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tl;dr - This is from a new sex scene in the next release; also I'm revising the intro for the future.

This week's image

This is from the new Emi (and Shizu, sort of) sex scene. It's a follow-up scene to the last one I showed off and I suspect it mostly speaks for itself, so I don't need to say too much. The scene requires you having seen the previous shopping scene, and for this one you also need to have got Emi's sex scene, but it'll be a (slightly) different depending on whether you've seen the Emi/Shizu threesome.

It's an interactive scene and I think the pose turned out quite nicely - I hope you agree!

Polishing the intro

This week I've done quite a lot of work on polishing up the intro sequence for a few reasons:

  • I'm preparing the ground for the pivot to the next phase of development on the game - the more late-stage development cycle (this is a necessary step for that!);
  • it's the first thing I made, so a bit rough, but also the first impression the game makes on players;
  • I've been looking at making some revisions for any future Steam release;
  • and the Shizu ending will unlock a new variation or two there, though I shouldn't say too much about that. ;)

Actually, I'm putting in more variations on that scene in general based on your progression in the game's endings, sorry for the little spoiler there.

Here's a couple of things I've shown on the Discord:

What do you think of the new sex scene? And the intro revisions I'm working on? Let me know in the comments below!



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