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Some of you may have noticed on other Patreons that people have been adding the annual membership option. I just wanted to let you know as we are heading to the end of the month that I've activated that as an option here as well. 

If you sign up for an annual billing option, you will receive a 16% discount on your pledges here. If you know you want to stick around for a while, this is a great option to take advantage of. 

While I'm giving updates, I'm looking at a bonus sketch to go up this weekend. 

Pages for next month are coming along well, already 2 complete, hopefully we can get them all up on time this month

Thank you all for your amazing support. I'm so glad you are apart of this journey. 



I dont know why but the 50.40 bothers me. Its not a flat 50 for 49.99

Martin Lock

The discount wipes out the recently-added VAT that Patreon now charges on subscriptions, which is handy.


Yeah, that seems odd. I dont actually set the specific end amount. I just get to set 16% discount, the highest I could make it, I think the pricing just ends up where ever it is mathematically.