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Gwen has one last chance to make change. 



Martin Lock

Intriguing. "I guess that am good," is how the Incredible Hulk might start the page. Or "I guess that's good" would do at a pinch...

Thomas Tolliver

Oh no! And here I was hoping she'd slip up some more.

Alex Smyth

One big change? Okay.... "I'm not a professional cosplayer. I'm a comic writer and artist." Hopefully, saying that will work for Gwen.

Alex Smyth

Also, Kayla's coven don't want to help Gwen because they want to keep magic secret? But Gwen already knows about magic. And Gwen seems trustworthy enough to help keep it a secret. So what would it matter now if the Kayla's coven helped Gwen be the woman she actually wants to be?

Mr. Domino

Or perhaps "I am not just a professional cosplayer, but I am also a skilled comic artist and writer" so Gwen can have ALL of her cake and eat it as well. Like seriously I have been hoping SO hard for Gwen to get her drawing ability back.