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The Originals 3x13: Heart Shaped Box Reaction!!!

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Jesus Alejo

To me I've always understood Aya's attitude... You have a bunch of vampires who's lives are tied to a family of horrible people, who have done terrible things not only to those vampires, but also those actions create thousands of enemies that put them in danger, danger that not only threatens the Mikaelson's but also every vampire in the world... Being tied to the fate and whims of the Mikaelson it's BS... They are awful and get themselves in near death situations ALL THE TIME. Also Aya's anger is fueled not just by the fact that her life is tied to Elijah, but also to her personal history with him... He really failed the Strix and specially her back then; and Aya is right and justified in her anger towards him, Elijah left her for death at the mercy of Mikael along with the rest of the people that Elijah himself sired, made promises, oferred protection, chances, etc... They were under his care and guidance and Elijah just bailed and ran; and when Aya criticizes him for always choosing family she does have a point, it's not as simple as "of course he would choose family", he had a responsibility to them and he failed, didn't care enough to put first the lives of the people HE HIMSELF convinced to trust him... Of course they are going to be angry, and even furious finding out that your live is tied to the wellbeing of this person... Also, about Elijah always choosing his family, we know that this is a problem of his character, his devotion towards his family (specially Klaus) goes too far sometimes, this not only has made him do some very questionable things but also works as an excuse for any kind of behavior; but perhaps more importantly is what this devotion does to him and his life outside the family, which renders it basically non existent; his relationship with his own Strix paid the price of that blind devotion, so did his relationship with Celeste, his relationship with Hayley up to a degree as well, his relationship with some of the people from the Mystic Fall gang every time he sided with Klaus or his siblings no matter how bad the acted, his relationship with Marcel... etc. etc. etc... There are many times when Elijah should've assigned some level of priority to other things over his family, not always, but sometimes; and it is clearly a persistent affliction of his character, he still dedicates to everyone but himself, the shoulder that everybody leans on, specially Klaus, but he doesn't have a life of his own, just 1000 years of taking care of the family and babysitting Klaus when, let's face it, most of the time Klaus did not deserved the support or forgiveness that Elijah gave him, specially when that support trampled other aspects of Elijah's life.


Who is the person who who claimed to love Klaus but helped Mikael and Esther still his wolf something he was born as?