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tl;dr - These images are from one of the scenes coming in the next update; I've been sick with the flu and that's slowing me down; and below is a run down of a lot of stuff I'm planning for the future, if you're interested.

This week's image

There's a good chance you've seen the scene that uses a similar image to this. I don't like re-using poses excessively, but this one really stuck out in my mind as a good one, and one that doesn't result in anything other than a little teasing, so it seemed like something I wanted to revisit.

Therefore, here's a couple of pictures from the new scene, in which Shuji will finally get what he wanted out of that moment. And yes, there will also be an equivalent Hirai scene for this one.

As you can tell, this scene uses the massager toy, since among other things I've been wanting to incorporate those toys into the game more.

Sick again

I didn't bring it up here since there was so much else to talk about with the launch of the Lord Goblin campaign and the new build out for PAT with the Nobuko/Mika scenes, but last week I came down with the flu.

It wasn't covid - I was tested for that - but it was pretty nasty and I'm still sick with it after about 10 days. That's been exhausting and it's been hard to work during that time. Not that I haven't been working, mind you, but I haven't been as productive as I normally would. Very bad timing.

I have quite a bit of stuff that's partially ready to go for PAT, but I'm not several builds ahead in the way that I was a few months ago. I probably would be more advanced if not for the illness and for the trouble I had trying to get Mac builds working, recently, which have both eaten up work time I would have liked to be spending on preparing new content.

Future plans

All that said, I've been thinking about when I'm going to do the next "big feature" releases for PAT. I enjoy doing these fun little scenes like I'm mostly making at the moment and you guys seem to be enjoying them too, but I also want to keep progressing with the big steps forward.

The main things I'm looking toward are: the Shizu ending, the Mika ending and the introduction of the fifth harem girl. The first two have to be included before the third can be, and in any case I'd like to be fairly prepared for #5 before she shows up.

I have some ideas, more or less, for the Shizu ending, but I guess I'm just not sure if I really like them enough. I might change what I'm doing with that and take a new approach, because it's not inspiring me right now. I don't really know exactly what I'll do for the Mika ending at all, just yet.

In the meantime, I do have quite a bit of "smaller" stuff to keep working on: 

  • I've toyed with ideas for the Emi/Mika and Shizu/Mika three way scenes, 
  • I'm going to add more toys, gift and costume items, and scenes to go with them,
  • I've got some more Hirai and generally NTR type scenes in reserve, 
  • I've got more phone messages in the shops area coming up, 
  • and there's some new videos Shizu will show that I've already done, which will probably be enough for an update by themselves, some time soon. (I'm holding off on that to see if I decide to make more, so I can do all of them in one big batch.)

So, you can hopefully see there's loads coming up and I just need to get some of it wrapped up and ready. Broadly I've got some other goals for things I'd like to do, like polishing the early areas and having more sexy interactive content available in the early game, but I haven't really got on to tackling that, yet.

The fifth harem girl

As for girl #5, I do have some clear ideas about her, but there's just stuff I want to have done first, like her little animation when you walk into the room with her, and I'd like to have already written and designed a lot of her chat and flashback scenes first before launching into her path.

If you've been following a while you'll probably remember that I've shown images of her before, but I don't want to tease too much right now as it could still be a while before she shows up.

So much stuff here, maybe I should have divided it into a couple of weeks' updates, but I wanted to get all this stated out loud while I still remembered it. 

What do you think of it all? Do you like the look of the new Mika scene? And out of my plans for the future, what sounds like the most interesting stuff to you? Let me know in the comments below!




I like it, i wasn't that interested in toy before but the scene of hirai using one on shizu awoke something in me. Your plan sound great, honestly everything on it are things I enjoy.


Excited for the Shizu and Mika endings and I always like the threesome stuff, not only for the sexy stuff but also because they always do a nice job of fleshing out the girl’s personalities

Wild Bill

Those massagers are an awful lot of fun. Especially for more intense scenes.


They create some variety for the scenes, which is nice.

Wild Bill

It's also nice making a girl cum so hard that she begs you to stop. 😈


Love the Hirai stuff, hope that comes fast


There should be some stuff in the next couple of releases that you'll like, then