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Lucifer 1x4: Manly Whatnots FULL LENGTH!!!

This is "Lucifer 1x4: Manly Whatnots FULL LENGTH!!!" by Victor Bell on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



As far as I know Amenadiel is from the comic books and not based on an biblical angel

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Manly Whatnots- Lucifer is a lovable and an adorable dork. I just love him! :) Thank you both so much for another fantastic reaction, my friends!! I really love this episode. And it's the first of my favorites from season one, because it begins to build up one of the brilliant mysteries about who Lucifer is and what's happening to him when we see the scars on his back from where he had his wings cut off, and see him bleed after becoming wounded upon getting shot by Chloe, which continues to play out throughout the entire show. I love it!! First... I really enjoy the opening scene as we see Chloe struggle to put together all the weirdness and strange things surrounding Lucifer that she can't explain in her head while she's showering, until she hears noise coming in from downstairs only to discover Lucifer has come into her house to cook her breakfast. I just really continue to love their dynamic with one another and the humor they both bring to this show. Also... I love the moment with Trixie once she and Dan walk in to find Lucifer there, while Chloe is wrapped up only in a towel. I love that Trixie immediately rushes over to hug Lucifer once again, as he quickly feels uncomfortable by her embrace. And I love how Lucifer tempts her with bacon in order to try to lure her away from him. They're so cute with one another. I love how Trixie genuinely has come to care about him so quickly, and how she always finds him so funny. I love that she genuinely wants to be friends with him. Their relationship is adorable. As for Dan's coldness towards Lucifer and curtness with Chloe because he thinks Chloe is sleeping with him... to some degree, I can understand why he's upset with the idea that Chloe might have moved on from him, since it's clear that them being separated is more Chloe's idea than his own, and because he still appears to love her. But at the same time, he definitely earns Lucifer's nickname for him here, because Dan acts like a douche towards Lucifer and sometimes Chloe too, including in this moment by acting so judgmental when he tells Chloe he is disappointed with her for choosing to sleep with someone like Lucifer. I like Dan as a character for the most part, but sometimes he also annoys me too. As for the case throughout this episode... I like the overall mystery behind the girl's kidnapping, and getting introduced to Carver, who is a player and who teaches other losers to become players like him through seminars and classes. I didn't initially care much about the girlfriend or her brother because their acting seemed really off for me in the beginning, but then... I wasn't expecting the kidnapper to turn out to be the girlfriend and her brother all along, who have set the player up because he had slept with Lindsey some years earlier and used his night with her to further along his career by including their time together in one of the chapters in his book. I love that Carver wound up falling in love with Lindsey upon meeting her again under a different persona, only for Lindsey and her brother to set him up for what he did to her. All three characters are despicable really, but I love Lucifer's and Chloe's involvement in solving the case, which leads to one of my favorite scenes within this episode. I absolutely love how Lucifer keeps his word with the kidnapper by walking into the warehouse alone without Chloe in order to pay the ransom for Lindsey's safe return, only for him to discover the truth behind the entire case when Lindsey appears behind Carver and shoots him. But more so... I love how Lucifer stands between Lindsey and her brother to protect Carver in spite of recognizing that he wronged Lindsey just as she's now wronged him. I just love how Lucifer recognizes that Carver doesn't deserve to be killed in spite of what he's done, which is why he protects him. This shows us that Lucifer isn't bloodthirsty, or that he wants to make people suffer out of pleasure like you would expect the Devil to want. He demands righteous justice, which I love! And Carver... while he does love Lindsey and he's grown since he first met her two years earlier, he is still despicable. After all... Carver is still teaching men all the wrong and despicable ways to win a girl's heart. I also love how Lucifer approaches Lindsey as he shows her his Devil face to punish her, saying that he's appalled by her actions and her plea for him not to hurt her, when she was willing to kill Carver to make him pay for his own mistakes, like she is making now. And then... we have the moment between Lucifer and Chloe once she appears behind Lucifer, then suddenly sees a brief glimpse of his Devil face within the mirror before he turns around to face her as his true self once more. I love how Chloe suddenly becomes afraid of him, as she asks him who and what he is, only for him to remind her once again that he's told her the truth about him time and time again, then urges her to shoot him so that he can prove to her once and for all that he truly is the Devil like he claims to be. And at last... Chloe suddenly gives in out of pure instinctive fear and shoots him in his leg, then seconds later, Lucifer strangely realizes that he's feeling far more pain than he's ever felt before in all his time on Earth and reaches down to his leg where she shoots him, finding that he is bleeding in spite of it being impossible for him to bleed by any mortal weapon given that he is immortal... or is supposed to be. I love his shock upon discovering he is feeling pain and that he's bleeding. And I also love that this moment brings Chloe to thinking she's been a fool for believing he just might be the Devil like he claims to be upon seeing him to be human capable of being harmed just like like everyone else. I also love the moment between him and Chloe outside of the warehouse once again after they finish speaking with the police Captain, as Chloe questions Lucifer about how he never lies once he had stood up for Chloe to the Captain, and protected her by refusing to say that she had actually been the one to shoot him. I love how Lucifer then responds that he doesn't lie, but that he doesn't always tell the whole truth either. And it's so cute how Chloe then smiles at him as she thanks him for protecting her, then offers to drive him home. Also... I love the conversation between Lucifer and Chloe in her car once they pull up outside of the warehouse to wait to enter before Carver arrives. I love how Chloe questions him about the possibility of him being the Devil and how it feels for him to be shot, then how she explains that she doesn't believe in the Devil, Hell, or in Heaven, but does believe in right and wrong... good and evil. And more so... I especially love the moment Lucifer nervously asks her if she's afraid of him, upon sensing her feeling uncomfortable. You can see in his eyes that he's really worried that she might be afraid of him, which is really sad, but thankfully... she assures him she isn't, until she actually shows her fear in the moment she does actually fear he might be the Devil inside the warehouse when she arrives to keep him from punishing Lindsey. Absolutely brilliant!!! :) Next... I love the scene between Chloe and her daughter after she comes home that night. I love how Trixie sweetly asks her mother if Lucifer is okay once she reveals that she had shot him when Trixie sees the blood on her sweater. And I love how Trixie then talks about her mother having told her that the kid in her class likes her, and compares the story to how Chloe might like Lucifer too because she shot him. So cute!!! And the funny thing is... Chloe doesn't actually deny it before they run back to Trixie's room so she can put her daughter to bed again with a bedtime story. I love Trixie's concern for Lucifer too. Love it!! And then... Maze becomes even more unhappy with Lucifer when he smugly plays off getting shot and smiles at her because he finds that this experience has been exhilarating, and after her earlier confrontation with Amenadiel after he explains that this world is changing Lucifer, she's definitely grown concerned for Lucifer, and even more so because he doesn't see the dangers of possibly becoming mortal. As for how Lucifer continuously asks Chloe to have sex with him and how it's very inappropriate... It's very wrong for him and any man to treat a woman like Lucifer does Chloe. However, Lucifer doesn't understand human feelings, and therefore... while he knows right from wrong and he punishes only those who are truly evil, he doesn't necessarily understand just how inappropriate his actions really are, especially since he's never felt the way he feels towards Chloe about anyone before. And he's never really had to ask a woman to have sex with him before, since one of his Devilish abilities cause all women and even some men to immediately feel attracted to him, as we see with Linda. So I love that we get to see Lucifer struggle to understand why Chloe refuses to sleep with him in spite of his best efforts to convince her to do so. Besides... Lucifer doesn't understand his feelings he's begun to feel for her either, and I feel that the more he grows to respect Chloe, and comes to care more deeply for her, the more he comes to understand that his actions aren't so appropriate. And I think he gets this by the end. There's a lot of humor brought to the episode because of this storyline, but then... there are also some much deeper emotions brought out within this storyline as well, especially once Lucifer comes to understand why she's so upset with him during another of my absolute favorite scenes within this episode. I love, love, love the moment between Lucifer and Chloe when she arrives at his penthouse just before the party, when he appears before her naked, offering her a chance to see him as such to try to make up for him having seen her naked earlier that morning, in spite of him doing so being inappropriate once again. However, in this moment as Lucifer asks her to look at him, it's then that Chloe sees the ugly and painful looking scars on his back from where he had Maze cut out his wings from his body. And then... just as Chloe is about to touch them as she reaches out to do so... Lucifer suddenly grasps her hand to stop her from touching him, and the look on his face is absolute sadness and confusion, as he pleads with her not to touch them. I love how vulnerable he suddenly feels with her in this moment, as we sense that whatever happened to him to get him to have his demon cut off his wings, must have been very painful for him. But he swiftly shrugs his sudden feelings off, and yet you can tell that he still feels uncomfortable while he goes off to get himself dressed because he's still struggling to understand what just happened. This moment is phenomenal, and it adds so much more to his character, which I absolutely love. It's why it's so easily another one of my favorite moments within this episode too. :) And it's after this moment that Lucifer stops asking Chloe to have sex with him, and begins to act more human around her, because he then realizes how it feels to be uncomfortable to feel so vulnerable, since she's acted so uncomfortable around him by his constant prodding to have sex with him and upon him breaking into her home without being invited in by her. He realizes in this moment he's crossed the line, which I really love and appreciate. Overall... this is a phenomenal episode and in my opinion, it's definitely the best so far as you've seen. So, thank you once again! I am so happy to continue watching this phenomenal show with you, and I can't wait for more!! Until then, my friends... Sincerely, Heidi