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Note: This story contains bizarre, unrealistic and occasionally ridiculous content. It is not suitable for minors. Everyone portrayed in this story is of consenting age. The characters in this story belong to The Quintessential Quintuplets (5-toubun no Hanayome)


Futaro Uesugi was at his wit's end. He was investing so much time and energy into tutoring those idiot quintuplets that he was coming close to neglecting his own studies. One night while copying down the fourth copy of a set of worksheets (he had no access to a photocopier so he did it all by hand) he was struck with an epiphany.

"Why am I killing myself trying to teach all five of them at once?"

Futaro's "brilliant" plan was simple; focus his energy on just one sister, and let their natural competitive instincts motivate the other four. And while he certainly couldn't figure out what would motivate all five of the rich girl quints, he knew one of them whose desires were as plain as the nose on her face. (Or maybe the mouth.)


Itsuki Nakano was seated in a booth at a sweets shop, and was just about to take the first big bite out of a large pastry. Most likely it was a meat bun, and the curvy redhead had her eyes closed in anticipation of her latest treat. Suddenly her hands were empty and she was biting empty air. She opened her eyes to see the infuriating face of her tutor, Futaro, standing over her with the stolen pastry in his hand.

"Hey–" she began

"Itsuki!" Futaro interrupted, "I am going to get you to study, so you'll be sure to pass the next set of exams, just like you asked me to do."

"Okay," she said scornfully, "what does that have to do with my lunch?"

Futaro paused a moment to consider the ridiculousness of this rich sugary pastry being a proper meal, and continued.

"This is how I'm going to motivate you." He said, shaking the desert. "From now on, no treats until you do your worksheets."

He punctuated this mandate by slapping down a set of papers in front of the girl, causing her to jump slightly and making her star ornamented long red hair sway.

"Once you finish these," the boy continued, "I'll give you back your desert."

Itsuki began to speak again but was interrupted.

"If, you get at least half of the answers right, I'll give you another desert."

The girl's protesting glare faded and her irrepressible greed put a sparkle in her large blue eyes.

"If you get at least three quarters of them right I'll get you two more, and if you get them all right I'll give you four."

The redhead held up a hand to forestall more arguments and set to the worksheet with a fervor Futaro had not yet seen in Itsuki or indeed a single one of the quintuplets since he became their tutor.

In the end she got 49% of the questions right, but Futaro took pity on her because she had finished the worksheet in record time, and let her have two pastries.

Patting her stomach Itsuki asked "You may have gotten me to study this way, but what about the others?"

"You let me worry about your sisters. For now you keep working hard like this and you'll be smarter than all of them."


From that point on, Itsuki was like a studying machine. On the nights Futaro came to their penthouse to tutor the quints, he would bring a box with five pastries. If Itsuki failed to earn all five of them, he would give each of the leftovers to whichever of her sisters scored the highest and make her watch them eat it before Itsuki got hers.

On the nights Futaro wasn't there, Itsuki would buy her own treats and video call him, letting him quiz her on their recent lessons and popping a treat between her lips whenever she got one right.

It took a few weeks, but Itsuki was slowly overtaking her sisters in her worksheet scores. Of course, that wasn't the only way she was overtaking them. Her school skirts got harder to zip up, and her middle started to "muffin" over the waistband. The biggest change however was up top, within a week her bras began to pinch and gradually a "quad boob" became visible through her signature sweater vest. Before the end of the first month she was at the shopping center being fitted for a new bra. She was officially too big to wear the same bras as any of her four sisters, when they had all worn the same size since puberty.


One Saturday Futaro arrived to find the penthouse empty save for the extra-curvy redhead.

"Where is everyone?"

"Ichica has an audition, Nino and Miku are off at some cooking class or something, and Yotsuba is filling in with the volleyball club."

Futaro sighed.

"Never mind them, I have a new studying game we can play." Itsuki pulled out three large desert boxes and handed them to her tutor. He peeked inside and saw they were full of golfball sized creampuffs.

"You have quizzes for the next mid-terms, right?"

"Um, yeah..."

"Perfect! So, you quiz me on the questions for the mid-terms, and I'll prove to you I'm the smartest quint!"

"And... what are these for?"

Itsuki scowled at him, "my reward for right answers, of course!"

At this exclamation she stomped her foot, causing all manner of jiggling to spread up her plush body. She plopped down on the sofa and gestured for Futaro to begin the quizzing.

After missing the first two, Itsuki got the third question right. Without a word she opened her mouth wide "Aaaa~"

Futaro blushed slightly and tossed one of the pastry balls to her. Itsuki caught it deftly in her mouth, chomping her lovely teeth into the treat and swallowing it down.

After going through all 100 questions in the quiz, there were just a few creampuffs left in the first box, and the others had not been touched. Even still, Itsuki had gotten over 65% of the answers correct.

Itsuki was rubbing at her slightly swollen middle when she asked,

"Do you have more than one quiz?"

"Um... yes..."

"Great! Let's to another one!" she said, wigging in place and sending her swollen breasts wobbling.

"Hey, isn't that cheating?" Futaro protested.

"Not at all! Plus I need to work hard while the others are slacking off and take advantage of having you all to myself!"

The plumping girl blushed suddenly at that last bit.

"To... your... self...?"

"Don't go getting the wrong idea, Uesugi-kun! Just hurry up and start another quiz... idiot!"

It took 2 more quizzes plus a lightning round, with Futaro coming up with questions on the fly, for Itsuki to finish all three boxes. The bulge in her middle was impossible to go unnoticed, unless you were oblivious like Futaro.

"Thanks for all your hard wo-urp-k" she said, blushing at her lack of decorum. She was sunken into the couch, gently massaging her bloated stomach, attempting to be discreet as the tutor was leaving.

"Sure," He replied "see you at school on Monday."

Itsuki scowled at his obliviousness, then slid her hands under her sweater to undo the waistband of her skirt. As soon as she touched the zipper it shot down, letting her creampuff-filled stomach expand and her sweater to ride up, revealing a sliver of bloated flesh.

"I'm the smartest quint of all, and I'm going to keep getting smarter. Just you watch and see, idiot Uesugi-kun." She said softly to herself, massaging her engorged stomach with greedy satisfaction.

She might have been concerned about her bloated midsection, if she could see it over the pair of sweater puppies that had grown to fill her downward view. She had upgraded her bra a second time earlier that week, and the new one was already getting hard to clasp.

With the loft to herself for several more hours and no urgent studying left to do, not to mention she was in no state to heft her bloated form up out of the couch indent, Itsuki began to nod off as she rubbed her tummy, mumbling about being the smartest sister.


Itsuki was reclining across the same couch reading from a school textbook. Somehow her chest had gotten even bigger, because she had the large book resting on them while she read. She wasn't sure which subject the book was on but she was reading voraciously. Page after page she mowed her way through the textbook, and in between pages she pulled sweets from a nearby bowl and popped them in her mouth.

As Itsuki read there was never a moment she was not also eating, and as she did her body began to change. Almost imperceptibly her clothes got tighter. Slightly around her hips and even less so at the waist, but the "shelf" she was using for her textbook was pushing said book closer to Itsuki's chin with every page, and every treat.

Itsuki finished the entire textbook and reached for another, cracking it open to continue studying. Of course she continued snacking as she studied, the nearby bowl never ran out, and under her sweater a strap on her bra snapped.

"Huh." She said aloud. "I'm getting so smart I need a new bra again..."


Itsuki was sitting in a classroom at school, alone save for Futaro, who was quizzing her like he'd done earlier. The difference was that her breasts had gotten so fat they covered the small school desk, overhanging its surface slightly on the front. Today, however, the tutor did not have boxes of mini creampuffs. Futaro had a large box in his hands and for each question Itsuki answered correctly, he pulled out a meat bun that was almost too big to hold in one hand. The box should have held four of these at most, but every time he dipped his hand in there was another delicious bun.

What shocked the red-haired girl most was that the tutor she thought she hated was feeding the meat buns directly to her! Futaro made direct eye contact and smiled in a way that should have felt creepy, but Itsuki feel warmth in her middle that was very different from the warmth of a satisfyingly full stomach. The tutor was saying things like;

"Good job, Itsuki-chan!"

"That's right, I knew you could do it!"

"You're getting so smart, enjoy!"

Itsuki blushed furiously and stammered out answers as Futaro fed her giant meat buns, which she somehow ate in a single gulp, all the while her sweater got tighter and tighter. She felt the zipper on her skirt pop, and noticed she was sitting higher in the desk chair than normal, thanks to some generous padding all this studying had added to her bottom.

"I'm getting too smart to fit in these school desks..."


Itsuki and her sisters were in a Viking Buffet, celebrating their test scores.

"We all passed, but you did better than all of us!" Yotsuba cheered.

"Yeah top 10th percentile, I'm really proud of you Itsuki." Ichika added with her motherly air.

Itsuki barely registered any of this, because her sisters were treating her to a celebration feast. Clean plates were stacked up on the table surrounding Itsuki's enormous breasts, which covered half the table and prevented her from seeing any of the sisters seated across from her. Nevertheless Itsuki's sisters took turns filling plates and bringing them back to the sister who had gotten the best test scores of all of them.

Itsuki's wide hips hung off the chair, the juicy flesh hanging off the sides and elevating the redhead so she sat half a head higher than her sisters. Itsuki gobbled down food without a care, reveling in her success as her skirt got tighter, and the threads on her giant blouse creaked.

Eventually the four sisters helped Itsuki to her feet saying.

"Come on, we're going to that bakery where Miku works, and you'll get to try all the flavors!"

When they got to the restaurant entrance, though, Itsuki followed Nino and Ichika through the door, but was suddenly stopped.


She pressed forward harder, and realized that her gargantuan bosom had grown so fat from her victory feast that she couldn't fit through the door.

"Miku, Yotsuba. You better give me a push. I've gotten so smart I'm stuck in the door."

As all five sisters strained, the wood of the wall creaked, and eventually the door frame shattered and cracked, chunks of wood and debris scattered and fell around them as the quintuplets crashed forward. Itsuki lost her balance and then sight as well, as two fattened orbs filled her view as they pulled her forward, drawn inexorably to the ground and blacking out her sight.


"Yoo hoo! We're back!"

Itsuki started awake on the couch. Frantically feeling around her torso she found that her breasts were still their normal size, albeit larger than they had been a few months ago.

"Itsuki! We got meat buns for dinner, do you want to come join us?"

The plumped up redhead twitched for a moment, remembering again the events of her dream.

"M-m Maybe just one..."


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