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The end out this months comic update. Gwen is in a good but scary place. But we will pick up once again in December. 

We have sketches and polls for our bonus and decider tiers coming soon. . 



Halima Abdi

Oh well, nobody's perfect, Gwen.

Martin Lock

In panel one, "I kept changing my life" surely? Moving into murkier waters, I don't know if one ought to keep to the same tense in a word balloon; grammatically correct, but not everyone naturally speaks that way. So does "kept" mean that it should be "said" rather than "say"...?


So has Gwen now erased Ken completely from reality then?

Alex Smyth

"I've been trying to fix it, but I'm stuck with this rack and the long hair, but I got my book back." "The comic and the name is mine again, but it seems like I could have done better." Huh? Is the magic gone now? How would Gwen know that? I really hope there's still enough magic to fix her body. Probably can't do anything about her height, but hopefully enough so that at least she could say her hair is a wig and that she's wearing padding.