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I don't know for sure that I have covid as I haven't been able to get my hands on a test, but my roommate's been down with it for nearly a week so it's incredibly likely.  I have been struggling with fatigue and brain fog for days now and hoped it was just a depressive episode, but as of now I am definitely sick and getting sicker, so I'll just have to wait and see how this develops.  

Right now my attempts to work are not going well, to the point I am officially giving up, at least for the day and possibly until I am recovered.  For being a task that just involves sitting at a keyboard, writing is a lot more energy-intensive than it seems like it should be and any condition that wipes me out always kills my productivity. 

I currently owe the Avenist-tier backers their most recent advance chapter, so rather than running out the clock on all tiers one at a time, if I'm not going to be able to catch up on that by the next scheduled update, I will be pausing all updates until I can reliably work again, and posting a relevant announcement on RR.  It's my understanding that cases of covid usually last a week or two, so any interruption shouldn't be much longer than that unless I am extremely unlucky.  In any case, I'll have more information one way or another before Tuesday so I will post an update by then at the latest to keep everybody in the loop.

Hopefully this will be a brief and passing thing, but as the very real possibility of a schedule interruption exists I wanted to give as much advance notice as I could.

Thanks for your patience, everybody.


Conrad Wong

Hope you feel better soon and recover well! Be sure to take it easy after, I gather long covid is more likely for those who press themselves too hard.


Damn, sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon, and that it doesnt hit too badly. The severity of covid seems to very a lot


Covid died it's monkeypox now


bro, there is a time and a place for schizoposting. Hide your powerlevel.


Rest well and get well!


Covid knocked me on my ass a few weeks ago. And my job doesn't even have a COVID leave policy, despite still being required to comply with CDC guidelines, so that sucked. Hope you're feeling better, the first few days were the worst in my experience.