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Hey all, just checking in because it's been a while since I posted anything and I don't want y'all to think I disappeared or anything.

I'm having a flare-up of a long-standing dental problem that would cost way more than I can afford to have permanently fixed. So, once or twice a year, I get to spend two to six days or so in excruciating pain for no good reason. That itself is pretty distracting and not good for creativity, but the sleep deprivation it causes is worse.

The teal deer is I will be okay in a few more days, and there probably won't be any more chapters until then. I have one half-done that I've been trying to pluck away at but this has me pretty messed up and I'm not making much headway. I'll be back to work just as soon as I can manage.

My apologies for the schedule disruption. I'll let everybody know if anything else changes, but otherwise, I expect to be back on track in hopefully another day or two.


Joel Tone

Sorry you're having this flare up again. I hope it passes soon.


Aaaaah US health-care is so awful; so sorry this is your situation and good luck