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Kinktober prompt:
Magic Gain

Contains: Breast Expansion


Kinktober 22 - Magic Gain

Noelle knelt before her open closet, where a small idol stood on a short table. The idol was 3D printed, but a friend online had painted it for her. It was an idol of her new diety, Titania. In the polarized world of modern America, Titania worshippers like Noelle had to practice their faith in secret. There were places in the world where Titania could be worshipped openly, but others where merely possessing an idol like this one was a serious crime. None of this bothered Noelle much. As a self-described “goth,” she’d had years of practice at being a social outsider.

Noelle had spent years wondering just why, or how, she was the only woman in her family with big boobs. Her older sister wore B-cups, and their mother, too. Neither of her grandmothers nor any of her aunts were any bigger than C-cup. But Noelle, five-one with chunky legs and wide hips, was a full DD by her eighteenth birthday and had a few E’s for that time of the month when they bloated. When she went away to college, Noelle met other goths, and one of them told her about Titania.

The legends said that Titania rose to godhood in the early 90’s. Most of her followers congregated in online communities, but there were places in Europe and Canada where her acolytes met in person. Always small gatherings, rarely more than a dozen, but spread across the globe, there were thousands. Titania was a goddess of fertility, women, and feminine sexuality. The new version of Isis, Brigid, or Hera. Anywhere young women were gifted with physical attributes like Noelle’s; the Titanians said it was her working.

With this new revelation, Noelle saw her body not as a quirk of genetics but as a gift from a fledgling deity. And so, here in her dorm room, she burned incense and thanked Titania for her blessing.


Titania couldn’t remember a time before her current life. She wasn’t even sure time passed in this place. She slept and woke based entirely on her whims. She never ate but was never hungry. She knew something was sustaining her body because she felt a flow of sustenance that ebbed and flowed throughout the course of her “days.” The only way Titania could even gauge the passage of time was through the regular “upgrades” to her body.

The palace made entirely of gold was populated by others like her and a myriad of mute servants. The servants were the reason Titania knew she was larger than she had been. Some part of her mind said she was over ten feet tall, but she didn’t know what that meant. The other gods and goddesses were near her own height, so she assumed that was normal.

Titania rose from the pile of cushions she sometimes slept on and stood while the servants dressed her. She wore golden sandals and a gold belt above a flowing skirt made of spun gold. The servants used stepstools to fasten a gold breastplate around her torso, but it was too tight… again.

Wordlessly, the servants carried the breastplate away and returned with a larger one. This is how Titania knew time was passing—because she kept getting bigger.

Titania walked into a hall where a few goddesses were lounging on divans. An alabaster-skinned blonde and a dark-skinned goddess were asleep, but the redhead was awake and greeted her.

“Blessings, Titania.”

“Hello, Brigid.”

“Did you sleep well?”


“Does something trouble you, child?”

“Actually, yes. My um…” Titania pointed at her chest, “Keep getting bigger.”

Titania’s solid gold breastplate was just a bit too big. The shape and construction of the aesthetic armor made it obvious that her breasts were larger by far than any other fertility goddess in the chamber. Half again as large as her head, they rose in the gold breastplate like twin loaves of bread.

“Sure but that’s natural, my dear. Our bodies are nourished by the prayers of our faithful.”

At that moment, Titania felt the steady flow of sustenance she now recognized as the adoration of her flock start to increase. Power flooded into her, and her breasts swelled, slowly filling the breastplate to its capacity.

Brigid eyed the new goddess’ voluptuous form as it grew even larger, glancing at her own meager handfuls covered by a leather tunic. “It must be nice to have so many followers…”


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