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This is a collection of flash fiction, based on reader prompts.

Contains: Weight Gain, Breast Expansion


Short Stacks

BCU Special

This collection of stories features characters belonging to Bobo the Hobo. Hannah Meets Laurie also features Mcoddles’ Laurie Belmontes.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Prompt — also gonna throw in Hannah realizes the apple didn’t fall far from the tree when she’s started outgrowing her wardrobe/couches/beds/rooms and her daughter might be the reason why

Contains: Weight Gain


The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far

“God damn it!”

Hannah Hammond cursed softly as she tried to button her suit skirt over her swollen middle. After finally getting the right combination of meds and therapy to keep her “Dark Passenger” at bay, she’d worked so hard over the years to keep the svelte physique that made her effective as the East Coast regional manager of the Hammond family of hotels. Now moving into her late forties, Hannah Hammond was finally losing the battle.

Tossing the skirt in the corner — an uncharacteristically lazy act — Hannah pulled out a suit she’d saved from her Past. The outfit once belonged to Piper Black, a ‘project’ of Hannah’s from long ago. She kept it as a reminder of just what she was capable of if she ever lost control again.

The suit was woefully out of style… and nowhere near as loose as she’d hoped.

“Mom! Breakfast is ready!”

Speaking of Piper…

Taking in Piper’s daughter and raising her after she’d made the young mom too big to raise a child had been the wake up call Hannah needed to get her proverbial life together. Heather graduated college six months ago and moved back into Hannah’s penthouse while she worked an entry-level job at the family business.

Hannah’s adopted daughter bore only a little physical resemblance to her mom. She was dark-haired, several inches shorter, much more busty, and spent hours in the gym each week to maintain a figure like Hannah’s. Well, as thin as Hannah had been, a few short months ago.

Sitting down to the small marble-top table in her one percent kitchen, Hannah found herself presented with a stack of waffles that would have put the Daven’s Port Hammond Hotel breakfast buffet to shame.

“Heather, sweetie… this is too much, I don’t need three.”

Six months ago, Hannah Hammond wouldn’t have eaten one waffle for breakfast.

“Don’t be silly, mother. You work hard all day, you need to keep up your strength!”

Heather Hammond gave her mother a smile with more sugar than the high-end maple syrup with which she was drowning Hannah’s breakfast.

Having always been insecure about not being Heather’s biological mother, Hannah often found it difficult to refuse her daughter anything. Which is not to say that Heather was spoiled — she’d absorbed much the same drive and determination of her adopted mother. But as she closed her eyes in sheer bliss at the sweet and buttery flavors that danced across her tongue, Hannah wondered if maybe Heather hadn’t picked up some of her… less laudable traits.

In less time than she’d expected, Hannah’s fork was hitting bare porcelain. Heather was already standing by with two more waffles, plopping them on her mother’s plate without prompting.

“Heather, no! I’m going to get fat!”

Hannah pressed a hand to her middle, where her softening stomach was pressing snuggly against the button up blouse of Piper’s old skirt suit.

“Nonsense mother, you look great! My friends are always telling me how much prettier you are than the other moms. Everyone softens a little bit as they get older. Now eat up, you’ve got a meeting in 15 minutes.”

As her daughter refilled a tall glass of whole milk, Hannah realized just how similar she and Heather really were after all.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Laurie Belmontes and Hannah Hammond meet

Contains: Weight Gain


Hannah meets Laurie

Hannah Hammond stood behind the front desk of ‘her’ hotel, surveying her domain with a self-satisfied grin. She’d schemed and connived for nearly two years to turn this branch of the Hammond Hotel empire into her own little hedonistic paradise. She watched a pudgy bellhop with her belly spilling over the belt of her uniform lugging a wheeled luggage cart. She spotted a pair of maids hiding around a corner, ‘sneaking’ snack cakes from the Yeng-brand vending machine. All of Hannah’s employees had swipe cards that would give them anything they wanted from those machines free of charge. Hannah’s sight zoomed back out to her immediate surroundings, where a quarter-ton concierge spilled out of a reinforced office chair. She could see the seams on the woman’s pants already starting to pop.

Then a customer stepped out of the enormous rotating door to the hotel lobby. She was massive. Well, massive by ‘normal’ standards. Nothing that would impress a professional fat admirer like Hannah Hammond. And yet… Even from here, Hannah could sense the young woman had… potential.

She had olive skin and long black hair. She held her head high like she was looking down on everything and everyone around her. But Hannah could see her eyes tell a different story. The young woman’s eyes glowed with want, with need, with… greed.

Hannah knew a prospective project when she saw one. She stepped out from behind the desk to greet the guest personally. “Good afternoon! Welcome to Hammond Hotel. I’m the manager, Hannah, miss…?”


Up close, Hannah could see the young woman’s potential more clearly. She estimated Laurie weighed about four-fifty, maybe four-fifty-five. A good percentage of that weight settled into the biggest pair of tits Hannah’d ever seen. Even the largest of her projects eventually grew all in the lower and middle half. From the way she stood, trying in vain to make her massive honkers more prominent, Laurie took great pride in her ridiculous assets.

“Hannah… Hammond?” The woman asked.

“That’s me!” Hannah said with a smile.

“I’ve heard about you.”

Laurie’s eyes scanned the lobby, every employee larger than the last. Hannah felt a moment of panic, then Laurie met her eyes again. “You’re uh,” She glanced around at the crowded lobby, lowering her arrogant tone to a whisper. “I’ve heard you’re very… generous.”

Hannah’s eyes twinkled, “It’s lovely to meet you, Laurie. Let me set you up in one of our premier suites.

Laurie grinned, running the tip of her pink tongue over her glossy lips. “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”


Laurie lay spread out on a California King bed. She was nearly twice the size she’d been when she moved into the hotel six months ago.

“Open wide, sweetie…” Hannah teased, holding an eclair over Laurie’s mouth.

“Please, Hannah…” Laurie huffed, “I can’t anymore. Please just play with my tits for a while?”

Hannah’s expression darkened, “I know how proud you are of your boobs, and how much bigger they’ve gotten. But you need to eat lots more if you want them to keep growing…”

Laurie’s body had exploded with fat since Hannah took her in, but Hannah knew teasing the girl’s breast fixation was a sure-fire way to ‘encourage’ her.

Hannah held the donut, pushing it into Laurie’s mouth with each bite. She ran her other hand along the drum-tight surface of Laurie’s belly. Her skin was pink from the tension, but Hannah knew when her project was at her limit. She could take two more boxes of donuts.

Maybe three…



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Oink for me. Yeah, I know it’s cringe. Do it anyways.

Contains: Weight Gain


Lyla and Faith

Granny Barb was starting to wonder if things were going poorly with Cousin Faith’s family. The poor girl was coming over to have ‘sleepovers’ with Lyla more’n once a week! Well, at least she and Lyla got along so well. It was a shame Granny Barb couldn’t get Faith to eat a little more, get some meat on those bones. But then, she supposed it was hard to get any seconds when her “Little Lyla” gobbled most everything up before Faith could finish her firsts.

Although, Cousin Faith did seem to be more interested in making sure Lyla got enough to eat, than feeding herself.

Faith and Lyla sat on the couch, watching some silly show on the TV. Granny Barb dried her hands on a towel and hung her apron on its hook. “I’m headed to bed. Don’t you girls stay up too late now, y’ hear?”

“We –hic– won’t,” Lyla mumbled.

“Night Granny Barb!” Faith called.

The cousins listened to the creaking stairs as Granny Barb went to her room, waiting for the sound of her door closing. Faith waited for a count of twenty before rolling onto her side, burying her face in Lyla’s sideboob.

“I missed you…”

“You were here Tuesday night,” Lyla said.

“Still… Let me help you with these, I’m surprised you can breathe…”

Faith undid the button on Lyla’s shorts, letting her round gut puff out to its full size. She ran her hands along Lyla’s belly, squeezing handfuls of squishy flesh. “There, doesn’t that feel better?”

“I guess…”

“What’s the matter? Is my ‘little’ Lyla-Bean still hangry?”

“No!” Lyla said, pouting.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“I really liked these shorts, and they’re too small now.”

“Aww, you poor thing… You want some pie to cheer you up?”

Lyla shook her head, but her tummy vibrated with hungry rumbles. Faith climbed off the couch and knelt in front of her. She grabbed Lyla’s belly in both hands, burying her face in the soft skin. “It sounds like you doooo…”

“Fine…” Lyla said, reflexively licking her lips at the thought of another one of Granny Barb’s prize-winning pies.

Faith skipped into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a saran-wrapped pie. She peeled back the cling film, then climbed carefully onto the couch, straddling Lyla’s massive thighs and balancing herself with one hand on Lyla’s belly.

She waved the pie under Lyla’s nose. ”Doesn’t it smell gooood?”

“Y-yes,” Lyla breathed.

Faith scooped up a tiny bite of fruit filling with the fork, bringing it to her own mouth for a taste. “Mmmm, it tastes good too…”

“Faith, please…” Lyla begged.

“I thought you weren’t hungry?”

Lyla’s stomach answered for her, vibrating against Faith’s torso like a purring cat.

Faith’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Does my little piggy want some pie?”

Lyla nodded.

“But you’re getting so fat…” Faith patted the uppermost roll of Lyla’s belly, watching the ripples.

“I don’t care,” Lyla croaked, “I want more pie… Please can I have it?”

“Open wide.”

Faith fed Lyla a bite of pie, then waited.

“More, please?”

“You know the magic words.” Faith teased.

“No…” Lyla whined.

Faith whispered into Lyla’s ear, “Oink for me, Yeah, I know it’s cringe. Do it anyways.”

Lyla oinked.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
I’ll get one super indulgent one in, just write the biggest size you’re willing to do.

Contains: Weight Gain


MC Haley - 5 Years

Life certainly was different for the circle of women in Haley West’s orbit in the five years since she’d moved back to Spartanburg. But being the only one in that group still in full possession of her faculties, it fell on Daisy to contemplate such matters. To be sure, there were other women in April, Tara, Dani, or Courtney’s lives who might have gotten curious. But in a few rare moments of altruism, Daisy made sure that none of them ever visited the West house, lest they too be sucked into Haley’s non–stop orgy of hedonism.

Daisy killed the motor on her car and fairly pranced up the walk to Haley’s house. She lived here now, as did the rest of them, but she still always thought of the house as Haley’s. It was more true than ever these days. If she didn’t think she’d die from the constant arousal, Daisy would stay in the house all day. But they needed all the income they could manage.

She passed Tara on her way out. Haley’s once blonde–dyed older sister had reverted to her natural hair color, and while she’d gained a modest amount of weight compared to her sister, Tara still looked constantly exhausted. Her hair hung flat around her face, and she had bags under her eyes.

“Hi Tara!” Daisy chirped.

“H–hi Daisy.” Tara replied without emotion.

“Have a good day at work!”

“Yes Daisy.”

The two women passed as Daisy continued to the door. Pulling it open she was greeted with the delicious smells and sounds of Haley’s house. She knew already where the others were. April as always was in the kitchen. She spent every waking moment there these days. Daisy poked her head in to see Haley’s mama buzzing between a pot of pasta, a tray of cookies, and a stack of sandwiches.

“Hi April, I’m home!”

“Welcome home, Daisy.” Mrs West said mechanically, giving the pasta a quick stir before returning to scrape cookies off the pan and onto a plate. Dani walked into the kitchen, took a plate in each hand, then left the room. Daisy continued on to ‘Haley’s room,’ the former living room.

Two walls had been knocked out, and a rickety set of ladders and catwalks built. Both were necessary for the women in Haley’s circle to keep the behemoth brunette fed efficiently. Even though she saw her every day, Daisy never got tired of feasting her eyes on Haley’s body. Standing on the floor just in front of Haley’s stomach, Daisy couldn’t see her face. The sunken cavity where she knew Haley’s navel resided was just out of her reach. Daisy quickly kicked off her shoes and started her favorite exercise— climbing Mount Haley.

Slipping her bare toes between the rolls, grabbing folds with her small hands, Daisy made her way slowly up Haley’s soft, squishy form. The brunette quite literally filled the room. The parts of her body that touched the walls might have once been labeled— love handles, hips, ass. But now it was all just Haley. Piles and piles of pounds and pounds, and Daisy loved every ounce.

Cresting the rise of Haley’s uppermost belly roll, Daisy finally spotted her lover’s face. Her eyes would have lit up at seeing Daisy, if her cheeks hadn’t gotten so round they were little more than permanent slits.

“Hi babe… did you bring food?” Haley’s voice, now deep and rumbling, asked.

Daisy crawled across Haley’s expanse, crossing her legs to sit on the brunette’s chest.

“It’s hard to climb and carry, but I’m here to help, as always.” She smiled.

Dani appeared on the catwalk, reflexively handing the plates to Daisy. Haley’s arms had gotten too fat for her to feed herself long ago, so Daisy started dropping cookies into her mouth two at a time.

“Eat up, Mistress… you’re a growing girl…”



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Girlfriend confessing that their “Love language” is food to their already obese lover.

Contains: Weight Gain


Piper’s Feast

“Hannah –huff huff– what the fuck?”

Hannah Hammond eyed her ‘girlfriend’ hungrily. Piper had proved to have more potential than she could have imagined in her adult life. Despite the trend of adults in sedentary jobs, it was somehow harder for Hannah to get her little projects quite as big as she’d been able to in the controlled, nurturing environs of Buttercombe Academy.

“It’s just a little challenge for you, my dear.” Hannah said in a sickly sweet voice.

“Can you see through those doors?”

Piper craned her neck, two chins and a layered ring of neck fat trembling with the strain. She saw a massive banquet table loaded with food like Thanksgiving in a cartoon.

“I see… a lot of food.” Piper said, settling back town into her blob–like body. She wasn’t completely immobile, but she spent most of her time out of bed in a reinforced wheelchair.

“All that food is for you Piper…” Hannah taunted, “under one condition.”

–huff, haaa– and what might that be?” The former street rat turned half ton mountain of flesh asked as testily as she could. Low–key exhausted from the effort of just raising her head a few inches.

“All you have to do…” Hannah whispered, wrapping one arm around Piper’s enormous flabby shoulders and stroking her other hand down the vast swell of Piper’s second belly roll, “is walk into that room.”

“Oh for –huh huh– for fuck’s sake Hannah. Just wheel me in there!”

“Ah ah ah… what would be the fun in that?” Hannah fondled Piper’s belly with one hand, hefting a breast the size of her head with the other.

“Don’t you want to go on a little walk…” She leaned in to nibble on Piper’s ear.

“One. Last. Time.”

Piper planted her palms on the armrests of her wheelchair. Hannah practically vibrated with excitement as she reached down to engage all the locks on the mobility aid.

“That’s it baby, you can do it…”

Hannah’s lithe arms slipped under Piper’s flabby armpits, and she engaged her core to lever the obese woman upwards. At last Piper was standing.

–Haaa, huh haaaaa–

“You can do it Piper, do you want to lean on me?”

Piper shifted an arm that weighed as much as Hannah’s whole body away from her side. It would have been too much strain to lift it herself. Hannah crawled under Piper’s arm and nearly came as she felt herself surrounded by fat on almost all sides.

Step by step the two women crossed the hotel lobby toward the double doors of the banquet hall. Floorboards creaked and pictures rattled on the walls with each ponderous –thud– of Piper’s fat bare feet.

“Almost –hah haaa– there baby…”

“Just a few –hmmmm– more steps…”

They crossed the threshold, and another wheelchair was waiting in the grand room. As she maneuvered Piper back to a seated position, Hannah saw drool forming on the dark haired woman’s lower lip. The heat between Hannah’s legs flared up again and she shuddered in ecstasy.

“You did so good baby, I’m so proud of you…”

“Whatever Hannah –puff, huff– can I fuckin’ –haaa– eat now?”

“Oh yes baby, eat up… it’s alll for you…”



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
What if Harper just gained weight in her boobs?

Contains: Breast Expansion


The Bustiest Black

Hannah Hammond was losing her mind. She’d finally been promoted to full manager of the Daven’s Port Hammond Hotel. She was given carte blanche to run the hotel however she pleased. She’d fully replaced the stock of every vending machine in her hotel with the highest–calorie snacks she could get from her various deals with Yeng. Every day, all around her, Hannah was greeted by the delicious sight of bellhops, maids, servers, and even a concierge struggling with their pants, vests, and chairs. Skin–tight trousers were all around her. Muffined up bellies were everywhere. Seams stretched while buttons strained and sometimes even popped, sending the hotel heiress behind her locked office door to replay the glorious moments with her well–manicured fingers down her custom–tailored suit skirt. She even had an assistant whose appetite was as prolific as tasty MILF was useless at her ‘job.’

There was only one thing keeping Hannah Hammond’s life from being perfect. Well… two things.

Harper Black refused to get fat.

Make no mistake, the gluttonous secretary was gaining weight. But it all went to her chest!

Hannah could tell from the moment she’d met the tall, wise–cracking Piper Black, that her family had some strong genes in the bust department. But when her voluptuous momma applied for a job at the hotel, Hannah was certain that enough pampering would make Harper’s waistline every bit as delicious as her ginormous tits.

She’d been wrong. Days and weeks and months of making sure her assistant stayed beached in her Yeng–brand office chair, supplied with an endless stream of sugary coffees, snacks, and the bare minimum of work Hannah could get away with giving her had done nothing but blow Harper’s behemoth breasts even larger.

Sure, her pants were snug. But they looked no more snug than they’d been a year ago, to Hannah’s eyes. The woman spent her entire workday gorging on snacks, and it only made her fat breasts get even fatter. Hannah tsked angrily under her breath as she passed by Harper’s desk and into her office; Harper’s fat sacks of mammary meat spread across the assistant’s desk, inching closer to the keyboard every day. Hannah slammed the door behind her and sat at her own desk, frustratedly punching in another order of ‘protein’ shakes from YFP.


Hannah knew it was cliche to be banging her secretary, but she had to get her frustration out somehow, and Harper’s daughter had resisted all of Hannah’s attempts at seduction; food and carnal pleasure alike.

“Miss Hammond… –huff, haaa– are there any more chocolates?”

Hannah thrust the pink strap on into her assistant even more forcefully, clutching and groping at the mountain of fat tit spilling between them. As long as she kept her hands full of fat, and didn’t let them wander to the other ‘skinny’ parts of Harper’s body, Hannah could briefly forget her ultimate failure.

“Of course, my sweet Harper…”

Hannah reached behind her to a box of Yeng chocolate bars, dangling one over the ridiculously busty MILF. Harper’s eyes closed as her mouth fell open.

–Mmpf– theshe are –ulp– so good…”

Hannah stared down into the acres of cleavage, trying to ignore the distinct lack of double chin on Harper’s face.

“I’m glad you like them, big momma… Eat up now…”

“Okay –chomp– Miss Hammond…”

Hannah buried her face in Harper’s breasts, feeling fat smother her face and fill her hands. Her rhythm sped up.

“I told you, Harper… Call me Hannah.”


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