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I'd like to know whether I still need to distribute all the different versions of PAT or if I can save myself a bit of trouble and save new players some potential confusion, so please let me know which version of the game you download and play!


Hank Rillek

Seems like most people have a x64 system.


Definitely seems that way, although I don't really mind providing alternatives for those who need them.


Since last year, Windows 10 32-bit isn't even being put on pc's anymore at all, microsoft doesn't allow it. Imho all of the edge cases could be dropped, just keeping windows 64 and HTML (which covers everything anyway :) )


What is the difficultly/time in producing the game for all of these operating systems/platforms?


Sorry, I think the website ate my reply to you yesterday. I just said something about how I might be able to drop it eventually, but as long as there's a few people who still need it I should probably put it out.


Well, first I have to export it, which doesn't take very long, but when I'm doing multiple different platforms involves making sure I've got all the settings right (which can be annoying in VNM as clicking on options doesn't always register), making separate folders and labelling them appropriately. Then, with the new bug fix, I have to paste over the NW.js files for the Windows versions, replacing what was exported. Then I upload them all, then get their links and paste them all in to the post. All in all, an individual extra one isn't too demanding, really, so I'm willing to do them even if it's just for a few people, but I needed to check to make sure people were actually playing every build.


Would it be worth it to make a tool to handle all of this for you? Provided you make your future projects and update current/past projects using VNM. I do not know how powerful VNM is but I don't think it would be impossible with a batch file if VNM proves to be otherwise unable to handle such a task.


I'm not sure; I'm not really used to making batch files for this kind of thing. I'm not really sure it would save me much trouble anyway. I mostly posed the poll because I was wondering if anyone was using the HTML version, since I'm not even sure I can endorse it, it's such a hassle to get running. But it seems there are a smattering of Chromebook users and such out there still going with it.


Totally understandable. I have the same problems with android/ios building myself, which ends up boiling down to users needing it for both so I am required to go through with both of them. I hope you're able to find something to ease the burden of setting up different builds!