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We have a special treat this month. Me and TGTrinity have been working on a crossover. I wrote a comic for TGTrinity called Undercover that is currently on TGTrinity's Patreon. And TGTrinity created a bunch of images that I wrote a story around after they were rendered. 

We'll be posting one panel of the Looking for Roommate comic everyday this month. We are following the story of Quinn as he looks for a new place to live. Hopefully a place open to his desire to be the woman he truly is. 

If you don't already, be sure to support TGTrinity on Patreon  https://www.patreon.com/tgtrinity 

We'll see you tomorrow with the first part of the story. 



Martin Lock

I wonder if people call him the Mighty Quinn, after the Manfred Mann song... and I see there was a Mighty Quinn movie, too, starring Denzel Washington!

Martin Lock

Not a show I've ever watched, though I must say "Earth of origin: Kromagg Prime" sounds intriguing!