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tl;dr - This is from a new Mika scene I'm working on; completing this month's release is stressful but sort of on track.

This week's image

This one isn't coming in the next release - I just thought I might show something a little bit different that I was working on this morning. (Also, I couldn't think of what else to show today.)

Maybe this will come in the next release after this upcoming one... or maybe not. I haven't decided yet, but I'd like to get it done soon.

What could this scene be? Shuji and Mika are at the beach, but I'll tell you right now it's not the beach day!

Completing this month's release is stressful

I've found myself very busy recently and also having a bit of difficulty really focusing on the challenge of completing the Shizu ending. These endings are always really hard for me to get finished, which is part of the reason it's taken so long for me to get to them. (That and they alter the gameplay in certain ways that make it challenging to develop them.)

So that's causing a bit of deadline pressure, which is something I don't love. I tend to work best when I'm free of hard deadlines and I can get more creative than being locked in to making one specific thing. Having something I need to work on even has a tendency to limit my creativity when working on other tasks.

That said, I still think I should be able to finish the release around the same time as usual.

The release cycle

This recent pressure has even got me thinking about maybe switching to a different release cycle, like one release every two or three months (same content amount overall, just in bigger, less frequent releases), but as inviting as that sounds I think I probably won't do that. It tends to hurt patron numbers and I think I can parcel out the content pretty well for these releases compared to a lot of games, so I shouldn't mess with something that works okay.

Unfortunately, you don't get much credit for being highly reliable, following through on promises and getting out frequent, regular releases, but I'm still going to keep trying to achieve that. 

What do you think this new Mika scene is for? And do you care whether the releases are monthly or instead bigger releases less frequently? Let me know in the comments below!




I can't speak for the others but personally I can live with less frequent updates. (Within reason) More content per update would be good since I basically play it everytime anew.


Yeah, I think for regular patrons it'd actually be fine because that's how people tend to play anyway, but it seems to deter less regular patrons. (Perhaps subconsciously - just not getting their attention as much or something.)