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tl;dr - The release will have to pivot to different content this month (Shizu videos are the new focus); and I have a new night life dress for Rin that I'm trying out.

This week's images

I've been toying with new night life outfits for the various ladies recently as I've shown you before, and so I decided to take a shot at one for Rin! (If you don't know who she is, she's not in the game yet but the plan is to introduce her some time kind of soonish, after I've done the Mika ending.)

The first pinup-style image I've included is maybe something I'll use for a collector card, but the second probably gives a better look at what the dress actually looks like, so base judgements a bit more on that one.

Emergency pivot

So this is frustrating, but I've discovered a problem that's going to prevent me getting the Shizu ending done for this month. Therefore I'll be pivoting to some different content instead.

There's some voice acting I need for the scene, without which I think the Shizu ending will be significantly diminished and it would be better for me not to release it until I have that available.

I thought I had it, because I had already received the recording from the voice actor ages ago (back in 2021) but I hadn't got around to editing it until yesterday. At that point I discovered that the most important lines had somehow been cut off and weren't included in the recording.

It's probably going to take a while to get those, plus the Shizu lines (which would also be good to have and are by a different VA) still haven't arrived, so I don't think I can get this release done in the form it should be in by the normal release date - and I don't know if I'll have those most important lines available soon at all. If the VA isn't available any more I might have to find someone else and do a new recording.

Shizu videos

I do have some content I've been putting aside for a future release, so I'll have to collect that and make a release out of it this month. There are a few scenes I'd rather hold back for a little while until I can release them as proper sub-plots, but I do have a batch of Shizu's videos I could put together pretty quickly for a release.

I need to finish some of these up, but because they're a known quantity, I at least am pretty sure I can get them out without too much delay. (That said, I'm unlikely to be releasing on the 2nd of the month like usual - it'll be at least a few extra days.)

The bright side of all this is that the Shizu ending is mostly done, short of some finishing off and getting the voicing in place, so if I get that in soon then there shouldn't be a problem getting out the release next month. If I have to recast the other VA part (the secret, but important one) then things would take a bit longer, but it's still at least somewhat on track.

What do you think of this Rin outfit? And are you frustrated about the change of priorities in the release? Let me know in the comments below!
