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Okay, folks!  Just wanted to update y'all on my situation.  

I am, more or less, recovered.  This week was rough - if you haven't had the rona, I don't recommend it - but I'm back to as good a shape as can be expected.  I've got lingering respiratory issues and am constantly exhausted, but I consider myself well enough to work.  Likelihood of OVDT returning for all readers tomorrow is slim; I'd love to pull it off if I can, but there are three considerations holding that back.

First is that I still owe a back chapter to the Avenist-tier backers, that being the first one I missed as I was just starting to get sick, and I want to get them caught up before resuming the full update schedule.  So a full re-launch by Tuesday would be require me to get two chapters done tomorrow, which is unlikely due to the second reason.  

That being lingering fatigue issues from covid.  Yeah, again, I am mostly okay and seem to be recovering well, but man I have zero energy or stamina.  The brainfog has mostly receded so I can work pretty well again, but absolutely everything tires me out to an unreasonable degree.  

And third, just for funsies, we just got notified that they'll be working on the cables so our internet will be out for part of tomorrow.  Which part or how long they didn't bother to say, but it's Comcast so I'm assuming the worst.  

I'm going to do my best to have the Avenist chapter finished and shipped by tomorrow night.  Full updates for everybody will resume by Friday.  

Thanks for sticking with me, everyone.  I appreciate your support.


Dominic Corbin

Glad you're feeling better! Be honest with yourself if you need to slow down or take a pause. I think many agree that slower good is better than fast poor or burned out

Conrad Wong

Yep, COVID is notorious for being punishing if you're too quick trying to get back up to speed. Take it easy!


With covid, I'd recommend taking it easy for a week to recover. You don't want to push yourself. Everyone will still be there in a week 😀


Joined up for Patreon since I heard you were having lingering covid systems. Here's some cash, buy yourself some soup! Or Vick's VapoRub. Or an orange. I've had several friends deal with post-covid issues. Get well soon!