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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age.



"Anyway, are you ready to start Thanksgiving dinner? I'm starving." Madison's left hand moved out of sight behind her breasts and began stroking the bare flesh eagerly. Her right hand grabbed a remote hung from the waistband of her skirt and pressed a button.

A procession of staff emerged from doubled doors at the far end. They had trays, no, carts of food. Wheeled carts, loaded with every traditional American dish and side dish imaginable. Grace watched as they set out two turkeys, beef roast, a full rack of ribs, various styles of ham, an an entire slow-roasted pig.

A whole. Fucking. Pig.

Grace watched in stunned silence as the staff unloaded potato and bean casseroles, baked beans and chilis, soups and stews. Corn bread, corn casserole, creamed corn, corn on the cob, and for some reason even popcorn. Sweet potatoes, and every kind of normal potato Grace had ever seen, plus a couple she hadn't.

Madison licked her lips as the table filled with food, a nearby staffer sliding a chair under her as she sat at a perpendicular angle. Even with a large portion of her bulk obscured by the curtain, there was no way she could sit facing a table and reach any food on said table.

Grace fixed herself a plate and tried not to focus on her sister for fear of losing her appetite. Madison started grabbing any hand food within reach and shoving it down like a woman possessed. Grace was fairly certain that even starving people did not eat with such intensity.

"Mmmm" *ulp* "sorry, I'm starving," *nom* "I haven't had anything to eat since you got here."

Grace had no response to that ridiculous statement so she stuffed a dinner roll in her mouth and nodded.

Chloe returned and took a seat next to Madison, but did not fix herself a plate. It seemed that part of her job as Maddie's "business partner" was to help Grace's sister stuff her face. She made plates and cut the food into bites that Madison could pick up and eat with only one hand to reach the table. She passed empty platters to other staff members and occasionally rose to slide dishes forward or fill a plate to bring to the gluttonous brunette.

Over the next two hours the three women made small talk. Grace finished her first plate and did not get a second, and she saw Chloe pop a bite of something in her mouth no more than a handful of times, clearly the Asian woman was not indulging. Madison on the other spent the entire time eating. After the first hour, the initial onslaught of food had disappeared, and the staff brought in a procession of heavy laden carts to replenish the massive table. This time the carts held deserts. Cakes, cupcakes, strudels and tarts, cookies, brownies, fudge, and a dozen varieties of ice cream. The overwhelming majority of carts held pie, however. Apple, peach, plum, banana, chocolate, pecan, blueberry, raspberry, rhubarb, peanut butter, and more pumpkin pies than you could make with a whole Starbucks' worth of spice.

Grace helped herself to a tiny sliver of pie, and chatted with Chloe about the latest season of Reign, with Madison chiming in whenever her mouth wasn't full, which was seldom. Eventually as the deserts were dwindling and her sister showed no signs of slowing, Grace rose and crossed the long table to examine her sister up close.

Madison was seated facing the curtain, and while her hips and middle had thickened slightly over the years, did not appear much larger than she had at Grace's graduation. What was more incredible, was that after stuffing herself with a restaurant's worth of Thanksgiving dinner, Grace's stomach was only slightly distended. Madison's food baby was in its early second trimester at most.

"Maddie, how..."

Before Grace could compose her question, Chloe came back to the head of the table with the last two pies, and set them within Madison's reach.

"I'll go and let you sisters talk." Chloe said, passing very close to Madison and running a finger across the seated girl's exposed back, before turning and dashing from the room at a brisk pace.

"What... she said you two weren't dating."

"Well" *mfph* "it's a little more complicated than that, but we are" *chomp* "something more than friends."

"Okay," Grace shook herself from that mental image, to the real image in front of her that was somehow even more disturbing.

"Okay," she said again "what the actual fuck is going on here Madison?"

*ulp" "What do you mean?" Madison asked as another slice of pie met its end.

"How is your stomach still so small?"

"I don't know that I'd say 'small', Grace..." she retorted, bringing her left hand down to squeeze and rub her bloated middle.

"You know what I mean Maddie. For the amount of food you just ate -are still eating- you should be the size of a truck!

"And besides that, how are you still only growing in your breasts!? I had to start dieting before I hit twenty when my jeans started to get tight instead of my bras!"

"Well Grace," *urp* "I'd say I'm just lucky, but I'd be lying." Madison wiped her mouth of crumbs from the last pie and rose, supporting her stomach with one hand. She turned to face her "big" sister.

"You know as well as I that my only luck was being born into our family. And of course being lucky enough to have a sister who was generous enough to break tradition and tell me about our family secret."

"Maddie I–" Grace held up a hand to forestall her sister.

"I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it, and if you need anything at all to let me know. I'm already supporting mom and Edith financially and I can easily do the same for you at any time.

"You see Grace, I realized once I outgrew the largest bras you can buy in stores that I loved my breasts. That was probably obvious to anyone who knew me, but when they got truly impractical I realized that I didn't care. I love them and love being able to make them even more amazing just by eating. I also love eating, just in case that wasn't super obvious."

Madison chuckled again and Grace felt the faint tremor in the facility floor again.

"By that point I was already making content and earning enough financial support from my fans to cover my food budget, not to mention all the food they were sending me. But I knew I had to do more, that one day my babies would stop growing, and I couldn't let that happen."

At the mention of her 'babies,' Madison began to lightly stroke the skin she could reach.

"So with the help of Chloe and a few of my fans who worked in science and medicine, I started Madsgenix. My company has only one goal; to keep me growing."


"Well, that's the main goal. We've developed a few side projects along the way. One of which you pointed out earlier."

"Your... your stomach?"

"That's right. I was so frustrated that I had to stop eating all the time because I kept getting full. My research team developed a drug that accelerates my metabolism. I could win any endurance records at running or swimming, as long as I had enough food, and if I could still run or swim of course.

"But that's not the point, the point is that I can digest food almost as fast as I can eat it. They're still tweaking the dosages but I'm very close now to being able to eat indefinitely."

"My god, Madison..."

"And that's not even the best part! The best part is that we finally have a marketable version of the pill!"

"Pill? What pill?"

"Oh whoops, I guess I buried the lead. The main mission of Madsgenix was to put our family secret into a pill!"

"Wait, what!?"

"Yes Grace, the world is full of young women who are disappointed with the body the genetic lottery gave them, and I'm giving them the chance to do what I did. Well, probably not to the extent that I did, the pill isn't as strong as the real thing, even if we weren't watering it down."

She continued caressing the surface of her exposed enormity.

"Anyway we've made a 'supplement' that will temporarily alter a woman's body to gain weight only in chest like us! It's only working on teens so far, but my team believes they can make a version that will work for women of any age. As of this week they're already available by prescription!"

"Is that how-"

"You guessed it Grace. You always were the smart one. Yes, there's an early version of the drug at full strength already in my body. Obviously it's much easier to make work for me because it's made from my blood."

"Your blood?"

"Of course. That's actually a big part of why I invited you here for dinner, Grace. The drug is only 50% effective at best on anyone outside our family, but for me it's 100% effective, and it would be for you as well."


"I'm saying, Grace, that to repay you for sharing the secret with me and letting me have this amazing life, I'm offering you the chance to have back some of those missed growing years. You could have boobs as big as you want! Just like me..."

Madison's focus wandered to her breasts and she trailed off.

Grace stood in stunned silence, trying to process the infodump her sister had just given her.

Madison was lost in her own world, adoring her own body. She pressed a button on her remote again and Chloe returned wordlessly with end of a tube that ran out of the room, handed it to Madison and with another caress and peck on the cheek left again. A shudder went down Madison's spine and the floor trembled. Eagerly she popped the tube into her mouth and sucked on it, some kind of nutrient sludge visible in the transparent hose.

Grace's jaw dropped, and she whispered, "you monster."

Madison didn't even pause in her feeding, just raised a questioning eyebrow.

"You're a monster." Grace repeated, louder.

"It wasn't enough for you to have really nice big breasts? The biggest in your school? Maybe even the biggest in the state? You had to gorge yourself into immobility? You had to play god and tamper with your body's digestive system? You had to make and market a drug to let millions of other young girls develop eating disorders too!? You had to disrupt the entire plastic surgery and lingerie industry, to say nothing of national obesity, just to fund your ridiculous appetite?"

With each rhetorical question, Madison's expression glowed brighter. Her lips curled into an elated smile around her feeding tube, and her eyes sparkled with hubristic joy.

Grace stormed over to the curtain and pulled one side back, it was almost too heavy for her to slide. She expected to be shocked at Madison's size, but her wildest imaginings fell short of the reality.

At the point where the curtain had covered them, Madison's breasts were almost a foot higher than her head while standing. As it turned out, that was not their highest point. Not by a long shot. Madison's breasts bulged so high Grace could not tell where they stopped. She began to walk down their length and realized that unless she ran, a trip around her sister's body would take at least ten minutes. She got to a point a good 20-30 feet away from her sister's non-breast body, and stepped up close. The fleshy orbs were so gargantuan they seemed like a wall of flesh up this close. Their curvature was almost imperceptible at this distance.

With trepidation but morbid curiosity, Grace reached out to touch a fingertip to the wall of skin. It was warm and pliable but firm. Grace went a little farther and laid her hand flat on the surface of her sister's breast, her mind too broken to even process the impropriety of the action. She felt the warmth and a faint rumbling she took to be the aggressive, artificially enhanced digestion turning that tube of endless calories into more and more breast fat. Laying a second hand on her sister, Grace pressed inward, feeling the elasticity of the flesh wall, in addition to the rumbling that seemed to intensify.

"Grace, *mmphf* don't." Madison's voice could just be heard at a whimper between mouthfuls of nutrient shake. "If you keep doing that I'll–"

Just as she felt the rumbling turn into tremors, Grace pulled her hands away as if burned, and realized what she'd been doing. Quickly she turned and made to leave. As she passed her sister she was stunned to see Madison now had both hands caressing and clutching at her breasts, sucking on the feeding tube in a fervor.

"Wait Grace, don't go! *ulp* You can touch them some more if you want, please don't stop!"

"Gross! I'm your sister you sick fuck!"

With each word of reproach Madison moaned in pleasure. Grace was disgusted to see a small puddle forming under her sister's skirt.

"Are you really doing that now? Right in front of me??"

Madison was lost now and leaned her whole body into her breasts, as the ecstatic pleasure overtook her, her body seemed to clench and relax in waves, sending massive ripples up and along the length of breasts the size of sperm whales. The waves reached the end and returned, meeting fresh waves coming down, and amplifying each other, feeding back into a resonance that only intensified, crescendoing with Madison's moans of pleasure.

The motion of Madison's body in orgasm made the floor shake. Empty dishes rattled and fell off the table in a parade of shattering ceramic and clattering silver. Grace could hear the steel beams of the enormous structure creak and groan, cracks appearing in some walls.

"Madison!" Grace shouted "You're going to bring the damn building down!"

Her words served only to send Madison deeper into the throes of ecstasy. Grace now struggled to stay standing, grabbing on to the back of a chair to stay upright.

Chloe reappeared at Grace's side. "Grace you should go. Don't worry about us this facility is designed to withstand earthquakes." She took Chloe by the arm and led her back out into the hallway and back to the entrance. The further they got from the central stadium the less intense the tremors became. Grace also got the sense that her sister was winding down, as the building had mostly settled by the time they reached the exit. The reception room was a mess, plants tipped over and furniture askew.

"Sorry about that," Chloe said, "your sister really loves her body..."



Still figuring out the interface here. There seems to be no formatting on text posts, which is unfortunate. Read the story up till now at https://www.deviantart.com/spartacusda