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Something that we all can not avoid. The need to use the bathroom. It was bound to come up eventually. It is something cool in the comic con world. A lot of us tend to be solo acts, so we all cover each other when it comes time to use the bathroom or grab food. It's a nice thing. 



Martin Lock

I remember once helping out that way - the table's owner was rather happy, as one of his regulars had bought some stuff while he was away, and of course I'd not known to give the regular a discount, so he ended up with more profit. As to this page, I hope Gwen is tactful with the man's "just in fun" bit of male chauvinist piggery... maybe she could offer a trade discount on a few copies of her, er, Ken's book?


She probably isn't since I never give anyone anything for watching my table when I need to pee. We typically do the, I'll watch your back and you watch mine. I do like making a sale for them when they are gone.