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It's here! This is the "Shizu's lips are sealed" release, which includes Shizu's story all the way up to and beyond her sex scene! (With heaps of new content.) Now you can find out the rest of her story and welcome her into the harem... 

There's also a new accelerated start feature to allow you to jump quickly to the harem stage of the story if you've already seen romances! And a huge amount of new voice acting - it's a big update all over.


Cheats: Find them here! 

Change log:

  •  Accelerated start feature - now you can choose to start at day 7, with all the girls' romanced and their sex scenes ready to start, so you don't need to replay the whole game if you've seen those paths before.
  •  Added Shizu's BIG (yes, big!) new sex scene. This features:
    - 5 interactive screens with many options on each one.
    - 5 animations, including sex loops from multiple angles.
    - 25 still images, plus variations.
    - New lines of voice acting, including sex lines.
  •  Added Shizu's blowjob wake-up scene! (2 new pics, plus voice acting.)
  •  Added a large batch of new options in Shizu's conversation menu, which unlock after her sex scene!
  •  Shizu's "romanced" texts (and sexts) are now unlocked, along with an image!
  •  New jealousy argument between Shizu and Emi, after having sex with Shizu.
  •  Added a BIG batch of new voice acting for Cho (in addition to all the new VA for Shizu) in Cho's existing scenes - 50 voiced lines, including sex lines.
  •  New plot scene on day 11, to continue the main story. (Only triggers if you haven't seen Shizu's sex scene.)
  •  Three new collector cards:
    - Shizu's skirt sext
    - Shizu in a t-shirt
    - Shizu's portrait
  •  Added a new butt close up shot of Nobuko for her day 10 laundry day scene.
  •  Minor bug fixes.

Known issues:

  • Saves from previous versions may not load or may cause bugs. I try to  make them as compatible as possible, but this game is all a work in  progress and so sometimes old saves may not work right. 
  • Occasionally, when a new scene is loading, the loading may break and seem to simply be taking forever on the loading screen. This is a crash that will only affect some systems and not others, but might be fixed by running the "Windows 64 bit NO MUSIC" version provided above.




Still have the "Now Loading......." Problem with the no music version. Please help. Thank you


Is it happening when trying to load the apartment, or somewhere else in the game? It's a problem with the audio code in the engine, so I've been desperately trying to come up with a satisfying workaround, since it's not just a simple bug I can fix. I'll try to further minimise possible issues in the next release, but with the engine developers now just basically deciding to ignore the issue and my clever solutions only working sometimes, it's tough for me to give any guarantees.


when meeting the watcher the first time and the watcher reaches for you.


Yeah, that's loading the apartment. If it helps at all, it sounds like it's not failing to load the apartment every single time for you, because it had to load it already to get you that far. It's probably just happening sometimes. I've heard from some testers that got the bug that if they just tried again a couple of times they could get past the bug, although I know that's not a very satisfying solution to offer you.


In the next release I'll make some more changes to help minimise the amount of audio the apartment scene can access, just to try and improve its odds of loading.


I've been looking at the code of the specific scene you're talking about, too, and there's a chance that a couple of fixes I'm making will help out with this problem. I'm hoping to have the next release out in early May, as the content's mostly ready, so it shouldn't be a long wait for that.


Unsure if it matters, but your MAC link file is 15.1, not 15.2


ALSO! I solved the "why" of the previous "Game cannot be opened" errors being thrown. Has to do with OSX's unzip changing permissions and making things weird. Used a different utility, instantly worked fine.


Thanks for pointing out the link problem; I've now fixed that. Also, I'm glad to hear you found the problem there. :)