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Kinktober prompt:

Contains: Breast Expansion


Kinktober 21 - Immobility

Unlike some colleges, Ample Springs Academy did not enforce attendance. So when, between her Sophomore and Junior years, Hunter agreed to spend the summer in Amy and Marie’s spacious Resident Director suite, the senior feeder roommates were prepared. Under Marie and Amy’s “encouraging” hands, Hunter had grown from a D-cup Freshman to an R-cup Sophomore, and by the end of her second spring semester, Hunter was well beyond conventional alphabet sizes. The handful of local businesses that supported the Academy were very understanding of well-endowed young women, but Hunter was as big as the average Senior by the end of Sophomore year and was simply physically incapable of working the counter at the local coffee shop, “Overflowing Cups.” Without the excuse of a summer job, Hunter resigned herself to making the long trip home to her family for the three-month break from classes.

“I know,” Marie said, “You can stay with us!”

“Really?” Hunter’s face brightened, then fell. “But… I still need a job. What will I tell my family?”

“You could work for me!” It was an open secret that Marie’s family was rich. Not “Elon” rich or even “Paris Hilton” rich, but her weekly allowance was as much as Hunter would earn at the coffee shop in three months.

“What kind of job could I do for you?” Hunter asked.

“You could be my official taste tester!” Marie was majoring in culinary arts.

“Taste-tester, are you serious?” Amy whispered. “What is this, one of those horny stories you’re always reading?”

Marie hissed at her roommate, “Hush! She just needs a legitimate excuse.”

“Did you say something, Amy?” Hunter asked.

Amy’s smile was sickly sweet. “Just asking if you’re ready for the next pizza?” The blonde opened another box and perched it on Hunter’s cleavage without waiting for an answer.

Hunter agreed to Marie’s scheme. The idea of trying to explain to her family how she grew from a 5’7 high school grad to struggling to fit her enormous tits through doors in the span of two years made the choice easier.

So Hunter moved into their suite. At the start of summer, she had to carefully squeeze herself through the door one boob at a time. All the dorm rooms at Ample were nice, but the RD suite was like an apartment, with a full kitchen the girls—and the ASA staff—kept fully stocked. With no classes or job to otherwise occupy any of their time, Amy and Marie spent all day, every day, cooking, baking, and feeding Hunter. What had been a hobby for the girls during the school year was now their full-time job. Hunter woke up to breakfast in bed and passed out chewing. She ate and ate and ate and ate. Marie made a pretense of asking for advice and feedback on certain dishes, but it was clear to all three members of the trio that the “job” was nothing but a convenient excuse.

Hunter’s breasts seemed to grow larger by the day. So it was no surprise to any of them that by the time mid-August rolled around, there was no way they were getting the brunette out of the suite without a demolition crew. Hunter watched the lectures on her laptop, submitted homework via email, and her girlfriends kept feeding her.

Halfway through her Junior year, Hunter was sitting alone in the suite she couldn’t leave. Amy and Marie were both at class, and Hunter was out of snacks. Well, Hunter was never out of snacks. But she had run out of cheese squares to go with her crackers. She decided to move the six feet between her couch bed and the open kitchen to get some more.

Hunter half-stood from the couch, leaning all of her still skinny body against the pair of breasts that had begun resting on the carpeted floor over a month ago. She had to drag them around the room to move, but she could reach everything she needed, and the affection and care she got from her girlfriends made it all worth it.

Except today, she couldn’t. She pressed into the massive orbs, willing them to inch forward on the carpet so she could get up. They refused to budge. Hunter slid sideways on the couch, hoping she could at least make her boobs rotate so she could get out from between herself and the couch to stand up. All she accomplished was a tight pulling on all that skin.

Realization came crashing down on Hunter. She’d eaten herself so big that she wasn’t strong enough to move even one breast a single inch. As emotion flooded through her, Hunter reached for the only comfort available: the top box of cupcakes in a stack Amy had left on the couch beside her.


“I can’t believe she gave us a pop quiz on a Friday,” Marie said as the roommates stepped through the door.

“How do you think you did on it… what’s wrong, Hunter?”

Empty food containers were piled around the brunette, and her eyes were red. “I… I can’t get up.”

Amy and Marie were by her side in an instant.

“Oh, sweetie, it’s okay. We’ll take care of you.” Marie was kissing away the salty tears on Hunter’s cheeks. “Do you want some dinner? I’ll make all your favorites.”

Hunter smiled and nodded. What had she been so worried about? Her girlfriends had barely left her side since Freshman year.

Amy planted a kiss on Hunter’s lips, tasting cupcake icing. She stood, running a hand across the slope of Hunter’s breast as she walked around to the front. She stood with one hand on each breast, her arms spread wide, and most of her 5-nothing body obscured by Hunter’s cleavage. “I know something else that always makes you feel better…”

Hunter smiled at Amy, and when the blonde disappeared from her view, she let her head roll back on the couch cushion as she felt the tingling on her skin as Amy crawled between her breasts to reach her legs. Marie touched Hunter’s lips with a brownie that had been out of Hunter’s reach, and she opened her mouth.

Hunter smiled as she chewed, moaning as Amy’s tongue found its target. Walking was overrated.


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