent wear. His mind had become accustomed to acknowledging such details in quick succession, rapidly enough to see what he needed before darting his gaze to avoid suspicion about his tastes. Thomas’s time spent with the girls almost always included a quick, silent study of their feet, having long since accepted that he would get nothing more than that to satisfy his secret affinity.

“What’s happening?” Thomas asked. “What are we doing?”

“You’ll see,” said Laura. The pair hurried Thomas up the stairs up toward Laura’s bedroom. Emily led him inside where Thomas stumbled into the room, looking around at the usual mess that had become such an engrained quality of Laura’s character. Half empty water bottles sat both upright and turned over around the room. Loose clothing, casual in nature, hung over the back of her desk chair and across the floor. A dense, personal musk filled his lungs from the thoroughly lived-in environment. Though Thomas had seen Laura’s room many times before and knew well what to expect, an unpredictable element lingered unspoken in the air.

“Okay?” Thomas asked as Laura closed the door behind him and Emily. “What, are you going to make me clean your room for the first time?” Emily and Laura giggled.

“Oh, I could,” Laura said, she and Emily still coyly giggling around a topic left vague. “That’d be nice.”

“Maybe after, if he still has energy left,” Emily said. Thomas’s brows cocked back at her, curiously waiting to be filled in on their intentions.

“Energy, what- what’s going on?” Thomas asked. “What are we doing?” The girls gave each other another glance.

“Okay, well… maybe you want to sit,” Laura said. Thomas blinked. Taken aback, his grin began to fade.

“Okay…” he said. He backed up to Laura’s bed, taking a seat on the edge as the girls stared down at him, closing in. “Is everything okay?”

“Well, maybe,” Laura said. “It’s nothing too bad, I promise.” Both girls stood. Laura crossed her arms while Emily swayed a bit with her hands on her hips. Thomas took a quick glance downward. Laura’s socked feet poked out of the legs of her jeans. They were white, bearing slight discoloration around the edges of the bottom. Thomas rubbed the back of his neck before looking back up.

“Okay, so what is it?” Thomas asked, his tone growing more serious as the suspicion that he was being played with continued to grow. The girls paused, turning toward each other again for some silent confirmation.

“Well, Thomas, you remember how we came over to your house last weekend?” Emily asked.

“Yeah?” Thomas replied.

“And remember how you left us there while you went to pick your sister up from soccer practice?” Laura inquired further.

“That was just for, like, twenty minutes though,” Thomas said.

“Yeah, we know, but…” Laura started. She bit her lip as a slight rush of pink rose to her cheeks.

“Okay, so, while you were gone, we kinda went snooping around your room,” Emily started. Thomas’s heart began to race. A hollow chill raced through his veins as he swallowed against the news. He scratched behind his ear as a pit of nervousness burrowed into his chest.

“Okay…” Thomas said, not knowing the severity of what they had discovered. His mind wandered to several things hiding around his room that he might not want seen. He sat silently questioning what those could be and started contemplating excuses for each.

“And under your bed… we found some… things…” Emily added. Thomas froze. He knew what he kept down there, right by his bedside table. He shifted anxiously where he sat, doing his best to hide his rising nerves.

“O-oh?” Thomas said, the back of his neck beginning to sweat. “What… what things?”

“Socks,” Laura said, a slight smirk washed across her face. “Specifically… our socks.”

“Yeah, my black and purple checkers and a pair that had gone missing from Laura's gym bag,” Emily added. The dread had become a living nightmare. It was true that Thomas had taken a pair of their socks from each of their houses, just as something that he could appreciate on his own time, something that he thought the girls would fail to miss. For a while, he was right. He kept them hidden and the girls never seemed to bring up a case of missing socks. And yet, in the back of his mind, he always wrestled with the guilt and the clenching horror of being found out, especially by them.

“Oh, umm…” Thomas stammered, quarreling with his thoughts. He considered many possible outcomes and solutions. He could deny ever having taken them, that maybe they got there by accident some other way. He could question them on whether or not they were actually theirs, that they might be mistaken in their accusation. He could play dumb, not knowing anything about the socks being there. Nothing he considered in the fleeting seconds that passed seemed to provide him an easy exit from the circumstance. He considered simply surrendering to defeat and admitting his affinity for his friends’ feet, hoping that they would simply overlook it as a funny quirk. Isolating him in the bedroom to discuss this offered a far more comfortable venue than simply cornering him about it, anyway.

“So…?” Emily pried. “What were our dirty socks doing in your room?”

“Did you… take them off there when you were there last?” Thomas asked, stalling a bit. Laura made a harsh buzzer sound.

“Eeeerk, try again,” Laura said, abruptly. Thomas whined a little, twitching and squirming in his seat.

“I, heh, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Thomas lied coyly. “I don’t know how they got there, but I’m… glad you found them, I guess.”

“No playing dumb with us, Tommy-boy,” Emily said, pulling out an older nickname from their youth. “Laura and I have seen you checking out our feet when you think we’re not looking. You’re not as sneaky as you think you are, you know?”

“Wh-what?” Thomas said, brushing off Emily's claim with a puffing laugh.

“You like our feet, don’t you?” Laura said in a soft, candid tone. She came closer to a squirming Thomas, sweat dripping down the back of his neck.

“I… um…” Thomas stammered.

“See?” Emily said. “I knew it. He’s not owning up to it.”

“Interesting,” Laura said. She grinned as Thomas began to feel enclosed by both girls at once. Emily came closer while Laura sat beside him on the bed.

“What… what’s interesting?” Thomas asked.

“You know there’s nothing wrong with it, right?” Laura said. “Liking what you like. In fact, Em and I were talking about it and we both think it’s kind of cute.”

“Ha, I believe the word I used was ‘weird’,” Emily said. Thomas looked down. Laura slid her foot closer to his, her toes wiggling against the tip of his sock. Thomas swallowed. He scratched at the side of his nose before chuckling nervously once more.

“I… uh… I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Thomas said. Emily groaned.

“Weird or not, you can be open with us, you know that, right?” Emily asked. “We just want to hear you say that you like our feet.” Laura giggled, her toes still teasing the end of Thomas’s foot.

“Well, I… I don’t…” Thomas said. Laura leaned in closer. Thomas caught a clearer whiff of the alluring fragrances both wore and exhumed naturally.

“You know, we have ways of making you tell us,” Laura said. “Ways like… what we used to do when we’d… ‘catch’ you.” Thomas paused. For a moment, he found himself caught in a tide of reflection. His mind quickly pulled out the memories of what the girls used to do to him in their youth. They were fond memories of challenged ordeals, recollections that Thomas had held onto with the same affinity that he had for feet, tucked within the secluded fantasies of their look, feel, and smell. What Laura had referred to, however, what memory she had evoked, was another taste Thomas had been keeping locked away, one he thought of quite liberally based on the memories that the girls had knowingly provided.

“O-oh?” Thomas asked. Emily came closer, looking down at the boy and placing her hand on his shoulder.

“You do remember, don’t you?” Emily asked.

“We certainly haven’t forgotten,” Laura added. She giggled and leaned in closer to whisper in his ear. “Ticklish Tommy…” A dense burn rose to Thomas’s cheeks. His eyes darted back and forth between the girls, his thumbs twirling around one another in his lap. He laughed once and scratched at the side of his nose.

“Last chance to confess,” Emily said. Thomas met her leering gaze before quickly looking away.

“I… l-like I said… I don’t know what you mean,” Thomas said.

“Alright then,” Laura said. “Let’s get him!” With a clearly playful intent initiated, Thomas smirked and rose to dash for the door. He attempted to break past Emily standing before him, but Laura’s hands quickly grabbed onto his shoulders. Emily pushed him back against the bed. With the combined strength of both girls, Thomas fell back, finding himself pinned down against Laura’s bunched sheets.

“Gah!” Thomas cried. “No fair, heh heh!” Laura hovered over Thomas’s figure, pressing her palms into his shoulders. Her long, golden hair dangled down against his cheeks as she stared into the boy’s jovial expression.

“Nope, not getting away this time,” Laura said. Emily scooped Thomas's legs in her arms. Laura looked back to help turn the boy long ways across her bed. She kept her weight pressed down against his waist as Thomas was positioned to be laying in the center of the bed. The boy laughed through his apparent ignorance. He succumbed to their ploy, as intrigued as he was hesitant at seeing to what extent the girls intended to employ their ticklish methods of interrogation.

“Heh heh hey!” Thomas said, pushing lightly on Laura and rocking against the bed. “Get off.”

“I got him down,” Laura said, putting more weight into the hold she pressed down upon his shoulders. “Get the things!”

“The things?” Thomas asked. Emily snickered and leapt to her feet. She rushed to Laura’s closet and pulled out a bright green duffel bag. She carried it over to the bed, placing it on the floor by the foot. Emily pulled out two sets of padded handcuffs. She held them up for Thomas to see, letting them jingle and dangle by one finger.

“You're not going anywhere…” Emily said snarkily. Thomas witnessed the cuffs with wide, disbelieving eyes. Suddenly, their playful antics reached a level that even he had never conceived. Thomas swallowed. A chill raced through his body as he squirmed in place, his cheeks starting to brighten with color.

“O-oh, w-wait…” Thomas stammered.

“Awww, what's the matter?” Emily asked tauntingly. “Scared? Or do you want to tell us the truth yet?” Thomas’s heart fluttered. A heat raced through his body, one that aligned what he saw from both and their implied intentions with thoughts and fantasies that he had been harboring for many years of friendship with both Laura and Emily. Sweat beaded against his neck. His palms grew clammy as he began to breathe heavily.

“I… uh, n-no…” Thomas said, resisting the excitement that brewed within him. “I'm not scared of you…”

“Oh, you might be, after today,” Emily said. She and Laura shared another laugh as Emily grabbed one of Thomas’s wrists. She and Laura raised it up to the corner post of the bed, locking one cuff against his wrist and the other to the frame. As Thomas tested the fortitude of the binding apparatus, the girls wrestled the other wrist in place, cuffing it too to the bed.

“There you go,” said Laura, backing away a bit. She lifted most of her weight off of Thomas’s shoulders as she watched him pull at the cuffs. The length kept his arms stretched out, unable to pull them back down. He jingled and pulled with considerable strength, but found himself genuinely unable to free his hands.

“This is crazy,” Thomas said.

“I know,” Emily said. “You know Brittany Gershwin? She sat behind you in Spanish. Well, I knew she had cuffs because… well, you know Brittany, so I asked and she let us borrow hers. Sturdy little things, too. You're not going anywhere.”

“Wait, you… like, set this up?” Thomas asked. Laura and Emily smiled.

“We've been planning this for, like, about a week, week and a half now,” she said, hopping up off of Thomas’s body. “We knew about the socks and that you wouldn't confess what we've known all along. So we figured we'd have some fun with you.” Thomas thought for a moment. She stared back at both girls, sure that they had him all figured out. The stolen socks, the shy glanced at their feet; Thomas knew the girls were smart, that they knew all that they needed to by putting the pieces together. Yet, instead of being weirded out by him, they insisted on playing right into those same motives. Thomas smirked. As his heart pounded and sweat beaded across his skin, he chuckled once more, holding his head up.

“I… have no idea what you're talking about,” Thomas said, articulating his syllables. Emily raised one eyebrow.

“We figured you'd still be stubborn,” Emily said.

“No worries here, the fun hasn't even started yet,” Laura added, shrugging slightly. The girls reached back into the duffel bag and pulled out two more items, a roll of cellophane wrap and a length of rope. Laura, holding the cellophane, climbed back onto the bed. She straddled Thomas’s legs, pinning them together. She unraveled a stretch of the plastic wrap and held it against Thomas’s shin. Quickly, she worked to bind both of Thomas’s calves together with layer upon layer of the wrap, each new layer leaving Thomas less and less wiggle room than the last. Before long, Thomas’s legs were cloaked in several layers of plastic, enough to hide the shade of his legs beneath the translucent, gray sheen. Thomas tried to move his legs, to shift one even slightly against the other, but found them both effectively pressed together.

“Ohhh, that looks good!” Emily said.

“Yeah, worked just like I thought it would;” Laura said. Emily held the rope in her hands, stretching it out as far as it would go.

“We'll see,” she said. Emily measured out the rope against the foot of the bed. She wrapped it several times around Thomas’s ankles before extending the ends to the bottom corners of the bed.

“Oh, what, the other stuff wasn't enough?” Thomas asked.

“Hush now,” Laura said. With Thomas’s ankles coiled together several times over in the center of the rope, Emily tied and tightened each end to the bottom corners of the bed frame, using the sturdiest knots she could manage.

“That should do it,” Emily said. Thomas glanced down. His eyes averted the two girls standing over his body, bound against Laura’s bed, and instead fell onto the binding job of his legs. They were firmly pressed together with his feet poking out at the far end. No matter how he wiggled, the wrap kept him from shifting one even a millimeter in place. The rope, as well, served to keep his legs placed in the center of the bed, unable to swing them side to side.

“O-oh…” Thomas said. The boy's heart continued to race. Never before had he felt so vulnerable, so helpless. Thomas laid fully aware of his inability to protect himself. And yet, when facing such a new experience at the hands of his friends, coupled with the implications that fed into his most pleasant of dreams, both day and night, Thomas felt his anxiety melt into rushing anticipation.

“Well… try to get out,” Emily said. Thomas looked back up. He saw his friends staring down at him, their eyes gleaming with playful sadism, their smiles cutting with secrecy. Thomas twisted against Laura’s bed. He could shift his arms minimally, but ultimately could do nothing that would protect his sensitive areas. His legs were almost entirely motionless, save for being able to wiggle his feet and what movement he could summon at his hips.

“I… I can’t,” Thomas said. “You got me.” Emily giggled. She clapped and jumped in place.

“Yay!” Emily cheered. “Then we can begin the fun, Ticklish Tommy!” Thomas’s heart sank. It pulsed and beat faster and faster, the ‘T’ word itself bringing with it a rush of focus to his mind.

“And you remember where Thomas was… most ticklish, don't you?” Laura asked Emily.

“Hmmm, let me think…” Emily said. She tapped an index finger against her lips as her eyes trailed upward. She pretended to think for a moment as Thomas already knew the answer well. He braced himself for what was to come, wincing against the real-life fantasy of being tickled while in such a vulnerable position. He watched as Emily’s eyes eventually met his. They sparkled as a wide grin came to her lip, her expression conveying her brimming eagerness. “I think it was… his feet!”

Emily reached down toward the foot of Laura’s bed. She placed a quick, swiping tickle from her glossy black nails against Thomas’s socked foot. Thomas yelped. His body jerked against the binds holding him down. The short chains of the cuffs rattled against the frame while the bottom of the bed gave a noticeable creek as his knees bent suddenly. Thomas’s face clenched into a sharp wince as a bursting laugh shot from his lips.

“Neeeaaahhh!” Thomas belted. Emily withdrew her hands as the two girls shared another look, their expressions lighting up at his reaction.

“Awwww, look at that,” Laura said. “Still so ticklish after all these years.”

“Maybe even more,” Emily said, the girls giggling with glee.

“Let’s see,” Laura said. She reached down and gave Thomas’s other foot a short, bursting tickle. She scratched in the plush center of his foot, still cloaked with a warm, white sock. The foot pulled away, but could only protect itself as far as simply hiding behind the other. It lasted a second longer than the last, enough to get Thomas squirming against the bed as laughter spilled from his mouth.

“Geeeaahahahaa!!” Thomas yelped. “Hehey, no fair! I can’t move!” The girls laughed once more, their enthusiasm on full display.

“Uh oh, looks like Ticklish Thomas is all stuck with his ticklish feet all trapped down here by us,” Emily laughed. Her tone took a more gaming, patronizing approach, sweetened with teasing ridicule that purposely failed to mask her devilish intentions.

“Oh no, whatever shall we do?” Laura asked sarcastically. Emily placed a finger to her lip while Thomas watched their performance with racing nerves.

“I suppose we could help him… or…” Emily said. She lowered her other hand down to touch against Thomas’s foot. Thomas jumped a bit on impact, Emily keeping her fingertip pressed against the soft sole of his socked foot. Thomas pressed his teeth together, his body clenching in preparation. Emily shot a smirk his way as more fingers touched down against his foot. Five began to lightly scribble, getting steadily faster. Thomas squealed into a squirming fit of giggles, the tickles storming up from his sole and resonating throughout his body. “We could just play with him a bit… until he admits to liking our feet.”

“Or longer,” Laura said, going down to her knees. “He is ours now, after all.”

“Ohhh, yeah, I like that!” Emily said, falling to her knees as well. “Let’s do that!” Both girls tittered with giddiness as Thomas squirmed and laughed against Emily’s lazy scratching. Laura leaned in close, no longer seeing much of Thomas from behind his trapped, ticklish feet, perfectly placed with which to be toyed. She raised her own hand and let her nails explore over his clothed, delicate sole.

“Neeeaaaahhhhahahahahahaaaa!!! Nahahahaooooaahahaha!!!” Thomas laughed. Even with both girls teasing his sole with mild scratches, the tickles that ravished through his senses proved monstrously challenging after a few seconds. Thomas twisted against the bed. The frame creaked as he pulled at his chains, his hope wiggling and doing little to divert his feet from the curious fingers. The girls laughed at his reactions. They listened to his laughter filling the room, taunting him with degrading, infantilizing phrases.

“Ticklish Tommy and his ticklish tootsies!” Emily chanted. Her one hand gleefully scratched up and down Thomas’s sole. She kept up with the foot’s naturally squirming, keeping Thomas’s ticklish senses fully stimulated while Thomas thrashed against the bed. Emily’s obvious joy in the playful torment, coupled with the phrases she used to emphasize Thomas’s helplessness and humiliation, only helped further stimulate Thomas’s sensitivity, as well as the overall experience that Thomas had been secretly longing for. “Coochie coochie coo!”

“Oh, I just love his laugh, don’t you?” Laura said, her tone indulging in the degradation of the moment just as much as Emily’s. “Heh heh, I could listen to it for hours… and hours… and hour…” She held Thomas’s foot steady with the other hand, making sure to keep the other foot from blocking in front of the sole. She leaned in close and dug her scratching nails against the trapped and immobile ticklish sole. Thomas bucked against the bed. Before a full minute had passed, his giggles had soared into uproarious bouts of laughter, rising in intensity alongside the tickles that raged against the frail nerves of his feet.

“Faaaaaaaahhhhhahahahahahahahahaha!! Nahahahahahaat my feeeheheheheheeheheet!!” Thomas squealed. Any objection he displayed was fully the product of a purely natural response, and he considered the idea that Emily and Laura knew this, coupled with the other information that they had accurately concluded. Tickling had been a fairly regular outcome to play growing up, with him, more often than not, on the receiving end. The more it happened, the more Thomas would find himself putting himself into positions to be tickled, highlighting that he was most ticklish on his feet. Going around barefoot in their houses, initiating tickle games, or just candidly reminding them how ticklish he was when the chance arose organically, Thomas explored this fascination with his friends until he grew into the age where he learned more about what it was, when much of the ‘playtime’ faded into memories of youth.

“Oh yes, your feet!” Emily said, scribbling her nails up and down Thomas’s sole faster and faster. “Why else would we have planned all this?” Her fingertips slipped effortlessly across Thomas’s sock. Despite tickling through the sock, the potency of the tickles was more than well communicated, every little scratch and skitter reducing more of Thomas’s composure to absolute bucking laughter. Her fingers danced up and down the length of Thomas’s arch, exploring the full extent of his ticklish foot from his heel to the base of his toes.

“We knew you wouldn’t tell us the truth, so we planned this little playtime with you, like the old days,” Laura added. “We know you just love it. Tickle, tickle tickle…” Laura held Thoma’s other foot firm in her hand. She scratched concentrated bursts across his plush, humid sole, her fingers feasting on the ticklish nerves that laid in unrest just beneath the layer of cotton. Thomas’s foot squirmed against her grasp, but it remained firmly in place for Laura to scratch away at her gleeful leisure.

“Gaaaaaahhhhhahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!” Thomas’s laughter burst through the bedroom. He twisted and writhed against the bed. Sweat trickled down his neck. Tears began beading in the corners of his eyes. A dense layer of musk filled his lungs with each deep breath. His heart raced as he laid bound to the girl’s bed, struggling to endure the tickles that he had dreamt about for so long. Thomas knew that the girls had him figured out, and while he could try to end the ordeal by simply admitting to what he suspected they already knew, the situation was far too precious to further an end so quickly. Instead, he held on and feigned ignorance, at the dismay of his highly sensitive nerves.

“We have so many fun things to try with you, Ticklish Tommy,” Emily said, pulling away suddenly. The dark, spritely girl leapt up onto the bed while Laura continued to tease Thomas’s foot with tickles. The pair berated his ears with giggles to keep the ticklish boy fully engaged in the pleasure they were feeling at tickling his trapped feet. Emily, up on the bed, turned around to face Thomas’s feet. She laid out long ways, partially on top of the bound boy, as both of her hands teased both of Thomas’s feet with a barrage of light scribbles. “Coochie coochie coo, Ticklish Tommy!”

“Uh oh, here comes more tickles for Ticklish Tommy’s ticklish feet!” Laura teased. The pair both tickled Thomas’s feet with both of their hands. Emily, looking down on the pair, scribbled her nails just beneath the bunching of his socked toes. Laura’s fingertips skittered up and down his arches and circled his heels. The sudden assault of twenty impish fingers against his feet sent Thomas’s senses soaring into a flurry of stimulation. Thomas threw his head back as his throat exploded with wild, untamed laughter.

“NAAAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! OHHH GAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAD!!!” Thomas screamed. The boy’s back arched against the bed. The new wave of tickles rushed through his burning senses, exploding into a rush of tickles more ferocious than any he could remember. The girls snickered as they mercilessly scribbled their fingertips all over both of Thomas’s squirming pair. They kept up with the constant, useless shifting, satisfied in knowing that that was all they could manage. Thomas screamed with laughter as the tickles tore through his senses like a hurricane.

“Awww, I just love how ticklish Thomas’s feet are,” Emily said. “Tickle, tickle tickle…” She reserved hesitation and mercy, digging all ten fingers into the bases of his toes. Her fingers dug and scraped against the ticklish digits, exceedingly responsive to the tickles even through the socks. Emily continued to taunt Thomas with her playful phrases. “Heh heh, I’m gonna tickle these cute little tootsies all day long!”

“Sounds like a plan,” Laura said. She tossed her hair back as her nails scribbled hard into the boy’s plush arches. She too held little back on her approach, matching her friend’s energy in devastating Thomas’s feet with an unrestrained flurry of ticklish scratches. All four hands covered both feet in a constant stream of administered tickles. Thomas screamed with laughter as he twisted however he could in his binds. The cuffs held his arms uselessly, yet effectively outward. They clanged with each rapid tug. The boy bounced against the bed, the frame croaking beneath his and Emily’s combined weight.

“NAHAHAHAHHAHAHAT MY FEEEEHEHHEEHEEHEET!!!” Thomas screamed. His face glowed bright red, bearing a glossy, moist sheen of tears and sweat. His chest heaved through his constant laughter. The room began to swirl with a fine, musky heat as his feet remained in continuous distress to the ravishing tickles. The girls laughed through it all. They taunted the boy, making his helplessness to stop the tickles overtly apparent. Emily looked back as she dug her scribbling fingers against the balls of Thomas’s feet. She brought her socked foot up to his cheek, stroking it gently by his nose.

“Awww, you like our feet, don’t you, Ticklish Tommy?” Emily teased once again. As her fingers explored the ticklish recesses beneath Thomas’s toes, her own feet brushed against his face. Her toes, clad in colorful socks and slightly damp, toyed around his cheek, nose, and lips. Thomas could feel the warmth baking against his skin. He leaned into it, accepting the defeat of having his secret so mutually known. Thomas breathed in the faint odor as he huffed through his laughter, knowing that there were worse ways for his confidential qualities to be exposed.

“Haha, oh yeah, you just know he does,” Laura added, laughing along with Thomas breathing deeply against Emily’s worn sock. Emily pressed her toes against his nose while her fingers scribbled and scratched faster and faster against his own. Laura skittered her nails up and down the boy's arches. She followed the light squirming of Thomas’s feet, unable to move much from the rope around his ankles and the wrap around his legs. She snickered and gleefully taunted Thomas as she further crippled his composure with a flurry of maddening tickles.

“NAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” Thomas cried out. Through his bellowing laughter, he continued to breathe in the subtle, yet noticeable fumes of Emily’s feet against his nose. Able to mask his enthusiasm behind his feverous laughter, he reveled in the moment to indulge himself, breathing in the scent of her feet and socks freely as his senses suffered his own immense sensitivity. The tickle stormed through his nerves. Tears poured down the sides of his face as the girls’ scribbling fingers tore into his overwhelming ticklishness, breaking him down into a quivering, cackling mass. With each frantic, gulping breath, he could only breathe in the scent and heat of Emily’s feet, a delight that went as thoroughly savored as the tickles themselves.

“Awww, you like the way my feet feel against your face?” Emily teased. Both of her feet pressed against his cheeks, her toes wiggling at the edges of his nose. She laughed as she looked back to watch him squirm. Her fingers, along with Laura’s, maintained their ceaseless assault of tickles against his soles and toes. She smiled as she toyed with his face as much as she did his feet, confident that Thomas was having the time of his life.

“Oh, I wanna try,” Laura said. “Let’s switch!”

“Okay,” Emily said. With a brief break in the ticklish swarm, the girls each hopped up from their positions and switched places. Emily dropped back down to her knees at the bottom of the bed while Laura climbed on top, immediately placing one foot atop Thomas’s lips. The boy heaved through the break in the tickles. He sucked in the familiar, yet distinctly different scent of Laura’s foot. With a thicker heat than Emily’s he breathed it in almost shamelessly through his nose, certain that the girls knew the full truth. “Awww, look at him! Look how much he loves smelling your foot.”

“I know, right?” Laura said. “So cute!” She turned back toward Thomas, the boy’s cheeks glowing with blush. He breathed deeply, sweat laying a shine across his skin. Laura pressed her toes against his lips. They were damp in the sock, the air that wafted baking Thomas’s face in a dense heat. “So, Ticklish Tommy, you wanna admit now that you like our feet?” Thomas began to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth wide, Laura slipped her toes inside.

“Mmmpphh?” Thomas projected.

“Hmm?” Laura asked. “What’s that? I can’t understand you.”

“Mmmmmpphhmmm,” Thomas said, breathing deeply through his nose.

“I think he’s saying that he loves sucking on your toes,” Emily said. “But also that he loves being tickled even more.”

“That’s what I heard,” Laura said, turning around to face Thomas’s feet. The girls giggled as their fingers returned to Thomas’s soles, scribbling violently. Laura slipped her foot from between Thomas’s lips, letting his bursting laughter fill the room once more.

“NAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! GAAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!!!” Thomas threw his head back and laughed. The tickling returned in full force, with neither gleeful tickler holding anything back. Their ravenous nails feasted all over Thomas’s feet, scribbling up and down and covering each in layer upon layer of maddening tickles. Laura kept one of her feet up by Thomas’s face. She ran her toes across his cheeks and under his nose, permeating the air he breathed with her scent. The other foot made its way to Thomas’s closest underarm. Her toes pressed into his armpit and began to wiggle, inciting more tickles to flurry through his body. Thomas jerked away, his arm thrusting down as much as it could, but remained perfectly vulnerable to the new tickles surging through his pit. “NOOOOAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!”

“Awww, is Ticklish Tommy too ticklish to play with anymore?” Laura teased. She giggled and held the boy’s toes back with her digging fingers. With further immobility, Emily scurried her nails up and down the full length of both soles at once, riddling his senses completely with an bursting explosion of tickles.

“Ticklish Tommy, Ticklish Tommy, coochie coochie coo!” Emily taunted gleefully. Every little scribble sent eruptions of tickles up and through Thomas’s senses. The boy bellowed unrestrained laughter. He turned his head side to side, the scent of Laura’s foot following him wherever he looked. His chest pounded, rising and falling with rapidity against his manic laughter. Ladua continued to tickle his exposed armpit with her socked toes. She dug them deep into his stretched underarm hollow before wiggling them down to his ribs. Thomas howled through it all, drinking in the combined sensory experiences as if living out a fantasy he had never dared to dream.

“FAAAAHHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!! PLEEEAAHAHAHAHAHHAASE!!!!” Thomas cried. Laura’s fingers dug into the squirming crook of his toes. Her foot brushed against his lips, wiping their moisture against his open mouth. Emily scratched up and down both socked soles with rigorous, merciless intent. She snickered and giggled, her fingertips dancing freely all over Thomas’s bound soles. Both girls reveled in their playful ploy. They laughed at his reactions and taunted him over and over again about his ticklishness and overall helplessness, confident that he was enjoying the treatment just as much as they were.

“You know, Thomas stole our socks…” Emily said, she and Laura continuing to ravish Thomas’s feet with unending tickles.

“Yeah?” Laura said.

“So how about we return the favor?” Emily asked. They talked over the boy’s laughter, loud enough for him to hear.

“Steal his socks too?” Laura asked. “I love it! But which pair should we take? Hmmm…” Laura and Emily shared a grin. Emily pulled her hands back, letting the anticipation set in.

“How about… hmm, this pair looks good to me,” Emily said. “What do you think?” Laura stopped tickling for a moment, letting Thomas catch his breath against the warmth of her foot pressed right up against his lips.

“I was thinking the same thing, how crazy is that?” Laura said. Emily chuckled. Well then, let’s just peel these back a bit…” Emily pinched at the elastic hem on both socks at once. She slowly pulled them upward, gradually exposing more of Thomas’s bare feet underneath.

“N-no, w… wait…” Thomas panted, still feigning reservation. Laura inserted her toes back into the boy’s mouth.

“What’s that back there?” Laura asked as she wiggled her toes inside of Thomas’s mouth. “You really, really want us to tickle your bare feet?”

“I think he also really, really wants to sniff yours,” Emily said. She pulled on the socks far enough to expose both heels, the plush domes blushing a bright shade of pink.

“Why not both?” Laura asked.

“I love it!” Emily said. “Here, hold him back for me.”

“My pleasure,” Laura said. With her foot still wiggling slightly inside Thomas’s mouth, Laura grabbed onto both sets of Thomas’s toes and held his feet taut, keeping them completely immobile. Emily gazed back at the pearly pink pads of Thomas’s heels. She jovially wiggled her fingers in the air outside of them before plunging them down against the soft, bare skin.

“Tickle, tickle, tickle, Ticklish Tommy!” Emily said loudly. As her nails scratched away with direct contact onto Thomas’s heels, Thomas’s back launched up off of the bed. Laura withdrew her foot once more while an explosion of laughter burst from Thomas’s lips, surging with the sudden influx of tickles rushing through his body and tearing across his nerves.

“WHAAAAAAHHHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Thomas howled. Every scratch of Emily’s direct touch sent shockwaves of tickles up from his feet. His body writhed desperately against the bed, his arms and legs pulling at the binds that held him down. His feet tried to wiggle in place, but Laura held them firm to keep them entirely available for Emily’s hungry fingers to torment with ceaseless scribbles. The tickles directly placed onto his skin only served to elevate his experience, against the behest of what his body and mind could endure. Still, the girls held their positions with pleasure, as did Thomas, through the entire ordeal.

“Coochie coochie coo!” Emily chanted. “Ticklish Tommy and his ticklish feet! This is so much fun!” All ten of her nails scurried in concentrated surges against just his bare heels. The isolation of the tickles compounded their effects over the seconds that followed, resulting in a devilish new sensation of the tickle torture that Thomas had dreamt of for so long. The boy bucked against the bed. His screaming laughter filled the room. Laura held on firm, keeping his feet immobile while her toes continued to toy with his cheeks.

“I know, right?” Laura said. “Anytime we want Thomas to do something now, all we gotta do is tickle him.” Thomas squirmed violently beneath her. Laura continued to tease his pit and ribs with her wiggling toes while her other foot fed delightful scents to every desperate gulp of air. She held onto his wriggling feet while her friend coated the boy’s bare heels in a consistent rush of scribbling tickles.

“FAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAH!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPP!!!” Thomas begged, despite wanting the session to continue, a secret not lost on his playful captors. It was all part of the act that he had fantasized about over and over again, enduring the humiliating torment of ticklish and sock-sniffing under the pretense that it would be more torture than delight. Still, the tickles compounded against his senses. His energy faded more and more with each gasping breath. Delight or no, he knew that he could only enjoy himself for so long.

“How about… we see more of Ticklish Tommy’s ticklish feet?” Emily said. She stopped just long enough to roll Thomas’s socks up a bit more. She exposed the boy’s creamy, pale arches, still taunt and held back by Laura’s sturdy grip.

“Ohhh, this should be even more fun!” Laura said, her tone teasing the boy bound to her bed.

“Let’s see…” Emily said. Without giving Thomas much of a break, her fingertips returned to his feet, scribbling up and down the soft, bare stretches of his soles. Thomas let out another laughing scream as the tickles returned, more potent than ever. Between Emily’s fingers clawing away at his bare soles and Laura keeping them trapped and taut in place for her to do so, Thomas’s feet erupted with ticklish sensations, still pushing the helpless’s Thomas’s ticklish fortitude.

“GAAAAHHHEEEEEAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” More laughter burst from Thomas’s lips as Emily’s nails flurried up and down his soles, scratching between his arches and his heels. His feet trembled as Laura held them back. Both girls continued to laugh and taunt their friend, tears pouring down the sides of his face. Thomas huffed and heaved, every breath graced with the odor and heat of Laura’s worn sock, her toes pressed against his open mouth.

“His laugh is so cute!” Laura said. “Coochie coochie coo!” Emily’s nails ravished up and down the exposed sections of Thomas’s feet. They were slick with a fine layer of sweat, only serving to help Emily scribble faster and faster. Her nails dug against the frail skin, devouring every single ticklish nerve throughout again and again.

“I know,” Emily said. “And I just know that he’s loving having your feet so close to his face.” Laura looked back. Her foot followed Thomas’s face, though it never strayed too far. Thomas breathed in the natural fragrance of her foot more and more with each desperate breath. He could taste her on his tongue, faint remains of residue left over within his mouth and against his tongue. Laura’s foot, coupled with the whirlwind of stimulation that was the tickles waged against his bare feet, created a sensation unlike anything else he had ever felt, an experience plucked from impossible dreams.

“FAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!! NAHAHAHAAAT MY FEEEEAHAHAHAHAHAAAAEEEET!!!” Thomas pleaded. The girls savored their friend’s ticklish laughter with every desperate bout. They watched him writhe against the bed. They witnessed how he blushed and cried and sweated from the ceaseless ticklish stimulation. They laughed at his plight, knowing that doing so was all a part of the experience they gifted to him, as well as a pleasure all on its own. Emily scribbled and scraped all the same plush, slick spots over and over again until every exposed inch of his soles glowed with ticklish tingles.

“I think it’s time to finally steal these socks, don’t you?” Emily asked, coming to a sudden stop. Thomas groaned with a loss of breath, desperately gulping down what he could during the short break.

“Sounds fair to me,” Laura said. She looked back toward Thomas. “What do you think?” Laura placed her foot back inside Thomas’s open mouth. His tongue laid upon the slightly sour musk, drinking in the taste of Laura’s foot as he tried to speak.

“Mmm-mmpphh…” Thomas said, huffed deeply through his nose.

“I think he said… ‘please take them and tickle my bare feet all day long’,” Laura said.

“Don’t have to tell me, I heard it clear as day,” Emily said. Laura, still holding onto Thomas’s feet, pulled the rest of Thomas’s socks completely off. Leaving Thomas’s ticklish bare feet completely exposed, the two girls marveled at the playthings that laid before them as Thomas’s socks fell off the side of the bed.

“Aww, how cute,” Emily said. “Thomas’s ticklish feet, all bare and laid out for us to play with all… day… long!” With Thomas’s feet completely bared, Emily raised her hands once more to freely tickle both soles at once. Likewise, Laura, no longer holding Thomas’s feet back, elected to scribble her nails across the boy’s squirming toes. Thomas reeled and wailed with untamed laughter against the bed. A sudden ticklish surge of twenty fingers ravishing his bare feet sent his voice breaking and his back arching, the frame of the bed croaking against the swift, impulsive tug of his limbs.

“GHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! PLEEEAAHHAHAHAASE!!!” Thomas yelled. His cheeks glowed a brighter shade of red. Tears rushed down his face while his chest pounded. He bucked and bounced in his binds, unable, and consciously unwilling, to free himself from the ticklish hellscape in which he found himself.

“Tickle, tickle tickle!” Emily repeated while giggling. Her fingers scribbled and scraped all over Thomas’s arches, up to the base of his toes. Her approach was wild and unreserved by sympathy. Every little swipe of her fingers sent another bolt of ticklishness tearing through Thomas’s nerves and she knew it, unleashing all ten fingers constantly scratching up and down and all over until both soles had been painted, layered, with maddening tickles.

“Look at these cute, ticklish toes!” Laura said. From above, looking down, Laura dug her nails into the grooves of Thomas’s bare toes. While hers continued to tease Thomas’s nose and open mouth, her fingertips plunged into the soft, humid reliefs of Thomas’s ticklish digits. She dug against the stems when they would curl defensively. She weaseled her fingers in between each one, making sure to give the delicate webbing a memorable amount of ticklish skittering. She teased the pads and shaded, frail undersides of each, her fingers coating Thomas’s toes in wave upon wave of ticklish delight.

“FAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!! NAHAHAHAT MY TOEESSSSSAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Thomas cried. The boy bucked in place. He screamed and howled, his breath getting caught in his throat. Thomas gasped through his laughter. He wheezed and coughed as he began to suspect that he was hitting his limit, having bitten off more than he could chew or by simply underestimating, or not expecting, Emily and Laura to grant him his secret wish so feverishly. His feet were being completely devoured with insidious tickles while he breathed in gasp after gasp of air scented to Laura’s feet. As much as he wanted to hold out for as long as possible, ‘possible’ appeared to creep in closer than expected. It was when he began to imagine not being able to take much more that the tickles stopped again.

“No passing out on us, Ticklish Tommy,” Laura said. She looked back, watching the boy on her bed groan with deep, needy breaths.

“Yeah, we have a lot more planned for you today,” Emily added. Thomas struggled to catch his breath. The tickles had stopped, yet his feet continued to tingle. He had become frightfully aware just how vulnerable they were, that we was, bound in such a way.

“M… m-more…?” Thomas asked, sweat dripping from the tips of his hair. Emily and Laura looked at one another.

“Should we… while he’s resting?” Emily asked.

“Sure,” said Laura. She jumped down off of the bed, pulling the duffel bag closer to where Emily knelt by Thomas’s feet. From inside, she pulled out a bottle of baby oil, a pair of kitchen gloves, and a tall, yellow can.

“You know, it’s okay if you don’t want to just admit to liking our feet,” Emily said. “We figured that was the case anyway. We’re not stupid, you know?” She put on the gloves and took the baby oil. Emily squirted some into her palm, spreading it between both gloves.

“Plus, you’re stuck here anyway, so we figured that we’d surprise you with some… special playtime,” Laura added. She took the can and opened it. “You think you’re ticklish now? Well, we looked up how to make a pair of feet even more ticklish than before, and… we think you’re going to like it.”

“Maybe,” Emily said. She and Laura shared a laugh. Laura turned the can over into Emily’s cupped hands. A fine layer of white powder well out. It meshed into the glossy oil, creating a thick, pale mixture that spread evenly. Laura only used a little of the powder before putting the can back into the bag. Emily raised the gloves, coated in the mixture, up to Thomas’s bare soles.

“You know, we could pass this off as a science experiment and show the whole school just how ticklish our Ticklish Tommy is,” Laura said. Emily laughed.

“Oh my god, I would love that!” Emily said. She pressed her greased psalm against Thomas’s soles. Methodically, she coated the entire surface of Thomas’s soles with the mixture. She used her fingers to weave it through his toes as Thomas shifted anxiously in bed.

“Wh… what’s that?” Thomas asked.

“You’ll see,” Emily said. She gave Thomas’s feet a slow and thorough coating before pulling the gloves away. Thomas’s soles shined with the oil that covered them. He wiggled his toes as he stared down at the girls gazing upon his ticklish soles. Emily groaned as she stood up. “This better work.”

“It should,” Laura said. “I read about it somewhere.”

“Well, if it doesn’t we’ll just go back to what we were doing,” Emily said.

“There you go,” said Laura. Emily rushed to the bathroom to carefully remove the gloves. She washed them off and left them hanging over the edge of the sink before returning to the bedroom, where she witnessed Thomas squirming against the bed.

“Wh-what… what did you do?” Thomas asked.

“What’s the matter, Ticklish Tommy?” Laura asked. She stood up and came over to the side of the bed, sitting and staring down at the boy. “Starting to feel it yet?” As Emily returned into the room, closing the door behind her, Thomas began to feel a distinct tingling covering where the girls had coated the oil over his feet. He wiggled them in place, yet this only seemed to further irritate the sensation.

“Wh… what is it?” Thomas asked.

“Just a little bit of baby oil and… itching powder,” said Emily, coming up to the edge of the bed. “Supposed to tickle ticklish spots and make them, like, ten times more ticklish afterward. I figured we’d try it out.”

“So, how’s it feel?” Laura asked. Following the description, Thomas began to feel the tingles grow into a more direct and obvious sensation. Against his foot, the tingles began to act as soft tickles, placed directly onto his bare soles and toes. He tried to brush them off by scratching them with the other foot, but the overall sensation quickly began to envelope the areas. The tickles spread throughout his feet, acting entirely on their own and reaching every ticklish spot across his soles and around his digits. Thomas began to giggle and squirm on the bed. The giggles morphed into a steady stream of laughter as the tickles scurried more and more across his delicate nerves. Within minutes, the sensation was amplified, feeling as if dozens of fingers were attacking each ticklish nerves with their own dire concentration of scribbling scratches.

“No, no, noooaaahahahahahahahaa!!! Ohhh gaaahahahahahahhHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAD!!!” Thomas laughed. The tickling of the oiled powder compounded what the girls were previously capable of several times over. Hundreds of scribbling nails ravished across Thomas’s soles, covering every delicate nerve and fiber of skin. The boy twisted and turned against the inescapable flurry of tickles that tore across both feet at once. Thomas threw his head back as he laughed. He pulled at his arms and legs. His feet flailed in their ticklish flurry, but every movement seemed to irritate the tickles more and more.

“Hahah, oh wow, that worked better than I expected!” Emily said.

“And faster, too,” Laura added. “Ticklish Tommy gets his feet tickled and we get to watch all of it.”

“Oh, or better yet…” Emily said. As Thomas writhed against the bed, the ticklish gel scribbling away endlessly at the fragile nerves of his bare feet and toes, Emily climbed back up onto the bed. She sat by Thomas’s side, climbing over the writhing boy to make room for Laura. She smiled and reached down to peel her sock off of her foot. Laura smiled and joined her on the bed, also taking her sock off. “How about Ticklish Tommy showing us just how much he loves our socks?”

“Let’s do it,” Laura said. The girls giggled as Thomas continued to twist and scream with laughter. They held their socks up to his face, Emily dropping hers over Thomas’s open mouth while Laura pressed hers beneath his nose. The socks were still warm and damp from being on the girls’ feet in the tepid room. Thomas breathed in the scent of both through his nose while experiencing the taste of their feet with each gulp for air through his mouth.

“NAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! OOOHHH GAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!!!” Thomas laughed, the tickles still ravaging across every nerve of his ticklish feet with crushing automation. Every breath he sucked down through his laughter came pleasantly tainted with the scent and flavor of his friends’ feet. The girls laughed as they watched him desperately drink down the odorous air.

“Awww, Ticklish Tommy loves our socks, don’t you?” Emily teased. She wiped her sock across his lips, the fabric still damp from sweat.

“Of course, he does,” Laura said. “Otherwise he wouldn’t have stolen ours.” She kept hers firmly planted beneath his nose, wiping a bit of the moisture across his cheeks.

“That’s so silly,” Emily said. “All you had to do was ask. And now that we know that you like our feet, we just may give you more of our dirty socks from here on out.”

“If you’re a good Ticklish Tommy, that is,” Laura said. Thomas could do nothing but laugh. The girls teased their socks on and around Thomas’s face while the boy cried out in wailing laughter. The substance on his feet irritated every nerve with direct tickles over and over again, creating a singular sensation of absolute ticklish torment. Tears smeared down his face. His blushing cheeks hid behind the damp swipes of the socks, their light, yet distinctive odor filling the air around him. Thomas could only laugh. He twisted in his binds uselessly. He tossed his head side to side, yet nothing he did lessened the tickles he endured even a little. By his estimation, the tickles of the substance only grew and grew as his feet faced a greater range of sensitivity.

“NAAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPPP!!!” Thomas faced tickles that only grew and grew. The itching, ticklish sensation steadily became more irritant than challengingly pleasurable. He bucked against the bed as his cries grew more and more desperate for relief, a return to the hand-spun approach for which he pined. He bared his teeth as his motions shifted with dramatic expulsion. Emily and Laura glanced at one another.

“I think it’s time,” Emily said.

“Looks like it,” Laura replied. Emily hopped off the bed as Laura leaned in close to Thomas. “Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon. We know exactly what to do now.” She too jumped off of the bed, leaving hers and Emily’s socks against Thomas’s mouth and nose, and rushed to meet Emily kneeling by Thomas’s wriggling feet. Laura reached into the duffel bag and quickly pulled out two hair brushes. As the itching grew worse and worse against Thomas’s soles, the girls took the brushes and leaned in close.

“Alright, Ticklish Tommy,” Emily said. “You can thank us later.” The girls moved in to press the bristled side of the brushes against both of Thomas’s bare soles. With a firm grip on the handle, they both began to scrub away at the slick, oily surfaces, scraping Thomas’s soles over and over again with instant, maddening tickles.

WHAAAAAAHHHHHAHHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!” Thomas’s back launched up off of the bed. His arms and legs yanked against the binds holding him down. An acute explosion of tickles, more intense than anything he had ever felt before, surged through his body. Each pass of the hard-bristled brushes scraped over thirty small, balled prongs against his slippery, ticklish soles. Emily and Laura scrubbed each sole quickly, as fast as they could manage, sending several passes per second through Thomas’s fatigued senses.

“Tickle, tickle, tickle, Ticklish Tommy!” Emily teased loudly over his laughter. “Didn’t think we could ever tickle you like this, huh?” She reached up to grip Thomas’s big toe, pulling it back to better access the glossy stretch of sole beneath. Holding it steady, she scrubbed away at Thomas’s ticklish foot, able to move with minimal friction due to the oil left over. His soles blushed brightly, glowing a brighter and brighter shade with each pass of the brushes, as they bloomed with screaming sensitivity.

“Heh heh, I bet he’s still loving this, aren’t you, Ticklish Tommy?” Laura asked. She too held Thomas’s foot in place as her brush ravaged across the slippery surface of his sole. The mixture of oil and powder had indeed left him more sensitive than he ever felt before, but Thomas had little means of measuring how much as the girls and their brushes sent his senses careening into pure ticklish hysteria. As he fought to endure, Thomas’s mind began to fade. His body quickly surrendered to the exhaustion of outlasting such stimulation, reducing his natural motions to twitches and slow shifting, even through the force of the explosions of tickles that set off again and again with each pass of the brushes. His mind, however, began to single in on basic notions of consciousness, not the least of which longer than any other was gratitude.

FAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” Thomas could only laugh, laugh and accept his ticklish fate. The brushes scrubbed away at the itching sensations, each tickle erupting with a subtextual layer of satisfaction, scratching the itches that had begun to plague him, that began to replace glee with discomfort. The tickles, pure in their form, no matter how grueling a trial they became, were anything but discomforting. Thomas welcomed them, even the worst of them, as he knew he had no other choice in his state of being.

‘Ticklish Thomas’ contemplated that it was all his fault to begin with, that perhaps he had hoped the girls would find the socks to initiate some satisfyingly humiliating retribution, and yet Thomas conceded that not even he humored the idea that his fantasies would be evoked so thoroughly, so dreamlike, as they were. If his mental faculties were not so occupied with enduring the ticklish anguish waged against his soles, he may have been more appreciative of it all. The tickles. The sock-play. The nostalgic playtime that brought pleasure to both him and his friends. The underlying acceptance for who he is, made critically obvious by every tickle and tease that brushed his person. Through it all, listening to the glee in their voices and the endearing panic that rushed through his body, it was all pleasure, one Thomas knew, even in his most faded state, he would hold onto forever.

As the girls proceeded to further test Thomas’s ticklish limitations, a pause fell over the room. Laura’s door handle began to turn. Laura and Emily pulled away from Thomas’s feet and turned to watch the door begin to open. The girls dropped the brushes. Thomas could only lay back, wheezing to catch his breath. As the door opened, Laura’s mother, Mary, stepped inside.

“What’s… happening in here?” Mary asked. Mary was a woman who had aged with the refinement of health fads and personal trainers. Her dark, auburn hair hung past her shoulders, cloaked in a neatly pressed purple blouse. She was a woman who anyone could see had gifted her daughter with natural beauty. She held herself with conservation as she entered, questioning the scene before her.

“M-mom, I… um… well…” Laura began to stutter, shooting up to her feet. “We… uh…”

“We were just playing,” Emily said, also rising to stand. “It’s just playing because… we knew he was into this and…”

“Into what?” another voice asked from out in the hall. From behind, Emily’s mother, Sharon, walked into the room. Sharon wore jewelry as liberally as she did faded tattoos across her arms and legs. A woman who kept a tight grip on the whimsy of her youth, Sharon matched her daughter’s tendency toward mischief and free-thinking in both behavior as well as general aesthetic. Emily paused at the sight of her mother. She and Laura looked at one another for answers, neither able to present.

“Um… it… it’s not important,” Emily said. Mary sighed and walked further into the room. She came up next to Thomas, wiping the sweet from his head.

“You girls sure did a number on hum,” Mary said. “Thomas… Tommy? Are you okay, dear?” Thomas sighed, still blushing deeply from the ordeal. He swallowed to clear his throat, sharing in the embarrassment of the daughters.

“Y… y-yeah, I… I’m fine…” Thomas said. Sharon came up behind Mary.

“Is it true?” Sharon asked. “That you’re… ‘into’ this?” Thomas’s blush remained, but his resolve to keep secrets had long since faded with fatigue. He glanced over to Emily and Laura, still standing by the edge of the bed.

“Yeah,” Thomas said. “I am.” Emily and Laura smiled. Their expressions betrayed a sense of remorse behind the quiet stillness of their shame. Laura pinched a strand of her hair while Emily twiddled with her fingers.

“Well, alright then,” said Mary. “You’re okay… and you wanted this.” Mary stated before turning back to the girls. “Shame on you two. I have to say, what I saw when I walked in was just… ” The girls looked down and away as Mary turned back to Sharon. The two mothers shared a knowing smirk before Mary looked back. “... sloppy.” Emily and Laura looked up.

“Huh?” Laura asked. Mary grinned and pushed past her. Sharon, as well, made her way toward the foot of the bed.

“Your tickling technique, with the brushes” Mary said. “It could use some work.”

“Good job on the setup here, though,” Sharon added, looking over the bondage job. “Takes me back, a little bit. You remember Dan from the clubhouse. Halloween night.” Mary laughed.

“Man, that boy had a pair of lungs on him, didn’t he?” Mary said. “Woke up the whole block.” Emily and Laura stood back as Thomas peered down, seeing both women kneeling down at his trapped, bare feet with wide, anxious eyes.

“Here, girls, let us teach you how to really tickle a helpless pair of feet,” said Mary. Emily and Laura stood back in stunned silence. Sharon cracked her knuckles as Mary pulled her hair back in a bun.

“Yeah, this’ll be so much fun!” Emily cheered.

“Caught me off guard there, but okay!” Laura said. The mothers moved to make room for their daughters, teasing Thomas’s frightened stare with sly, mischievous grins.

Thomas laid and watched as both inched closer to his trapped feet, their fingers decorated with long, colorful nails. Emily and Laura, wearing wide, eager smiles, rushed down to join them on the floor. The intent was, once again, devilishly apparent. Thomas could only wait, witnessing four pairs of eyes observing his ticklish feet and forty fingers ready to return his senses to an even more ruthless ticklish torment, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop them and that, deep down, regardless of how well he could handle it, it was still a dream come true.

“Coochie coochie coo, Ticklish Tommy,” Mary muttered, her nails rising to the still slippery base of Thomas’s blushing soles. Thomas braced himself once more, his teeth sinking into his lips between a perking grin.


Jota Milagros

Great story! I envy Tommy.