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tl;dr - There's a part of the beach day in which you have to compete with Hirai for the girls' time (but only if he already has a relationship with them).

This week's images

Turns out it's not impossible to get Nobuko to take her top off at the beach. Well, you know, that's reasonably common - the only uncommon part of it is Nobuko's boobs themselves.

The first of these images is from taking photos with Nobuko (although you won't get such a nice one if you haven't romanced her) and the second is from the Hirai scene (although that won't happen unless he's "romanced" her). There's an alternative version in which Shuji gets to 

Beach day "competition with Hirai" section

So I said I'd be explaining how the Hirai stuff works for this event. There's a part of the beach day at the end which allows you to interact with all the girls and, if you've achieved their sex scenes, you'll be able to see a short interactive scene with the girl you choose. Emi's blow job from a couple of weeks ago is an example, along with applying sun-tan lotion to Nobuko.

If you have Hirai enabled, however, he'll try and hit on the girls too and effectively get those scenes himself. Now, he won't get anywhere with a woman unless you've allowed him to date her, so I had to program in a whole complex system that means he can be rebuffed, succeed, or that you can prevent him from getting at her by getting the scene first yourself.

Making that work without bugs required some heavy testing and tweaking, so hopefully it'll work! You'll have to decide for yourself how to play this, but if you're trying to just play things out then there's quite a few other things you can also do in that scene, allowing either to happen in a natural way.

A covid scare won't stop my holiday

I spent most of the last week isolating (as much as possible) because I had been exposed to someone with covid. This was a downer for me beyond the usual reasons, because I've also got my holiday scheduled to start on Thursday (Wednesday in US time).

Fortunately I have no symptoms and have tested negative, as have the other people who were with me, so it seems like the sick person (who is also fine) wasn't very infectious at the time. The vaccines and boosters presumably helped, too.

Anyway, that means it's full steam ahead for my trip to Thailand! I'll be away for a couple of weeks but the Patreon will keep on rolling, with comic pages and a game release already scheduled for release while I'm gone!

Are you going to be in an active competition with Hirai? Or just block him outright? Let me know in the comments!




i'm going let hirai enjoy the girls


Was hoping that the main character and Hirai could enjoy them together...


Not this time, but I'm sure there'll be some more of that in the future.

Wild Bill

Nobuko is just gorgeous.


Both men should get to enjoy the ladies


The degenerate in me wants to let Hirai have all the fun.