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We get to hear from Kayla!

And yeah, Gwen's chest is large enough to hide a phone. 



Mr. Domino

One would think that she could have talked them into fixing the spell or tinkering it to Gwen's precise specifications so she can have the life she truly wants.

Alex Smyth

"They will not tinker with the spell I cast on you"? Does that mean that Kayla's coven won't help Gwen out? Why won't they help Gwen? They really should, considering taking Kayla away from Gwen is why Gwen is stuck as she is. I'm with Mr. Domino. Couldn't Gwen and Kayla convince them to fix or tinker with the spell to Gwen's precise specifications, so that Gwen can have the life she wants and be her true self?

Thomas Tolliver

I assume this was the opportunity to undo something. 😋


I may adjust this line. I didn't want to give the wrong message. It's more that the coven will not completely undo the spell or make it worse because they don't like people knowing about magic.