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This is maybe the most ridiculous story I've ever written.

I own none of the Pokémon characters.

I am not an expert on Moemon or Pokémon characters and lore.


At last I had done it. I’d saved up enough credits to buy my own Moemon. I’d registered her and got my Hunter’s License at the Trainer’s Guild on my way home, and I hadn’t even let her out of the Moeball yet.

Bursting through the door of my tiny cottage, I tried to catch my breath as I slammed the door behind me. I’d run almost the whole way I was so excited. My clearance section Moemon already had a name, according to her data sheet, so I used it to summon her right into my front room.

“Maiya, I choose you!”

In a flash of light my new Moemon appeared. She was very cute, as all Moemon are, and I had to remind myself that Moemon are not real girls. They weren’t human at all, even though some of them looked very human.

Maiya was a Snorlax, and Snorlax are one of the Moemon types that look pretty human, and she looked like a cute girl with blue hair in pigtails. The only way you could tell she wasn’t human was that her ears pointed up out of her head like a cat’s ears, and she had fuzzy paws instead of feet. Most of her skin was also covered with a fine hair, mostly blue but white on her face and feet, and the front of her body. She wasn’t naked though, the Snorlax had on an oversized onesie that matched her fur, unzipped almost to her waist, and a white tank top underneath that also matched her white front. 

She was the absolute smallest Snorlax I had ever seen. I mean to say she clearly was underfed. A Snorlax in her size class should have had prominent breasts and a bit of a tummy at least. Snorlax are known for their appetites and laziness, but this one was no more than five feet tall and had been nearly starved.

Looking around in a daze, she saw me and smiled warmly. It looked like she was so pleased to see a new human that it didn’t really matter who it was. Moemon can’t really talk, at least not in a way we humans understand, but she opened her mouth wide and pointed into it with one finger. The universal sign for “I can haz cheeseburger?”

Unfortunately I hadn’t been able to stock up on Snorlax chow, I was nearly broke from paying for Maiya’s Moeball and wouldn’t be able to start earning more credits until we started hunting. Digging into my cabinets I figured I could give her some of my food for now.

I wasn’t very well stocked, but I handed her a bag of chips and a few candy bars while I put a pot of water on to make some instant ramen. Before the water was even boiling, she was turning the chip bag upside down to get the last crumbs. Tossing the bag aside she pointed at her mouth again.

“Jeez, no wonder you were so cheap. Whoever had you last must not have fed you at all.”

Looking her over again I saw that her clothes were hanging off her bony frame. I’d never seen a thin Snorlax before, even in photos. I grabbed a bag of pretzels and gave her those as well.

Poor little Maiya ate every bit of food I gave her. I ended up making three packages of ramen, and all the candy, chips, crackers, or pretzels that I had. I took a few bites of the sandwich I’d saved for dinner and then gave her the rest of that as well. I would probably be hungry before bed, but the sweet smile she gave me when I handed her my sandwich was worth it.

By then Maiya was finally starting to get sleepy. She climbed off the kitchen chair and laid on her back, dozing off. I could see a tiny bit of pooch to her tummy as it pressed against her shirt, rising and falling with her breath.

First thing the next morning I made us both some eggs. All the eggs I had, really. Well, I had one egg, and Maiya ate the other eleven. Grabbing my bag and my starter bundle of Moeballs, I took Maiya’s ball and we went out hunting. We had no time to waste, I needed those credits to buy more food for Maiya, not to mention myself.

She was already starting to fill out her signature outfit. Her shoulders were looking less bony and her ribcage had vanished from her low cut top. And it seemed that even with a malnourished body she could still fight pretty well. We captured half a dozen Pidgeys and Weedles that first morning and I was able to sell them for credits. After that first morning I had more money than I’d had in my entire life. I bought a bag of Snorlax chow then went to the market to buy more food for myself. I think I went a little crazy from the extra credits, because I bought tons of snacks and pricier foods like meat for myself.

When we got back home, I let Maiya out of the Moeball again and gave her a bowl of Snorlax chow. She tried one bite, spat it out, then looked at me while pointing at her mouth again. I’d heard Snorlax will eat anything, but apparently I’d ended up with the only Snorlax who didn’t like Snorlax chow. No wonder she’d been on sale.

Maiya and I had roast beef sandwiches for lunch, and she was still hungry so I gave her three bags of chips before she rolled onto her back and fell asleep. I could see her tummy bulging upwards, and felt a warm feeling in my chest. It was like I had saved her, and now she was saving me.

Our days passed in smiles and cheers. Maiya and I went out hunting twice a day, and had three meals a day. Over time Maiya grew into a nice healthy Snorlax. Her breasts filled out, her thighs thickened, and her blue suit got tight over her hips and belly.

Whenever we ate, she begged for food until her belly bulged out the front opening of her onesie. When I let her out of the ball to fight, her belly would be shrunk back down, and her hips, bottom, and especially breasts would be a little fuller.

Over time it took more and more food to keep Maiya satisfied, but since we won more battles the bigger she got, it all balanced out. She was my hungry little Snorlax, and I loved taking care of her.

Months passed and Maiya grew so big that she started getting taller. I was surprised at first, but I’d heard Snorlax were supposed to be over six feet tall, so I figured she was growing into the size she was supposed to be. Getting taller didn’t mean she was any less curvy though. My chubby, hungry Snorlax had hips that got so wide she could’t go through doors unless I put her back in the Moeball first. She had a bubble butt that was making her sit a little higher over time. And she had breasts that had passed “head sized” months ago, and just kept going.

Soon, I had to start having food delivered to my house. I just couldn’t carry it all from the market every day and still have time to hunt. We were earning enough credits that I could afford it anyway.

One day my friend and mentor Mindy came to visit from the MoeStop.

“Hey, I wanted to see how you and your Snorlax were getting along. It was Maiya, right?”

“That’s right. Do you want to see her? She’s grown a bit since I brought her home.”

“Well, I’d expect that. She was pretty malnourished when you first got her.”

I tossed the softball sized Moeball and called Maiya out.

A flash of light filled the room, and a fuzzy, chubby girl in a blue suit loomed over us.

“W-w-what!?” Mindy was stunned to say the least.

Maiya had spawned into the room seated, and even in that position her head nearly reached the ceiling. Her pudgy legs spread to either side of Mindy and me, and her slightly thick tummy bulged out in front of us. We looked up, but our view of Maiya’s face was blocked by two breasts that probably weighed more than me and Mindy combined... each.

“What on earth have you been feeding her??”

I shrugged. “Just normal food. She eats a lot, but that’s normal for Snorlax, isn’t it?”

“Normal food... like human food??”

“Yeah of course, what else would I feed her?”

“Snorlax chow, of course!”

Mindy was getting agitated now.

“Oh, she doesn’t like Snorlax chow. I tried to give her some and she spat it out.”

Putting her hand over her face, Mindy groaned.

“Snorlax chow is specially formulated to keep Snorlax from over-indulging. If you give them normal food they just eat and eat until... well...” Mindy looked up at the gigantic Snorlax meaningfully.

Suddenly Maiya’s stomach started rumbling, making the whole cottage shake. Small cracks appeared in the walls and a few pictures fell.

“Well, I’m off. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“That was weird. Well anyway, you ready for lunch my big hungry Snorlax?” I reached up and rubbed Maiya’s tummy.

She smiled down and me and pointed at her mouth, so I handed her a box filled with a dozen donuts. She opened it and started popping entire donuts into her mouth like they were potato chips. I got more boxes ready. This usually took awhile.

A few weeks after Mindy’s visit, I ran into a problem. It was taking so long to feed Maiya that I started having protein shakes delivered and would feed them to her through a big tube. We’d finished her latest lunch, and her belly was stretched tight. Even sitting down she now had to angle her head to avoid breaking the ceiling. Her legs reached the opposite wall and with her belly full of calorie-rich shake, the mass of her stomach pushing her breasts upward, pressing them against the ceiling.

“Alright, time to get back in the ball so we can go out hunting.”

I tossed the Moeball at my big healthy Snorlax, and she disappeared in a flash of light. I stepped over and squatted down to pick it up, the ball had been getting heavy lately, which I didn’t think was possible. Before I could lift it, however, Maiya reappeared. Her big plushy fuzzy body slammed into me and knocked me back across the room.

Maiya looked the same as she had moments before, except her big tum-tum had gone down again, and her outfit was tighter. Even with her head tilted, some plaster broke off the ceiling. Maiya’s stomach rumbled and she pointed at her mouth again, but we didn’t have time for a second lunch.

I tossed the ball again, and again she vanished. This time I waited before getting too close, and once again she reappeared. This time her stomach was all the way down to its empty, slightly pudgy size. Her breasts bulged larger than ever, and she was half laying on the floor, leaning against the wall as her gigantic breasts pressed against the ceiling. Her stomach growled again, louder this time. I could feel the floor shaking under my feet, and large chunks of wall cracked and fell free.

In a panic I tried to throw the ball again, but Maiya’s thick arm and pudgy hand knocked it away, as she pointed to her mouth hungrily. She reached down and picked up the tube again, putting it to her mouth and sucking on it hard. There was still some protein shake left in the tube, but not more than a mouthful.

Seeing the hose was empty, Maiya looked down at me and pointed at her mouth, and the hose, leaving no confusion as to what she wanted. I knew that Moemon were still technically monsters, and didn’t want to anger this huge one trapped in my house, so I quickly opened up more protein shakes and poured them into the funnel at my end of the hose. Between shakes I tossed her more boxes of pastries and cakes.

She ate more for her second lunch than she had for her first. Apparently catching and releasing her from her ball so fast had messed up her metabolism. Reclining against the wall, Maiya ate and ate, her belly swelling up again and pressing her breasts more tightly into the ceiling, causing more plaster to rain down on us.

Finally satisfied, Maiya stretched her arms behind her, knocking down the wall separating the front room from the bedroom. Collapsing onto her back, her large fleshy limbs spread wide and her feet put enormous holes in my front wall, sticking out into the yard. The impact sent her full belly and gigantic breasts wobbling, and enough plaster and wood broke loose from my cottage that a few beams of light streamed in through the roof.

As Maiya fell asleep she started to snore, each rumbling sound shaking the entire cottage, sending more plaster down and more light in.

“So this is what Mindy was warning me about… I wonder how much an Ultra Moeball costs?”

A chunk of plaster fell nearby, almost hitting me in the head.

“And a new cottage...”


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