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What's the status of LMO?

I wanted to make an update to everyone to clarify the current status of Let Me Out, since I haven't talked about that for a little while and you might be wondering. After we fluctuated up and down over and under the funding goal for a while I decided it was a little bit awkward to commit to the project in the way I'd been planning. Also, the timing turned out to be bad - I figured it would be a quicker project I could wrap up fast while you guys were waiting for the full release of PAL.

Long story short, PAL is getting closer and closer to a beta release and I kind of just want to focus on that right now so I get it done in a reasonable time frame. Therefore I decided to schedule Let Me Out as the next release on the schedule after PAL. That might wind up being a slightly weird thing for timing (quite a short time between releasing PAL and releasing LMO) but that shouldn't really be a problem. I moved the funding goal of LMO down to $900 just to show that it's on the schedule and not in doubt.

I do have several pictures and some writing done for it (such as the pic I included above) and LMI didn't actually take all that long to create, so even though LMO will be larger and more complex I still don't expect it to be a long project.

First or second person?

A question in my mind is whether I should go for first person narration from Twyla, ("I'm trapped in a dungeon!") or second person narration ("You're trapped in a dungeon!"). I know there is a minority of players who don't like playing 'as' a female character, so maybe first person perspective would be a good compromise? LMI was in second person, but it's not like I don't already use first person in the Pervert Action games anyway. Tell me what you think!




Personally I don't care, but if the protagonist is a woman using first person you feel more you are interpreting a female.


First person for sure.