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tl;dr - I've done a bit of work on the threesome system, although it may not be ready soon.

This week's image

This is part of my planned threesome for Emi and Nobuko. I did put a version of this on Discord and Twitter this week, but this is the 4k version and I think it benefits from the larger size. Don't forget to click on it to get the full detail.

It might look like Emi's holding a camera or something like that from this angle, but actually she's grabbing one of her buttocks - there'll be another picture showing a closer view of that angle. ;)

The Emi and Nobuko threesome

The Emi and Nobuko combination was the most popular threesome pairing on the poll I did a while back on here, so I know that a lot of you are interested to see this! It's a scene I've intended to do one way or another since first coming up with the characters and I wrote a section of it really early as a way to understand both ladies. I've had various images for the scene at one time or another but I haven't really loved how they've turned out, since in a way this scene kind of has to be good.

This week I took another shot at making some and I'm quite happy with the recent results, finally. I also have some I made (I think) last month that are good, so I'm getting close to having a set of images that I could work with for the scene, even if I might have to discard some of the ideas I had been working on before. It's okay if I do, since I might be able to use those ideas again later - not everything between these two needs to be crammed into a single scene, after all - there can be follow-ups.

I do have more that I can show off as previews, but I'll wait to see if I'm actually getting close with the scene before showing them.

Work on threesome system

In addition to the image design I did a bit of planning for the threesome system that I'm intending to implement; here's how I think it'll work:

  • If you've had sex with both ladies in question, another dating button will unlock, allowing access to two dates: one in the day and one in the evening.
  • These dates will only happen once and will be specific scenes. They'll lower both ladies' jealousy to 0, but will cost a bit more than a normal date.
  • Once you've done both of those dates, you'll unlock a third, which will be the threesome scene!
  • After that, you might find the ladies' attitudes to each other are different, too.

Of course, implementing all these elements will take a while. I've had these threesomes planned from the start, but they're a bit complex to get done. Also, I can't promise you'll get every possible combination, although I do plan to have Emi/Nobuko, Emi/Shizu and Nobuko/Shizu all in there. As for Mika we'll see - I do think Emi/Mika would be a good pairing, though.

I don't know if I'll be ready to add anything for this yet this month, because it would probably involve a fair bit of work, but it might be fun to see what I can get done for it.

Would you like to see the threesome system become a priority or are you hoping I'll prioritise another feature? I tend to follow whatever sparks my interest that month, so no guarantees, but I do like to know your opinions, so let me know in the comments below!



Hank Rillek

Threesomes are definitely a priority! How are you going to communicate to players which pairings are viable though? Not everyone reads these posts, preferably you'll communicate it inside the game somehow.


All three of the original girls will be viable combinations with each other; although of course they'll take a little while to implement, that's fortunately only three different pairings so it's not too hard to manage. Beyond that I don't know how many I'm going to add, but I'll have to think about whether I'd need to signal which options are available.


Will this eventually become a Hirai/Emi/Nobuko NTR option or will that be too many variables?


If I do anything like that it would be a specific scene, if I have an interesting idea for one, rather than a whole system. (So no promises.) It could happen but it's not on my immediate radar.


I have to second that polite request :) The more Hirai content the better, he's practically the MC in my mind when I play the game! I know it's not the focus of the game and that's perfectly fine, but just wanted to pitch in to say that it would be awesome!


I could probably do a different scene with that kind of combination; it just wouldn't be this precise scenario, is all.