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Note: This story may contain ridiculous and unrealistic content. It is not suitable for minors.

This fanfic is based on “Monday Morning Offering 225” in Himura Kiseki’s series “Tawawa on Monday.”


The version of this page that I colorized is here:



Spring Vacation had finally come to Tawawa-land, and Ai-chan planned to make the most of it. Her poor Onī-san had been working himself to the bone, and while she couldn’t do much for him during the day, or during the work week, she was going to make him relax and enjoy every weekend day they had.

They were headed to the seaside in his car, and had stopped at a convenience store after he picked her up. The door chimed as they stepped outside with their purchases. He carried a bag with snacks and she had a large cup of milky brown liquid with a collection of orbs in the bottom, and a very wide straw.

“When’s the last time you went to the sea, Onī-san?”

“Eh, the sea?” He paused to think. “Well, I can see it from the train sometimes, but I don’t think I’ve been to the beach itself since I was a kid.”


Ai-chan took a long pull from her milk tea.

“Well, this will be a good chance to make some new memories together.” She said with a big grin up at the tall man.

“Hmm. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather spend your vacation with friends your age, instead of an old geezer like me?”

The very busty redhead scowled up at the Salaryman.

“I don’t want to hear any of that talk today. I’m right where I want to be.”

She sipped her tea again.

“Besides, I only have one friend my age, and I need a break from her sexual harassment…”

“Harass–" the Salaryman decided it was better not to ask. He opened the car door for his young companion and they continued on their way.


As they cruised the highway, Ai-chan’s phone chimed with incoming messages. From the corner of his eye the Salaryman saw her lean forward to retrieve the phone from her back pocket. It was one of the first times he’d seen her wearing something other than her school uniforms, besides the time he saw her at the cafe where she worked part-time. She was wearing jeans that accentuated her hips and bottom even more than her usual skirt, and a half sleeve top that was light and airy, draping itself over her 98cm breasts.

Ai-chan held her phone in one hand and the bubble tea in the other as she read whatever message she had gotten. Then she did something unexpected. The adorable bob-cut girl set the plastic cup to rest on the shelf of her bosom, popping the straw between her lips to keep everything balanced. Her lips puckered and her cheeks drew in as she slowly sipped up a couple more tapioca pearls, both hands free to type on her phone.

The Salaryman was so stunned by this feat that he almost drifted out of his lane. He shook himself and tried to keep his eyes on the road, reminding himself that he’d seen this girl rest things on her abnormally large chest more than a few times.

One of the first times they’d met on the morning train, he’d dropped his business card case and it stopped to rest on her white school shirt for several long moments before sliding off her curves and falling to the floor. He still had vivid memories of her squatting down and standing back up to retrieve it for him, the crowded train making the act involve far too much physical contact than was proper.

And more than once with her soft bosom pressed against his torso because of the crowded train, she had rested her phone on their sweater-clad surface to show him some MeTube video or another.

Nevertheless, the Salaryman could not resist glancing frequently to his left to observe the twin braided girl gulping down tea and tapioca pearls hands-free, while she operated a phone that seemed like a small tablet in her tiny hands.

Eventually she caught him watching her and, setting her phone on her leg, grabbed her beverage to hold out to him.

“Want a taste?”

“Mmm, no thank you. Just be careful you don’t spill.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me, Onī-san. I have a pretty good ‘tapioca stand’ after all…”

She demonstrated the truth of her words by popping her torso up and out, pressing her J-cup breasts into her top and making them wobble. The Salaryman turned back to the road, blushing furiously. Ai-chan gave a knowing grin and resumed sipping her beverage.


Ai-chan emerged from the changing rooms with a small bag, wearing shorts and a loose button-up shirt over her swimsuit.

“I hope you like it, I had to buy a new one for this trip.”

“Huh, really?” He asked dumbly.

Now it was Ai’s turn to blush. She pointed one toe at the ground twisting her leg back and forth, looking down, the view of her feet blocked by her taut shirt.

“Well, the only other one I had was my school swimsuit… from middle school… I can’t wear that one anymore…”

The Salaryman’s vision blurred as a mental image formed on it’s own. The girl before him in one-piece swimsuit, dark blue trimmed in white. The suit fit perfectly around her torso and over her bottom, but the top half and shoulder straps dug in tightly to her overgrown bosom, lewd cleavage welling out of the top and flesh bulging out the sides. He shook his head vigorously trying to banish the vision.

Shyness forgotten, Ai-chan was looking up at him coyly. She stepped forward until her front was almost touching him. It was nothing like the closeness they experienced on the train many times, but out here in the open space it was much more thrilling. Her face tilted up to peer into his eyes, her two short braids dangling under her ears.

“You’re not imaging something weird, are you, Onī-san…?”

The Salaryman could only choke out an incoherent denial as the young woman stepped back, letting out a laugh as clear as glass bells. She pinched the hem of his shirt sleeve, leading him down to the sandy beach with a bright smile.

“Come on, let’s go!”

Her swimsuit turned out to be a string bikini. Another woman might have wondered if she had had to buy the top and bottom separately, to get small bottoms with an XL top. The Salaryman only gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, setting up their blanket and umbrella in the sand.

The beach was fairly deserted, so Ai-chan stripped off her top and shorts, running down to the water with a grin. Her skin was pale like the finest porcelain. Her figure was supple and soft, not hard and sinewy like a woman who lives at the gym, but healthy and lean in the way only the young can be. Well, she was slim and small almost everywhere. The Salaryman watched, mesmerized, as the girl danced and splashed around, hopping from one foot to the other, every movement sending her healthy breasts to bobble and sway. Gradually hypnotized by her motion, his eyelids grew heavy.




“O. Nī. San!!”

The Salaryman’s eyes fluttered open to find Ai-chan hovering over him. She was kneeling on the blanket between his spread legs, and was propped up by her arms to either side of his waist. She had her shirt over the bikini again, but unbuttoned and tied at the waist to leave the entire expanse of her cleavage visible. In her current position her extraordinary breasts hung down, nearly brushing against his stomach, and giving him a view all the way down.

She was saying something to him.

“Hello, Onī-san…?”

“Uh. Oh. Sorry. Is something the matter, Ai-chan?”

“I asked if you were planning on sleeping the whole day away?”

“No, no, I’m awake. Sorry.”

“Ugh. Are you going to swim or go in the water with me at all?”

“Oh, erm… that’s alright. I didn’t bring trunks or anything. You have fun, enjoy yourself. I’d rather just watch.”

“Ha ha!” Her lovely laugh rang out again. “You’re such a pervert, Onī-san.” She reached up and tousled his hair, emphasizing her teasing tone.


On the drive back, Ai-chan fell asleep in the car almost right away. She had replaced her swimsuit with a snug tank-top, and every bump in the road sent her jiggling in a very distracting way.

As the Salaryman draped his spare shirt over his young friend, one of her eyes slid half open to meet his, and she smiled, drifting back off to sleep.


All throughout the following week, under various excuses and cover stories, Ai-chan rode the morning train with her “Onī-san.” On her days off she wore a variety of loose tops without buttons, but between the photos from their trip to the sea, and being able to see her every day, the Salaryman was sufficiently energized to do his work even without his weekly “charm” from Ai-chan’s school shirts.

The other thing that was different was that the convenience shop with its new bubble tea offerings was directly on her route to the station, so Ai-chan treated herself to a milky tapioca treat every day during her full week of shared train rides.

On the following weekend, the Salaryman had to go in for extra work, but she rode the train with him anyway, before meeting up with Volleyball-chan to go shopping and hang out. They met in a small restaurant near Onī-san’s office.

“Hmm, I think I’m going to try the chicken sandwich.” The tall athletic brunette said, perusing the menu.

“That does look good,” the redhead replied, “I think I’ll try the pork cutlet bowl.”

As she closed her menu, Ai-chan spotted a woman with dark brown hair in a blue business suit, her breasts pressed against the buttons of her shirt and jacket in a way that made Ai-chan guess the woman was almost as large as she was, though taller and with a just slightly larger frame, making the redhead envious of her proportions. The second thing she noticed was that the woman had a familiar clear plastic cup with dark circles in the bottom.

“Oh, they have boba tea here too!”

Volley-chan raised and eyebrow at that, turning her menu over to review the beverage selection. She followed Ai-chan’s eyes to the office lady, and did a double take as the woman was also doing the “Tawawa Challenge,” cup balanced on her breasts as she sucked on her straw and typed an email on her phone.

Volley-chan’s eyes went wide and she hunted for the tea on the menu. She found it between the hot beverages and the sodas.

“Milk Tea, with chewy tapioca pearls, available in various flavors.”

The small print under the drink read:

“Rest assured that the nutrients in tapioca are safely designed to go fully into reinforcing the ‘tapioca stand.’”

Volleyball-chan blinked several times, shut her eyes tightly, shook her head, and opened them again.

The small print under the drink read:

“Fortified with iron and copper, promotes healthy circulation.”

A single bead of sweat ran down her brow, and she smiled nervously.

“I’ll probably stick with chocolate milk, but you should get one if you want.”

“Well, I had some already this morning… but it is really good… I could see how the tea here compares to the shop by my house!”

Having talked herself into it, Ai-chan and her tall friend placed their orders, and after awhile their drinks arrived. Ai-chan smiled and drew the large cup toward herself, pressing it lightly into her breasts as they rested on the diner booth’s table. Volley-chan’s eyes never failed to notice every motion and action involving her small friend’s healthy breasts, and they were now glued to the scene. Volley’s over-active imagination painted a dotted line around the circumference of the redhead’s chest, with a digital display that read: 98.7cm

Volley-chan’s mouth went dry as Ai-chan popped her mouth over the large straw and took a long pull, bouncing happily in her seat as she gulped down tea and tapioca pearls. As slow as the top digit on a car’s odometer, several segments on the imagined display lit up, and it changed to: 98.8cm

“Woah there,” the brunette managed to croak out through her bone dry throat, “save some tea for your meal.”

Ai-chan met her sporty friend’s eyes. “Pssh. It’s fine, the teas here are bigger than the ones I normally get.”

Volley-chan’s eyes darted back to the digital bustline measurement at the word ‘bigger.’

“Besides, it’s so good, I can’t help myself…” Ai-chan popped the large straw back into her mouth, and resumed gulping, her throat pulsing with each eager mouthful.

Volleyball-chan stared wordlessly as the segments flickered yet again, ever so slowly changing to read: 98.9cm

She was going to buy her friend bubble tea every chance she got.


All good things must come to an end, and eventually Ai-chan’s spring vacation was over. Once again she was going through her Monday morning routine, blow drying her hair and twisting the strands over her ears into their signature braids.

Standing in her room, she pulled and tugged, trying to make the buttons of her school shirt come together. They resisted far more than they had two weeks ago. She was regretting having had spent so many of her vacation days in loose tops.

A little while later, she was riding the train with her Onī-san. It was as crowded as ever and her breasts were pressed into his torso, he wondered idly if she was looking even bigger than usual. Maybe it was just because she was wearing her uniform sweater. He wondered also at that, it didn’t seem nearly cold enough for the warm garment.

The train hit a bump and they were pressed together even tighter for a moment.

“Mmm, sorry, Ai-chan.”

“That’s okay, I’m well-padded, remember?” The short girl’s eyes flitted briefly to her overgrown bosom.

He blushed and she grinned. Then her eyes popped back open.

“Oh, I almost forgot.”

Ai-chan dug in her bag for a few moments, large breasts crushing into the Salaryman and grinding against him. She withdrew her arm from the bag and held it out, palm down and fist closed.

The Salaryman held out an open palm as usual, and Ai-chan’s opening hand deposited not one, not two, but *three* shirt buttons into his.


Ai-chan’s blush suffused almost her entire face, then she forced a nervous, toothy grin up at him, and patted both sides of her sweater-clad chest, leaning into him and making them bulge and swell before his eyes.

“Too much Boba Tea, I guess…”


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