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This is probably the end of this story, but Claire will be back!


Chapter IV

The next three weeks passed in a blur for Claire. As her meals grew in size and calorie count, she spent more and more time each day simply eating, which was perfectly fine with Claire.

Doctors Mendoza and von Hartz found fewer and fewer chances to sneak off into the on call room, as more and more of their days were taken up with caring for and monitoring the medical marvel that was Claire.

On the last Friday of Claire's contract period, the team had just recently wrapped up Claire's dessert –ten apple pies– and Mendoza had left a pair of junior member of the science team to get Claire dressed and into bed.

"Lilly, aren't you at all concerned for her psychological state?"

"Vhat state? She is just a healthy growing girl with a big appetite."

"She spent the last three days eating fifteen thousand calories per meal, even dessert! She can barely walk and she just keeps gorging herself with whatever we put in front of her!"

Camila was pacing the room instead of getting into bed with Doctor von Hartz. The older woman sat on the bed impatiently.

"Camila. You knew what zhis project was about when we started. Ve have to see how far zhe will go. Ve have to see what her body does at eckztreme size."

"Don't you think it's dangerous?"

"Pfft, dangerouz how?"

"Well... what if she... I don't know, explodes?"

Lilly von Hartz chuckled softly, erupting in a full laugh that would have sounded derisive had Camila not known the true affection the woman had for her.

She stood and touched her fingers to Camila's cheek, pushing a strand of hair behind the younger woman's ear.

"Mein lieber, zhe is not a balloon. Zhe is surrounded by scientists, ve are monitoring her body konstantly."

"But tomorrow you promised to let her eat all she wants..."

Camila's eyes dropped to the floor in timid concern.

"Do you really think I vould feed her until she explodes, Camila?"


Lilly touched Camila's chin, raising her head until dark brown eyes met pale blue ones.

"Everythink will be fine my dear. Now come to bed, pleaze?"


The big day had finally come, and Claire was awake a full hour before her attendants –as she’d come to think of them– came to help get her out of bed and dressed. Her bed had been upgraded to a king size reinforced frame in the corner, and when she slept lying on her side, Claire was starting to spill off the far end.

Two junior scientists, both female, entered Claire's chamber and adjusted the lighting. Claire was already awake, so she brought her feet under her –her version of sitting up– and crab walked around and off the end of the bed, rotating her enormous breasts in place.

It took entirely too much time and effort to make bras in Claire's size, especially considering she had been outgrowing them daily two weeks ago, and would probably be outgrowing them every meal all this past week if she were still wearing them. Instead, Claire had something like a cloth bandage, twelve inches wide and dozens of feet long, wrapped around the circumference of her bosom until she was decently contained.

Claire's outfits had gradually been getting more and more loose and flexible. Yesterday's was basically a muumuu under which she wore black leggings. Today, everyone knew Claire was going to spend the whole day eating and growing, so her attendants brought in what was essentially a poncho. To call it a tablecloth would have been an understatement, the garment was more like a tent. Plain beige fabric with holes at one end for her head and arms, the rest draped over her like the cover on a small concept car about to be revealed. Two of them.

Once Claire was clean and dressed, Doctor Mendoza entered to take her penultimate set of measurements. Claire’s total weight was now 578 pounds, 465 of that in her breasts. Claire’s other body measurements stayed roughly the same, though she had put on an inch or two in hips and waist from her gain. Claire’s bust measurement was 176 inches. Almost fifteen feet!

“What size is that?”

“Claire, you know the size isn’t–“

“What size?”

“*sigh* it’s a Z5J”

Claire patted her enormous breasts happily.

“I bet we’ll take another lap after today...” She whispered into her cleavage.

When Claire’s breast had surpassed 300 pounds, the team stopped using reinforced tables. Instead, Claire sat with her breasts resting on a pile of mattresses on the floor, and had specially made tables placed to either side of her relatively diminutive torso. These were where the team placed Claire’s food.

Claire started off her “reward” day, with waffles. Leaning over the table on her right, Claire forked up massive bite and shoved it into her mouth, careless of crumbs or syrup drips. When the triple stack of waffles was gone, she turned to her left where another was waiting. The scientists by this point had perfected their system, and delivered the syrupy stacks of carbs and butter matched exactly to Claire’s pace, the alternating tables meant there was never a break in the flow of Claire’s breakfast.

Unlike previous mornings however, there was no set quota for the amount of calories Claire was to consume. One might’ve thought 15,000 calories for breakfast a high watermark for the amount of food one person to consume in a single meal. But today was Claire‘s “reward“ for all her “hard work“ in the science team’s “research.“ So the waffles kept coming and Claire kept eating. For two solid hours, the team made dozens and dozens of waffles. Then the number climbed into the hundreds. All the while, Claire shoveled bite after bite between her pearly white teeth, down her gullet, and into her ever-expanding stomach-as-breasts.

Eventually, the team ran out of syrup.

“We’re out of syrup, miss, do you want dry waffles or–”


“Scrambled, fried, omelette–“ 


Claire ate dry waffles while she waited for the eggs.

In addition to several racks of whole eggs, the science facility’s warehouse also had containers of liquid eggs for making omelettes and scrambles. The team got into a rhythm as before; Claire devoured the plate on the right, turned to the left, and while she was eating from the plate on the left, a new plate was put on the right.

The waffles had lasted over two hours, the eggs another hour and a half, and with the addition of various types of toast, the team kept Claire going until lunch.

Lunch started with fried chicken. When the breading ran out, they switched to various types of “Chinese“ chicken. General Tso’s, Orange, Kung-Pao, sweet-and-sour... Ever-changing combinations of poultry, sauce, and rice were ferried to Claire in an endless stream and the eating continued into the afternoon

Of course, with all that eating came more growing. The scientists had grown accustomed to seeing Claire’s enormous breasts swell and expand with every meal but they had never seen the process last this long.

It was as if two Volkswagen-size water balloons were propped up in front of Claire under her massive poncho-style garment and had a hose attached to a slow running water tap. In the control room, scientists measured and took notes as the weight of Claire’s body climbed up and up. Before the syrup ran out, she had passed 600 pounds. By the time the last bottle of Asian sauce was empty, she was almost to 650 and they had switched to chicken fried rice.

Back in the chamber, the enormous mass under the white tent shirt grew and grew. Clare wolfed down bite after bite, dish after dish and grew larger and larger and larger. 

Eventually, they made the switch to dinner, which was of course Italian. Fettuccine, linguine, rigatoni, caprice, Parmigiana, cannoli, ravioli, penne, on and on the list went. Enough pasta to feed an Italian wedding every hour, for five hours. By the time they ran out of pasta Claire’s breast weighed over 580 pounds.

“Lil– Doctor von Hartz, this is getting ridiculous. She’s gained over 100 pounds in one day.“ 

Dr von Hartz’ eyes nearly rolled back in her head at the statement, then she collected herself and turned to a man sitting to her left.

“What is the current reading of the subject’s skin elasticity?”

“27 kPa, Doctor.”

“You zee Dr. Mendoza? ve are still well within acceptable safe parameters.“

Camila sighed and turned back to the viewscreen.

After “dinner“ of course came “dessert.“ Cakes, pies, donuts, cream puffs, cupcakes, cookies, and dessert bars of every kind passed between Claire’s lips. The hem of her enormous shirt, which rested on the floor that morning, was running out of slack . It started to lift off the ground as the contents it contained grew more and more voluminous. 

The chamber had a large clock mounted high enough on the wall that Claire’s breasts did not block her view of it. She knew the one limit on her “reward” day was that they would stop feeding her at 11PM. It was almost 10 and she was running out of time.

When the desert started transitioning to ice cream, Claire spoke up again. 

“Guys this is taking too long, and it’s too cold. Can you melt it or turn it into shakes or something?”

The team looked toward the cameras watching from the control room for confirmation and a heavily accented voice came through the PA speaker.


Now instead of plates on the table to either side of Claire, the same team brought whole pitchers of milkshake. Claire lifted each with both hands, bringing it to her lips and chugging in a continuous stream until the glass vessel was empty, then turn to the other side for the next. At first, the team wasn’t able to keep up with Claire, so the kitchen started heating and melting the frozen dessert so they could fill pitchers faster. 

Eventually, the chamber looked like a bucket brigade. Several more scientists had been relocated from the control room to assist in the feeding. So rather than scurrying back-and-forth bumping into each other, the scientists were passing full pitchers forward and empty ones back.

And in the center of it all sat Claire, guzzling down melted ice cream just as fast as physically possible. The only way to do this faster would be a literal hose. 

Claire kicked herself for not thinking of it sooner, but now she didn’t want to waste valuable drinking time to ask.

As Claire poured melted dairy down her throat, her breasts surged. If they had been attached to a trickling tap before, someone had just opened the faucet.

The path of the bucket brigade had to keep shuffling sideways to not bump into the wall of breast behind them. The bottom hem of Claire’s “shirt” rose higher and higher, exposing more and more underboob as it grew tighter and tighter.

In the kitchen, the team started supplementing the shakes with milk, cream, half and half, even butter, anything to stretch out the frozen confection as they sent out fresh gallons by the second.

The clock ticked, and Camila, Lilly, and the last few scientists not actively passing pitchers watched. And Claire swallowed. And Claire grew. Her Volkswagens were turning into minivans. Doctor von Hartz was whimpering softly and Camila glanced over to notice the older woman lightly brushing her finger along the material of her pants. Camila looked at the readouts and saw Claire was approaching 240 inches, almost 20 feet. Camila hoped Lilly was right about Claire’s skin.

In the chamber, a faint creaking had grown in volume over the past 20 minutes. What had at first been unnoticeable under the din of scientists working and Claire’s gulping had grown louder. Now it was a constant set of groans and squeaks. Like a balloon being run across fabric.

“Lilly, her elasticity is too low!”

“–mmm– she’s fine, Camila...”

Knowing she had to stop them herself, Camila left the control room to enter the chamber. Walking through the door she was greeted by a wall of fabric that started at the level of her chest. Below that was a mass of skin, bulging out like upside-down cleavage.

Camila was so stunned by the sight of Claire up close, that she forgot why she’d come into the chamber. Then the mass in front of her seemed to twitch. 

Taking a closer look, Camila stared, and saw it again. A ripple ran through the expanse of Claire’s breasts and they shuddered faintly.

“What in the world...”

Then the shudder became a jump, and faster than anyone could react...




Camila was thrown back against the wall, the scientist feeding squad were scattered on the floor, and Claire was naked. All that remained of her poncho was the top shoulder part, and bunch of shreds and ribbons hanging around her breasts. Which, now free to expand to their full size, rose to fill Camila’s field of view.

In the control room, Doctor von Hartz bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as she rode a wave of ecstasy.

In a daze, Doctor Mendoza left the chamber and returned to the control room. Doctor von Hartz was sitting in her chair, red-faced and panting.

“Are you happy now? She can’t even walk!”



“Help her loze the weight.”

–haa, haa–

“Or get her a wheelbarrow...”

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