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This is a collection of flash fiction, based on reader prompts.

Contains: Breast Expansion


Short Stacks

Volume Xa



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Burnt-out lipomancer meets a beautiful new apprentice who helps rekindle her love of fat-based magic

Contains: Breast Expansion


The Lipomancer’s Apprentice

Mistress Emilia, best and only lipomancer in the whole of the Western Isles, was sick of her job.

“There you are, Lady Clement, fit and trim like a maiden of eighteen.” Emilia’s smile didn’t touch her eyes.

The Countess turned in front of the mirror, vainly admiring her stick-thin figure. Emilia carried the whole of the consequences of Lady Clement’s affinity for chocolate on her own frame. Nearly 4 stone of extra weight settled around Emilia’s hips and bottom.

“Excellent work as always, Emilia,” The Countess said haughtily. “Here’s your fee plus a little extra. I expect you’ll be receiving a call from the Baroness Wilton within a fortnight.”

Emilia nodded graciously to her customer. At least Lady Clement had the good grace to tip her. Few of the noble women did, which is why Emilia charged them double her rates for commoners.

After the Countess left, Emilia stepped out to her small pasture to distribute the extra weight to her cattle. She’d been quite pleased with herself when she discovered this method of lipomantic transferrence. It was very lucrative. She charged overweight clients to remove their excess, gave some of it to those wanting to… “rearrange” their proportions, and used the rest to fatten up her cattle, which also sold for a tidy sum. Everyone won, but Emilia was just so tired. The same tasks, every day. While her fellow wizards were influencing nobles and fighting battles, she was here feeding superficial vanity day after day.

As she stroked the neck of one of her favorite cows, Emilia heard the chime of her door. She stepped back inside and found the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen. Porcelain skin, golden ringlets, shining emerald eyes. She had a perfect bow of bright pink lips in her heart-shaped face and wore a simple white dress draped over a trim figure with barely a hint of curve.

After several moments of silence, while Emilia admired the girl, she cleared her throat.

“A new customer, lovely! You must be wanting some enhancement. Give me just a moment to fetch some material. What are we looking for today? Bust? Hips? Bottom? The whole works?”

“Actually, I…”

Emilia was already out the door. She returned a few moments later, two stone plumper.

“Now then, if you’ll step over to the mirror here…”

“Mistress Emilia, wait!”


“I’ve come from The Tower.”

“The Tower?”

“They sent a letter?”

Emilia realized with annoyance that she’d not sent her refusal in time. There was barely enough work for herself; what in the Nine Realms would she do with an apprentice?

“You want me to mentor you?”

The girl’s smile was shy, but it sparked heat in Emilia’s chest. “Yes, please, Mistress.”

“And you know what I do.”

The girl nodded. “But, if you want to demonstrate it for me, that would be alright…”

Emilia stepped up to the girl, turning her to face the mirror. “Very well. Where would you like it, and how much? A nice hourglass, perhaps?”

The girl’s cheeks flushed the most adorable pink, and she met Emilia’s eyes in the mirror.

“Just, um, my bust?”

Emilia grinned as she placed her hands on the girl’s shoulders, watching the flesh well up and tent the bodice of her well-cut dress.

“How’s that, my dear?”

The girl fondled her new breasts thoughtfully. “How much is this?”

“About half a stone.”

“I felt some of the weave, but could I see it again?”

Emilia grinned as she channeled more fat into her new apprentice’s bosom. “Of course, dear, as many times as you like.”



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Woman wakes up with a hangover, and is confused by sudden addition of massive knockers.

Contains: Breast Expansion


The Morning After

Zoe groaned as the light from the window landed on her face, bringing her to unwelcome consciousness. She rolled over and pulled the blankets over her head, but with the sun beating down on her, it was now too warm to fall back asleep.

“God damn it.”

Zoe’s head pounded, her muscles ached, and her mouth had a faint metallic flavor that tasted like shame and regret. She grabbed the blankets and threw them down to her waist in annoyance.

“I’m never drinking tequila again!” She said to her empty apartment.

Rolling over to look for her phone, Zoe felt an unfamiliar weight tug on her chest. Looking down, she found a pair of massive stripper tits where her B-cups should have been.

“What the fuck‽”

Zoe sat up, then immediately regretted the motion. Her temples throbbed, and the room seemed to spin. She put a hand to her forehead with a groan.

When the room settled, Zoe reached up to investigate. Her breasts filled her hands to overflowing. They were bouncy and firm but pliable enough that she knew they weren’t implants. Zoe squeezed and groped herself, then found her thick nipples growing hard under her touch. She gave one a pinch, and a thrill of pleasure spread down her body.

The sensation mixed with her aches to make a chorus of misery.

Zoe climbed slowly out of bed and went to the kitchen. She needed water. And some Advil.

As she walked, Zoe’s new breasts bounced and swayed. She was aware of every motion as the cotton of her sleep tee rubbed roughly against her distended nipples. Under normal circumstances, the sensation would be quite pleasant. In her current state, she wished they would just sit still.

“I should put a bra on… if I had anything that would fit these monsters…”

After draining a glass of water and refilling it, Zoe collapsed onto the couch. Her boobs didn’t move around as much if she was sitting still. Zoe texted each of her friends, desperately trying to find answers. She had a lot of questions about what happened after their third bar of the night, and while some of the blanks were filled in, nobody knew anything about her tits somehow growing four times their size overnight.

<What, they swelled up? Is it that time of the month?>

{No, idiot. They’re not just swollen. They’re like the size of melons!}

<No shit? Pics or it didn’t happen.>

“Fuck sake.”

Zoe pulled her sleep tee tight against her torso and took a selfie.


<Good one. You got pillows in there or something?>

Zoe cursed again and took another photo pulling the neckline down to show her plump, tanned cleavage.

<Jesus those are real?>

{That’s what I’m saying!}

<Damnit I want huge boobs! How’d you do it?>

{I don’t know! They were like this when I woke up!}

<What did you drink last night?>

{Idk, mostly tequila}

Her friend didn’t respond after that, so Zoe dropped her phone on the couch beside her. She laid her head back against the couch and listened to the TV.

Forty minutes later, her friend knocked on the door and then let herself in. She was carrying four bottles of tequila.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Hillbilly redneck moonshine swillin gal’s beer calories end up stretching out even her Pep Pep’s old plaid shirts

Contains: Breast Expansion


Too Much Moonshine

A girl with messy, knotted dishwater-blonde hair staggered into her momma’s kitchen. She wore cutoff jeans that mostly covered her bubble butt and a white tank top that functioned more as a bra than proper clothing. The girl had udders big enough to put a blue ribbon-winning heifer to shame. Each larger than a Thanksgiving turkey for the whole clan, they spilled out above and below the white cotton of her top.

“Betty Sue, where have you been?” The girl’s mother scolded.

“I was just over at Granny’s, Momma. –hic–

Betty Sue was carrying a quart-size mason jar filled with clear liquid. Her fully exposed belly was plumped up, no doubt filled with cookies and snacks from her doting grandmother. She’d also been indulging in plenty of their “Family Recipe,” from the looks of her wobbling legs. Her mother would have accused the girl of spoiling her appetite if such a thing were possible. But Betty Sue was still hungry as a teenager, even though she was about to turn twenty-three.

The girl took a sip from her jar. “Is it almost supper time?”

Her mother sighed. “About ten more minutes. You git upstairs and put some proper clothes on, young lady.”

“But Momma…”

“Don’t you ‘but Momma’ me. No daughter a mine’s gonna sit down to supper dressed like some big city hussy.”

“Momma, none of my shirts fit anymore!”

The older woman clicked her tongue. “I’ll get you some bigger shirts next time I go to the Walmart. Go and borry one of your Pop-pop’s flannels for now.”

Betty Sue whined but left the kitchen.

When the family sat down to supper, Betty Sue’s chest was stretching what little life was left out of a red and black plaid flannel shirt. The fabric puckered, and the buttons were holding on for dear life.

The girl’s first plate was piled higher than her daddy’s. She inhaled her food and filled her plate again. Every few bites she sipped from her mason jar to wash it down. When her cousin—visiting from the next county—reached for a biscuit, she frowned when she saw the empty basket.

“Gotta be quick if you want something before your cousin gets it.” Betty Sue’s daddy said.

The family ate, and for half an hour after the rest were finished, Betty Sue gobbled up everything left on the table. When the last morsel passed her lips, she leaned back in her chair, rubbing her full belly through the flannel.

“That was good –hic– ham, Momma.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

Betty Sue reached for her jar, taking a few long gulps.

“You oughta go easy on the Recipe there, pumpkin,” Her daddy said.

“I like it, Poppa,” Betty Sue smiled, “It helps to wash it all down.”

Betty Sue patted her tummy again, and a plastic button flew from the crest of her overfed mams, barely missing her skinny cousin.

“Oops! Sorry…”

Her daddy patted her on the shoulder. “Our pumpkin’s a growing girl. When are you going into town, Momma?”

“Sunday, after church.”

“We best see if they have bigger shirts at the Walmart, eh pumpkin?”

Her eyelids already drooping, Betty Sue smiled and nodded weakly at her daddy, taking another sip from her jar.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Overworked scientist at shady pharmaceutical company works crunch time hours, dozes off while testing boob growth medicine; test subject doesn’t protest as much as expected

Contains: Breast Expansion


Sleeping on the Job

Kylie pressed the button to activate her microphone.

“Alright, Amb–er–Gretchen, see that tube on the table? The formula will start coming out of the mouthpiece. Just suck on it.”

“Um… is it clean?” The redhead behind the glass asked.

“Of course. We replace the mouthpiece after each test. They’re completely sterilized.”


Kylie sighed, pressing both thumbs to the edges of her eye sockets. Her job at Madsgenix paid well, but these ten-to-twelve-hour crunch time shifts were wearing her down. This was the fifteenth test she’d done today, and they were all starting to blend together. She flipped the switch to activate the feed of fluid into the tube, watching her subject.

Gretchen’s cheeks puckered as she sucked on the tube, then her eyebrows shot up when the feed reached her. The mint-chocolate formula had been their most successful flavor yet. Kylie’s notes were nothing but positive feedback, and she was more than ready for something more interesting to do.

Watching the young woman suckle at the tube, Kylie twisted a nob a few notches to increase the flow. When Gretchen’s cheeks started to bulge, Kylie turned the dial back down a notch.

As she watched through the glass, the humming of the pump and Gretchen’s rhythmic gulping made Kylie’s eyelids heavy.


A beeping alarm made Kylie jolt awake. After a moment of confusion, she looked at the displays in front of her. The machine’s tank was empty. Completely drained. She was supposed to test the formula on each subject, letting them drink as much as they wanted if they enjoyed the taste. Up to two liters if they really liked it. Kylie had fallen asleep at her post, and Gretchen had drained a tank with more than two hundred liters of the formula still in it!

Slowly, Kylie looked up and through the glass. Gretchen’s blouse was nowhere to be seen. The woman herself was out of Kylie’s view. All she could see were a pair of breasts covering the metal table.

Terrified at the ramifications of her carelessness, Kylie jumped out of her chair and went into the testing room. She was going to get fired for sure. That was the easy part. The woman was definitely going to sue the company. Kylie was about to be unemployed and bankrupt!

“Miss? Uh… Gretchen?”

Kylie stepped around the room, keeping as much distance as she could between herself and those things. Gretchen’s chest was pumped with so much formula that Kylie feared they might explode at any moment.

“Oh, you’re back. There’s no more coming out.”

Inexplicably, Gretchen was still sucking on the empty tube.

Kylie was dumbfounded. “Are you… okay?”

“I’m fine,” Gretchen smiled.

“You’re not… upset?”


Kylie was about to confess her mistake, then remembered her training with Legal.

“You drank a lot of the formula. I just want to see how you’re feeling.”

“Oh, I feel great!” Gretchen reached out and ran both hands along the slopes of her impossibly bloated chest. Her shirt still covered her shoulders and back but was clearly torn down the front.

Gretchen looked up at Kylie with a wide grin. “So… do you have any more?”



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
A Vtuber has an avatar that grows with donations. It seems that she’s growing with her avatar.

Contains: Breast Expansion


The Avatar

Amanda slid back in her high-performance gaming chair, sitting up straight. She went through her informal checklist. Mic position, check. A big mug of water with lemons, check. She activated test mode on her camera and moved her head around, mouthing words and facial expressions to make sure her virtual avatar was working properly.

“Kimiko,” Amanda’s online persona, was a pink-haired catgirl with bright crimson eyes. For tonight’s stream, Kimiko was wearing a red and black schoolgirl uniform. The necktie was undone, revealing a generous amount of pale white virtual cleavage.

Amanda herself was only a C-cup, but she’d always wanted to be bigger. She configured Kimiko with F-cups, which she was certain played a big part in her online success. Tonight, Amanda was going to take advantage of her thirsty fandom in the most direct way she ever had. A friend had hooked her up with an addon that linked to her live donations, and Amanda was eager to test it out. Switching the test camera off, she adjusted her bra straps. They’d been pinching her shoulders for the past half hour, but she assumed the older bra had simply shrunk in the wash.

“Konichiwa, Mina-san!!”

Kimiko smiled for the feed while Amanda watched the viewer numbers go up.

“I know you’re all excited to hear what I thought of the Barbie Movie, but first, I want to tell you about a new feature I added. A lot of you expressed some… appreciation for my girls, and a few naughty viewers want them even bigger. Now you can! For every hundred dollars in donations you guys make, I’ll grow a full cup size! Sugoi!”

Amanda waved both hands, grinning widely as Kimiko matched her gesture.

The donations poured in. The most Kimiko had made in a single stream had never topped 200, but tonight, she broke that barrier in the first ten minutes.

“… And I loved when she went through all those outfits in the—Oh! Another fifty? OppaiLover23, arigato gozaimasu!!”

Amanda felt her bra digging into her shoulders and back, itching to adjust them. But even though her real self wasn’t shown on camera, Kimiko would follow her movement, and her viewers would see it.

“… Then when all the Kens—oh wow, I mean, ara ara, you guys really want to see me big, huh?”

Kimiko was up to an L-cup, and though her virtual outfit adjusted with her virtual body, the bottom third of Amanda’s stream was nothing but cleavage. The avatar looked down at herself, then gasped.

Feeling her troublesome undergarment break, Amanda looked down to see a pair of tits the size of cantaloupes filling out her gray tank top. She glanced back at her monitor and saw Kimiko staring into her simulated cleavage.

“Eto… thank you all so much for your donations! As you can tell, I loved the movie very much, and I hope you’ll all go see it. I have to end the stream early, gomenasai!”

Kimiko blew kisses to the audience as the number on her donation number clicked ever higher. Her virtual breasts swelled larger and larger until Amanda clicked off the stream.

Amanda slumped back in her chair, feeling an unfamiliar weight on her chest. Free to move, she gripped a handful of breast flesh in each hand. She was bigger now than the F-cup Kimiko had been before the stream.

She needed to DM her friend.

Later. She would DM him later.



Flash fiction based on this prompt:
Super villainess with a boob fetish has won and is making her kingdom of tit as she speaks.

Contains: Breast Expansion


Empire of Tits

Lady Titania, Empress of the Realm, reclined languidly on her throne. Kneeling beside her, a pretty dark-haired woman in black and white maid livery held out a tray of meats and cheeses. The maid’s dress was low cut and Titania took a long, appreciative look at the small line of cleavage made by her her apple-sized breasts.

With a gesture, the Empress sent a weave of power into her maid’s body. In seconds, the woman’s breasts doubled in size, pulling the material of her livery taut and plumping over the hem.

Titania grinned in self-satisfied pleasure. The woman had once been a “hero.” A scrawny thing, all muscle and sinew, she had been flinging arrows at Titania’s guards just yesterday.


Titania looked up, but a voice beside her spoke first.

High Empress.”

The woman who’d spoken was tall and blonde. She wore the same maid livery but already had breasts the size of her head. With a gesture, Titania filled her up another inch. The woman grimaced but made her face calm with a visible effort.

“High Empress?”


“General Alyce has a new batch of palace guards for you to approve.”

Titania nodded her assent.

She watched the maid leave the throne room with a smile. She’d been a knight yesterday. Bulky and strong. Now her muscles were replaced with soft curves, perfectly toned. The only use her maid had for muscles was supporting those glorious tits. Before the maid passed through the door, Titania gave her another inch.

General Alyce marched into the throne room, followed by a half-dozen women in the polished steel plate-kinis of Titania’s Palace Guard. Each was more beautiful than the last. Brunette, blonde, red-gold, with strong lines of jaw, lithe limbs, and firm bare tummies.

Titania rose from her throne, stepped off the dais, and inspected each soldier in turn. One after another, she waved her fingers in front of each guardswoman, plumping her bosom until the chain bindings of her steel breastplate creaked. With breasts twice the size of their heads, the Palace Guard would make ineffectual fighters. But they were not meant for fighting. They, like every woman in the Imperial Palace, existed only for the Empress’ visual pleasure.

“Excellent work, General.”

Alyce nodded and led the guard in a march from the throne room.

Titania resumed her throne, propping one leg over the arm as she plucked a square of cheese from the proffered tray.

The woman seated in the plain chair beside the throne spoke. “Mistress…”

“Yes, Lyssa?”

“I know you are fond of bosoms.”

“They are the only thing of worth in this world, apart from power. What of it?”

“Forgive me, Mistress, but why do you not have larger ones yourself? Can you not use your magic on your own body?”

Titania laughed derisively. “My magic can do anything, Lyssa. But what a wretched nuisance they’d be. Weighing down my shoulders, flopping about… No, I much prefer to admire them on others.”

The Empress glanced at her Hand. The black-haired elf wore a white robe to cover the breasts that filled her lap. Her bosom was the largest in the Empire, for now. Titania activated her magic. The woman could stand to be a little bigger.


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