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tl;dr - After bringing you up to date on what I'm doing I give you some details on the first release of Let Me Out.

This week's image

Yes, as I mentioned last week there are naked versions of most of the pics now, so there's also a naked version of this pic in the game if you go looking for it. :) Personally, I like it best this way for some reason, maybe because it makes Twyla look more innocent.

Finished the writing commission

So last week I mentioned a recent commission I got to do some writing for another game. Fortunately I finished that this week - I really don't think I'm going to take on anything like that again soon because it was just too distracting from my game work. Not that I didn't make game progress this week, but it was a pretty intense job trying to get that done in time.

Sometimes it helps to get a different project for a little while just to clear out the cobwebs, too. Having the occasional short job seems to help refresh my creative batteries, although at this point I really want to get to a stage where I can just release the first build of LMO. Anyway, this is done now so I can comfortably move on.

If you want to check out the game it's called Karmasutra by Top Hat Studios and it's got a Kimochi fundraising campaign here: https://www.kimochi.co/campaign/52/karmasutra
(Note - I get nothing from you supporting this campaign, my job with them is done, but if you're interested there it is.)


It's also useful, of course, to have a little extra money this month to help make up for the drop off in Patreon support recently. I'm confident I'll be able to rebuild the campaign as I release playable game builds, of course, but I have been hit fairly hard with the unsubscription bat over the last month. No matter, I'm really proud that most of you guys have held on and I plan to reward you with lots of stuff really soon.

In the future I'll probably slightly change my release model; I still want to ultimately be releasing my games free but I just need to figure out the best way to make this a viable enterprise so that I can keep focussing my time on it and not on my day job. I'm thinking I'll probably do something like having two games on the boil at the same time around the release period with my workload slightly staggered so that I'll still have something available when I do the full public release. Or maybe I'll plan for more of a post-release strategy for expanded content updates, or something like that. I do plan for LMO to be supported for a good while. We'll see! I don't want to exploit anyone, I just want to make sure people stay interested in the Patreon campaign.

Let Me Out release (what you probably would prefer to hear about)

I'll probably go into this subject again soon in a public update, but basically I'm planning to have a $10 tier release of LMO available as soon as I can. It'll be fairly crap to start with (in terms of how many commands will get responses) but I'll be using the transcripts you guys send me to expand the content after that. There will be a decent amount of interesting stuff in there, though; certainly more than was in the first release of LMI. 

I will be including a sexy intro, some available interactive commands and four endings to start with. Hopefully none of those endings will be overly hard to get, either. Right now I'm considering a total of twelve endings (although I don't know quite how they'll all go just yet) and I'm open to adding more over time. I'll have to wait and see how things pan out; how much people respond to the game, how many good endings present themselves, how many good ideas I have, etc.

I have quite a few of the images done - dozens, already. I'm also happy with how they've been shaping up. I hope you're happy with what you've seen so far!

So what do you think of what you've seen so far? Or do you have any other comments? If so, please leave them below!




Hi BBBen, all previous images of LMO were geat and this one too but there is something a bit odd about this one. Twyla looks extremely surprised by the gobelin's cock, but this is not her very first one. She shouldn't look that way (I mean with big eyes and the mouth like that, I don't know how to define that in a proper way in English, sorry...). Anyway, you plan to make new content for LMO as regular updates after the inital release is a good idea is every patrons have access to them, or a least for $3 patrons. I hope you will be successful in all your projects. ;)


It's more that she's startled by the size of it. And yes, patrons will get early access to the updates post release; they will go to $10 patrons first, with $5 patrons getting early access to public builds and probably other patrons getting later, but still somewhat early access. :)