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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.


Julie’s Day Off - Part 1

A thin sliver of sunlight broke through a tiny gap in the curtains into an otherwise dark bedroom. The sunlight met the closed eyelids of a blonde female head. Catherine moaned in annoyance and tried to roll over onto her other side, before her body reminded her rather uncomfortably that such a task would require more effort and coordination than she wanted to expend in her half-asleep state.

The young woman pulled the blankets over her head and tried to go back to sleep, but realized with annoyance that the damage was done and she might as well get up. She was hungry anyway.

Reaching down under the covers, Catherine hefted her overgrown breasts so that she could roll onto her back and sit up. Grunting with the effort, Catherine rose to a seated position and rotated to let her feet dangle off the bed. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she reached down to pat the generous mounds of flesh that rested in her lap. “When will you girls quit growing?”

Rising to her feet, Catherine scooped up both breasts in one arm. They were still remarkably firm, not sagging much at all despite their size, but lacking the support of a bra, they would have swung, wobbled, and bounced madly in her nightgown. They were getting almost too heavy on her shoulders and back for her to move around without carrying them in her arms. Truly, she was nearly to the point where it took both hands, or rather both arms, to support their generous weight.

Catherine grabbed her newest bra from the top of her dresser. It was a simple-looking garment that Ruby had made for her just last week. Made of a simple white canvas and satin, it had a band nearly 8 inches wide, with cups large enough that Catherine could’ve used one of them as a hat with room to spare. Putting one arm at a time under straps a full inch wide, Catherine fastened the band behind her back in a series of seven heavy-duty hooks. The garment now secured around her torso, Catherine began the arduous task of getting her mommy milkers into their enormous cups. Bending at the waist to lean forward and let gravity be her ally for once, she used her fingertips and sometimes her entire hand to stuff herself into the cups of her custom P-cup bra.

Briefly, Catherine considered getting fully dressed, but a rumbling from below Boob Mountain made her decide that breakfast would have to come first. She grabbed a brush off the dresser and brushed her blonde hair out from its bedhead state and checked herself in the mirror.

Scrutinizing her reflection, Catherine once again marveled at Ruby‘s handiwork. If this whole “fashion designer” thing didn’t work out, Catherine thought, the little pixie certainly had a career in structural engineering. Supported as they were by the massive garment, Catherine’s bosom rose gloriously into large, nearly flawless hemispheres.

Nevertheless, as she gazed upon her generous rotundity, Catherine could see that she was already beginning to bulge ever so slightly out of the garment. The bra she had had for less than two weeks was already getting too small. Frowning, she poked into the supple flesh of each orb with mild annoyance.

“I know most guys like big boobs, but this is starting to get pretty freaking ridiculous.”

Pulling the nightgown back over her head and slipping on a robe that she tied at her waist but which would lost its ability to close over her prodigious bosom months ago, Catherine left her room and headed toward the kitchen.

It only took a few steps down the hall before Catherine was reminded harshly that her personal chef was not at home. Julie had gone with her entire culinary class on a field trip into the city, and would not be home until after midnight. That could mean only one thing, Ruby was cooking.

Catherine knew that Ruby was cooking because she smelled smoke, and even from several rooms away, she could hear the small girl cursing. As Catherine entered the kitchen, she saw the diminutive brunette scraping the remnants of a pancake incongruously into the kitchen sink. The kitchen was filled with a haze of smoke and the short girl had dabs of flour and batter all over her clothes, hands, and face. On a plate beside the stove, sat a single solitary pancake, or what looked like a pancake, it may have been a black frisbee.

“Mornin’ Rubes…” Catherine said cautiously, “how’s it going?”

“Oh Catherine, you’re up. Ugh! Julie had everything measured out and left all these notes on making pancakes, but as you can see, it’s not really working.”

Silently, Catherine reevaluated the mental praise she had been giving Julie’s sister on her skills mere moments earlier.

“Oh, I don’t know… Let me do a taste test for you.”

With that, Catherine picked up the charred “pancake” and took a big bite. The grimace on her face told Ruby all she needed to know, but Catherine nevertheless affected the world’s most artificial smile as she chewed.

“It’s pretty good actually…”

The short girl frowned up at her outrageously busty friend and put fists on both hips.

“Don’t bullshit me Catherine, it’s garbage and you know it!”

Catherine grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, you’re right, it’s not great.”

Surprisingly, Catherine went in for a second bite of the burnt pancake. It seemed her voracious appetite had won out over her sense of taste. Ruby wondered idly how valuable the blonde’s taste-testing skills actually were to her culinary sister.

“Alright,” Ruby said with determination, “clearly cooking is not my forte. How about we go out, for breakfast?” Catherine only smiled and nodded eagerly, taking another large bite of the mostly carbon pancake.


Back in her room, Catherine was struggling with one of her empire-waisted dresses. Ruby had custom-made the garment for Catherine’s generous form, but it was starting to get quite snug. The navy blue fabric was bunched up around Catherine’s neck, and she had drawn the material down over her chest until she got to the waistband. It was elastic, and every bit as wide as the flowing skirt, but the apex of Catherine’s bust-line was proving to be too much for it. As the busty blonde pulled and tugged the garment downward, the elastic waistband caught on the edge of one of her bra cups, slipping it down and causing her left boob to pop free. This created a sudden pliability in Catherine’s magnificent mammaries, and the waistband slid down into place. Bending forward once again, Catherine reached into the top of her dress to wrestle her errant breast back into its home. It took some doing, however, and was made even more difficult by the lack of “give” between her chest and the garment’s upper half.

Fully clothed at last, Catherine turned to the mirror and gave herself a once over. The empire-waisted summer dress had a scoop neck, and while everything from the under-bust down was loose and flowing, the material around her bosom was skin tight. In addition, the low neck of the dress meant that she was showing off almost a foot of tight, enticing cleavage. The busty blonde shrugged, an action that would’ve sent her bloated assets wobbling a great deal more, had she not been tightly compacted into a sausage casing of a bodice.

Stepping over to the mirror again, Catherine quickly did the small amount of makeup that she usually wore. Very light mascara, barely visible eyeliner, a few tabs of blush, and a quick swipe of lip gloss. Pulling her hair back into a ponytail tied with a crimson scrunchie, Catherine judged herself ready to go.

Downstairs, Catherine only had to wait a few minutes before Ruby emerged from her own room. The loli brunette was wearing a light sundress of pale blue with white polkadots, the skirt reaching just past her knees. She wore white socks, and faux leather flats, also in baby blue. Her hair was brushed out, and she’d cleaned all of the pancake aftermath off of herself. Ruby wore somewhat more bold makeup than Catherine; bright red lips, and striking blue eyeshadow. She held a simple white clutch in her hand and as she emerged asked, “ready to g–”

Ruby’s dark blue eyes took in the sight of her taller friend. She stepped up to Catherine without a hint of shame and began manhandling the blonde’s swollen breasts. “My God, Catherine, look how tight this dress is already! I’ll have to make you a new one after we get back from breakfast…”

Catherine barely suppressed a faint moan, her breasts had gotten more and more sensitive as they grew ever larger. “Alright Ruby, that would be awesome… Can you stop that? Can we go now?”


The two girls walked a couple blocks to a nearby diner. They had been seated in a booth, once they could get the poor hostess to stop staring at Catherine’s pale fertile valley. After the poor woman’s wide eyes went back to normal size, and she walked away, Catherine leaned forward, letting her bounteous bosom rest on the booth’s table with a sigh.

Ruby giggled softly, “I don’t think that hostess was even 30, and I’m pretty sure she was about to have a heart attack.”

Catherine chuckled softly as well “yeah, this is why I don’t go out so much in the summer, I much prefer hoodie weather.”

“Are you crazy?” Ruby reached across the table to poke Catherine’s generous cleavage. “Why would you wanna keep these glorious beauties covered up?”

Catherine swatted the small girl’s hand away. “Could you not do that in public?”

Ruby withdrew her hand, sitting back and grabbing the menu.

“Seriously, girl, if I had half of what you have, I’d be flaunting it all over town.”

Catherine blushed at the phrase and then scowled. “Well that’s the problem, if I had half of what I have maybe I’d be flaunting it too! But I blew right past the ‘hot and busty’ stage, straight into the ‘holy shit, look at that freak’ size!”

Ruby tipped her menu down to meet Catherine’s eyes. “You’re not a freak, Catherine. I can guarantee you that plenty of guys would kill to be with a girl your size…”

Ruby paused thoughtfully and added in a lower tone, “maybe even some girls…”

Catherine was taken aback. “Ruby… are you… do you… have feelings for me?”

Ruby blushed, dropping her menu and waving both hands at her friend in protest. “No, no nothing like that! I’m just saying that I know for a fact you have some admirers out there who don’t think you’re too big.”

Catherine wasn’t buying it. “But you said girl… Is there some girl who’s… into me?”

Ruby was getting frantic now. “No, no… it’s not for me to say. All I’m saying is, you shouldn’t feel insecure about your body.”

Catherine seemed to be appeased. “Yeah, maybe… For now anyway. But I’m clearly still growing… How big can I get before I am considered ‘too big?’”

Ruby only shrugged, picking the menu back up. “Beats me. My grandma used to say ‘there’s a lid for every pot’”

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their waitress. Catherine straightened her back, lifting her breasts off the table. Ruby ordered a simple eggs-and-toast breakfast, while Catherine ordered a pancake platter, an omelette, sides of French toast and waffles, and a large milkshake. It was enough food to feed five young women, but still probably considerably less than she would’ve eaten while taste-testing with Julie. The waitresses’ eyes widened only slightly at the magnitude of Catherine’s order, but from her vantage point she couldn’t see below the blonde’s generous cleavage, and assumed that the rest of her body was as plump as the breasts bulging from her neckline.

After the waitress filled their coffees and left, Catherine dosed hers with two creams and three packets of sugar before taking hearty, greedy first gulp.

“Anyway…” the blonde said, take another healthy gulp of her sugary coffee. “They just won’t stop growing. I wish I knew why…” Ruby sipped on her black coffee in astonishment. How was it possible for someone to be so oblivious?


Catherine devoured every crumb of her considerable breakfast, and even nibbled down a piece of toast leftover from Ruby’s. The brunette paid the tab, and the pair headed back to the apartment. Catherine’s online class was starting in half an hour, and Ruby was eager to get started on a better fitting dress for the increasingly P-shaped blonde.

As they walked, Catherine reached across her bulging cleavage to press into one shoulder, and then the other.

“Are your back and shoulders still hurting?” Ruby asked. “I might be able to make you a new bra with a couple different strap options to move the weight around.”

“Yeah, that would be great… This one’s already getting a little tight anyway.”

“Damn girl,” Ruby laughed “share the love!”

“Would if I could, Rubes, would if I could…”

The two girls shared a laugh as they continued their walk home.


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