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Stephanie answers more questions while getting poked with a needle.

Next page will be page 200! It's been a LOT of pages.
Next Open Trade page will also not be up until Feb 5th. Next two weeks will be Dress to Thrill. Basically keepinng Open Trade for the first 3 weeks of each month, the remaining weeks going to the back up story.

EDIT: The page was missing for a while. I was mid-update and the internet crapped out. All better now. 




It’s funny that Lexi is now the one missing sexual references! Also I’m glad my question got in too.


There were a lot of fun questions. Tried to get in as many people as I could.


Surprised she was only a white lady in 3 days time according to the comic. I wasn't there when I found this comic but it does make me wonder what she would have looked like now if she hadn't done that race/ethnicity swap trade? And how much of her race trade affects the choices she makes about herself?